Chemicals and Toxidromes Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Material Safety Data Sheets
Required by OSHA to provide guidance to help workers understand hazards and how to handle toxic materials written in a language anyone can understand (no medical lingo)
Lead in children will replace what in the body?**
Calcium in their bones
Metabolism of fat soluble toxins occurs in the ___, water soluble in the ____
liver, kidneys
4 common groups of toxic substances
- solvents
- metals and mineral dusts
- hydrocarbons and pesticides
- inorganic gases
Solvents toxidrome exposure
Widely used with many applications and industries including aromatic and halogenated compounds primarily exposed via inhalation and skin absorption
Solvent exposure symtpoms (3)
- encephalopathy often acute
- chronic potential progression to dementia
- irritation of skin
Benzene solvent affect on body (2)***
Aplastic anemia and acute myelogenous leukemia
Carbon tetrachloride affect (1)**
-potent hepatotoxicity
Hexanes definition**
A solvent exposure produced by refining of crude oil, formulation of glues for shoes, leather products, and roofing, used in degreasing, forms toxic metabolite
Carbon tetrachloride is seen in what specific group?
Scientific research and synthetic chemistry research
Methylene chloride definition
Solvent agent used as paint stripper, decaffeinator, and pin aerosol spray or blowing agents for polyurethane foams
Carbon disulfide definition
Solvent agent used in shipping containers as a fumigant for pests,
Heavy metals definition
Metal of high specific gravity of 5.0 or over, examples include arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, etc
Arsenic definition
Used as insecticide and herbicide, treatment of lumbar (don’t burn pressure treated lumbar!) occupatinal exposure in smelting of other ores
Acute arsenic poisoning signs and symptoms (6)
- metallic taste
- dry mouth
- dysphasia
- rice water stools
- profound vomiting
- bone marrow suppression lasting
Chronic arsenic poisoning signs and symptoms (6)
- hyperpigmentation
- cancer
- sensorimotor neropathy
- cirrhosis
- megaloblastic anemia
- mee’s lines
Cadmium definition
Heavy metal used in electroplating or alloy batteries, accumulates in the lungs and very slow elimination of up to 33 years
Acute cadmium poisoning signs and symptoms (4)
- retrosternal chest pain
- cough
- dyspnea
- recovers in weeks
Chronic cadmium poisoning signs and symptoms (5)
- kidney damage seeing proteinuria
- lower back pain
- bone pain
- burning iwth urination
- often in post menopausal women (itai itai disease)
What type of chromium is particularly toxic?
Trivalent and hexvalent
Lead definition
Heavy metal found in ores used in pipes, painting, ammunition, leaded gasoline, most absorbed thru the lungs some ingested, stays in body very long time particularly if enters bones
Plumbism definition
Lead poisoning, brings on variety of symtpoms but particularly focused on the brain such as decreased IQ, cognitive deficits, etc in children
Burton’s line
Blue line along the gums with bluish black edging to teeth, strong indicator of chronic lead poisoning
Blood lead level indicative of exposure
> 10mcg/dL
Mercury definition
Heavy metal liquid that evaporates at room temp and is highly toxic, usually seen in inorganic form in light bulbs, dentistry, battery, medical and scientific equipment
Mad hatter’s disease
Toxicity due to mercury exposure over time causing paresthesias, vision and hearing impairment, slurred speech, anxiety, hallucinations, irritability, depression, lack of coordination, tremors
Mercury poisoning acute effects (2)
- corrosive effects causing nausea, abdomoinal pain
- chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary edema
Mercury poisoning chronic effects (5)**
- mad hatter’s disease
- tremor
- gingivitis
- odd behavior (erethism)
- minamata disease (neurologic caused by poisoning)
Medical management of heavy metal toxicity
-chelation therapy
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons definition
Formed from incomplete combustion of coal or oil, exposure increases risk of lung and bladder cancer, seen occupational exposure in gas, iron ad steel foundaries, chimney cleaning, roofing, etc, exposed generally in the environment especially worsened in air pollution
Soot wart
Chimney sweeper cancer in children identified as children chimney sweepers who would sweat would find soot trapped in the rugae of the inferior surface of the scrotum developing squamous cell carcinoma of the scrotum
Organophosphates and carbamates* definition and signs and symptoms (9)*
- Largest portion of acute systemic insecticide poisonings that act by inhibiting enzyme acetycholinesterase
- patient presents with diarrhea and cramping, chest tightness, salivation, blurred vision, urinary incontinence, profuse sweating, bradycardia, muscle twitching and weakness, tremor
Organophosphate induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP)
Characterized by flaccid paralysis of lower limbs
Organopohosphate treatment options (2)
- airway protection
- atropine sulfate IV
DDT pesticides impact on bald eagles
Causes their shells to become incredibly fragile and often break resulting in near extinction of the bald eagle
Pyrethroid pesticides definition and signs and symptoms (4)
- Synthetic versions of pesticides that mediate toxicity via funcitonal changes to sodium channels
- salivations, NVD, tremor, seizures
How does cyanide and carbon monoxide poison?
Interfere with cellular respiration and o2 transport respectively making them rapidly fatal at sufficient dose
Ammonia + bleach
Highly toxic biproduct from reaction between 2 that can cause irritant effect on upper respiratory tract