Integrative and Complementary Medicine Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Complementary vs alternative medicine
Complementary is used along with conventional allopathic medicine, alternative is used in place of conventional medicine
Integrative medicine
Healing oriented medicine that takes into account the whole person (body, mind, spirit) including all aspects of lifestyle and emphasizes making use of both conventional and alternative therapies as well as the partnership between patient and practitioner
Integrative oncology
Based on using western as well as complementary and alternative medicine to evaluate and treat the person
Primary vs secondary vs tertiary disease prevention
Primary - not get the disease
Secondary - detect the disease and treat it
Tertiary - alleviate the symptoms of a chronic disease
Why do patients seek alternatives to traditional western medicine? (4)
- Loss of therapeutic relationship with provider
- mistrust of medical establishment
- comfort themselves
- try to treat and cure their own cancer
Hoxsey therapy
Alternative medicine technique that was promoted as being capable of curing cancer that ultimately led to persecution by the AMA for being baseless despite still being used in some populations in mexioc
System from India emphasizing balance among body mind and spirit
Emphasizes prevention, treatment, and optimal health through use of therapeuic methods and substances that encourage individuals inherent self healing process
Use of small doses of substances to trigger the body to heal itself
Traditional chinese medicine
Concept that excellent nutrioton, health, and living habits are crucial to maintaining the balanced flow of qi, or life energy, thru the body
Mind body modality and examples (4)
Used complementary to traditional medicine to reduce anxiety, disturbance, and improve quality of life
Support groups, cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, creative outlets
A powerful coping tool that is the most underutilized due to patient/provider ambivalence, evidence suggests it improves QOL thru creation of positive mental attitude and sense of inner peace
Manipulative/body based therapies examples (3)
- Therapuetic massage
- Chiropractic
- exercise/physical activity
Energy therapies examples
- Tai chi (purposeful movements)
- Reiki (hands over or on patient)
- Therapeutic touch (Hands used to direct human energy for healing purposes, no actual physical contact)
Energy centers of the body that are like valves thru which conscious energy flows, blockage of the chakras results in disease
Evidence that it can decrease chemo related nausea and vomiting, can be recommended by medical practitioners and very safe generally unless bleeding tendencies
Patients who have cancer or are survivors should be referred to a ___ to correct any deficits incurred from treatment
Strong evidence shows that a diet filled with plant foods helps lower the risk of…
…many cancer
Fiber digestive function***
Provides the bulk to help move waste along in the GI tract by sliding it along and away from the walls of the intestine encouraging passage of stool
A bacteria breakdown product from ingested fiber in the intestines that has evidence to inhibit growth of tumors in colon and rectum
Molecules ingested that protect the body against free radicals (formed from normal metabolism or tobacco smoke) that damage cells, mitochondria, and DNA which can lead to cancer or disease
Dietary supplements
Many are “proprietary blend” which can have substances inside that isn’t researched or regulated under FDA, however some have demonstrated advantages to consumpion
Vit D supplements***
A dietary supplement that is one of the most studied supplements for cancer prevention and treatment (is found in higher levels in people with cancer or obese who cannot get outside), mixed evidence if it should be supplemented
Vit D is an indicator of…***
…overall health
Garlic supplementation***
Many studies have found that those that eat garlic are less likely to develop certain cancers, however supplements have not found the same benefit to immune boosting properties
Green Tea supplementation
Green tea contains a substance called polyphenols that are antioxidants and best taken by drinking
Mushroom product supplementation***
Polysaccharide (phytochemicals) from ganoderma lucidum mushroom* has been shown to inhibit growth and invasiveness of some cancer cells in the lab including some forms of breast cancer*
Ginger supplementation***
Found to help with nausea and vomiting often a side effect of chemotherapy for cancer
L-glutamine supplementation**
Shown in some studies to reduce peripheral neuropathy associated with some chemo drugs
Cannabinoids supplementaiton
THC has evidenced ability to decrease nausea and vomiting as a side efffect of chemo, absorbed best by smoking than oral
Precautionary principle
The idea that a lack of scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason fro not acting in a way that prevents harm to human health or the environment (use when data is limited or non-existent with informed consent to let the patient make a judgement call)
Red flags of alternative medicine (5)
- Using the word cure improperly
- evidence based data not provided when available
- FDA not approved
- refuses insurance
- testimonials