Growth and Development Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
4 periods of development
Preschool years
Middle childhood
5 major areas of normal development
1) gross motor skills (walking running)
2) fine motor/adaptive skills (writing, manipulating, hand eye)
3) language skills (hearing, language comprehenison and use)
4) personal/social skills (socialization, care for self)
5) cognitive skills (higher mental processing including comprehension, memory, and logical reasoning)
___ works with fine motor skills, ___ work with gross
Occupational therapist, physical therapist
Gross motor skill progression
1 month - raise head 2 month - lift chest off table 4 month - roll from front to back 6 month - sits unsupported 9 month - crawl, pull to stand, cruise (walk with support) 12 month - walk alone 15 month - walk backwards 18 month - runs 3 years - pedals a tricycle 4 years - hops 5 years - skips, jumps
Fine motor/cognitive progression
1 month - tight grasp 2 month - no longer clench fist tightly 4 month - hold hands open, follow 180 deegrees 6 month - raking grasp 9 month - pincer grasp 12 month - release hand voluntariliy 15 month - tower of 2 blocks 18 months - tower of 3 blocks 2 years - tower of 7 blocks 3 years - copies a circle 4 years - can copy squrae, button 5 years - can copy a triangle
Language progression
1 month - alerts to sound 2 month - smiles socially 4 months - laughs 6 months - babbles 12 months - use 2 words, waves bye 15 months - 4-6 words 18 months - 15 words 2 years - uses 2 word sentences 3 years - 3 word sentences 4 years - knows color 5 years - knows opposites
Social skills progression
1 month - regards face 2 month -recognizing parent 4 month - enjoy looking around 6 month - recognize strangers 9 month - plays pat a cake 12 month - imitates action 15 month - use spoon and cup 18 month - copies parents tasks and plays in company of children 2 years - parallel play 3 years - group play 4 years - plays cooperatively 5 years - plays competitive games
Warning signs for milestones at 2 months
child not responding to loud noises, doens’t follow things that move, doesn’t smile, doesn’t bring hands to mouth, cannot hold head up when laying on belly
warning signs for milestones at 4 months
doesn’t watch things when they move, doesn’t smile, unable to hold head steady, cannot role from stomach to back
warning signs for milestones at 6 months
doesn’t try to get things out of reach, shows noa ffection, does not respond to sounds, doesn’t roll over, doesn’t laugh, seems stiff and tight or floppy
warning signs for milestones at 9 months
doesn’t bear weight, doesn’t sit with help, doesn’t babble, doesn’t play games, does not respond to name, doesn’t look where you point, doesn’t transfer toys from one hand to another
Warning signs for milestones at 12 months
does not crawl, cannot stand hwen supported, doesn’t search for things you hide, doesn’t say a single word, doesn’t point to things, loses skills
Warning signs for milestones at 18 months
-doens’t walk, doesn’t copy others, doesn’t gain new words, doesn’t notice if caregiver leaves or returns, doesn’t throw temper tantrums
Warning signs for milestones at 2 years
-doesn’t use 2 word phrases, doesn’t know what to do with objects, doesn’t follow simple instructions
Warning signs for milestones at 3 eyars
Falls down a lot and has toruble with stairs, unclear speech, doesn’t want to play with other children,
Warning signs for milestones at 4 years
0cannot jump, scribble, ignores others, resists dressing, sleeping, using toilet
Warning signs for milestones at 5 years
-doesn’t show wide range of emotions, trouble focusing on one activity for more than 5 min, doesn’t respond to people, cannot give first and last name, cannot draw pictures, cannot brush teeth, dry and wash hands and get undressed without help, should be potty trained (not without occasional nocturesis)
How do we screen for developmental milestones? (4)
- parent paper questionairres (MCHAT)
- question parents directly
- assess directly in office
- refer to specialist
Why should a gestational age be considered in meeting milestones?
They will not meet the milestones for their age, they will be delayed, but they should be appropriate for their gestational age, typically they catch up
Recall female tanner staging
I-V, I has no breast and no pubic hair, V has fully developed breasts and full pubic hair
Recall male tanner staging
I is small, hairless genitals
II sees some hair on the pubic symphysis
III is more than II
IV is full hair on pubic symphisis but none on the surounding thighs
V is hair on the thighs and pubic symphsis
Normal weight progression
Newborn - lose 5-10% of birth weight but regain by 2 weeks
4-6 months - double birth weight
1 year - triple birth weight
1-2 - gain about 5 lbs
Rapid increase in head circumference usually around 6-12 months requires ruling out…
Normal growth length progression
1 year grow to height 50% that of birth length
4 years height is double the length at birth
Rapid jump or decrease in percentile on growth curve can indicate these 3 things
- neglect and abuse
- endocrinology
- decreased nutrition