Child Abuse Reporting Online Course Flashcards
In a state supervised, county administered state such as Pennsylvania, who is responsible for continuously assessing and/or investigating the safety and wellbeing of the child?
County children and youth agencies
T/F ChildLine is Pennsylvania’s hotline for reporting suspected child abuse?
When does ChildLine accept reports of suspected abuse?
T/F The county children and youth agency is responsible for investigating suspected child abuse - child protective services; and assessing the need for general protective services.
T/F General Protective Services provided by the county children and youth agency are services provided when protective services are required in non-abuse cases, or those cases that do not rise to the level of child abuse as per the CPSL
Under CPSL an individual under 14 cannot be a…
According to PA law, in order for child abuse to occur there needs to be an act or failure to act, a perpetrator and a ___________
The CPSL defines a child as an individual under the age of
Which is NOT referenced in the definition of child abuse?
Pain and impairment are considered when defining what types of abuse?
Bodily injury
A psychological condition that is diagnosed by a doctor or licensed psychologist that causes the child to be chronically and severely anxious, agitated or depressed is called ____________.
serious mental injury
Incest, prostitution, indecent exposure and involuntary deviate sexual intercourse are examples of what type of abuse?
sex abuse or exploitation
T/F The identity of the perpetrator must be known in order to make a report of suspected child abuse to ChildLine?
___________ is defined as something that is done to harm or cause potential harm to a child.
T/F In Pennsylvania, in certain circumstances a fourteen year old youth can be considered a perpetrator of child abuse?
___________is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or service through the use of force, fraud or coercion, for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery.
labor trafficking
T/F Youth who willingly participate in sexual acts to survive are victims of sex trafficking.
Unexplained injuries, multiple bruises, burns and injuries that are inconsistent with a child’s age or developmental level can be physical indicators of what type of abuse?
bodily injury
Fire-setting, cruelty to animals, inappropriate sexual play and or drawings can be examples of behavioral indicators for what type of abuse?
sexual abuse or exploitation
T/F A parent who is emotionally disconnected and neglectful of their child can result in the child assuming the parental role or becoming parentified
The caregiver withholding affection and expressing indifference to the child may be a behavioral indicator of adults who commit what type of child abuse?
Serious physical neglect
Reasonable cause to suspect
determination you make, based on your knowledge of circumstances, your observations, your familiarity with the individuals, and your feelings about the incident.
Effects of child abuse on the child (6)
- hyper-responsiveness
- diminished executive funcitoning
- delayed developmental milestones
- weakened response to positive feedback
- complicated social interaction
- trauma
T/F Once a call comes in about an African American child, the report is more likely to be substantiated and that child is more likely to be removed from home and stay away from home longer than a Caucasian child
Steps in process of a mandated reporter
- report to childline
- report to institution/school/facility
- childline determines next steps
when an individual 14 years of age or older makes a specific disclosure to her that the individual has committed child abuse, does a therapist have to report as a mandatory reporter?
T/F A mandated reporter must report suspected child abuse in certain situations outside of their work when a person makes a specific disclosure to the mandated reporter that an identifiable child is the victim of child abuse
The “Right to know”
The Department must notify the mandated reporter of the final status of a report, and about services provided or arranged, within three (3) business days after receiving the final results of an investigation.
Continual failure to report can result in
a third degree felony
ChildLine will refer a report of abuse to the appropriate county agency and law enforcement officials when….
…The report also alleges that a criminal offense has been committed against a child
Who does the county children and youth agency have to verbally notify of the right to have an attorney present during the interview before interviewing them?
the alleged perpetrator
If the county children and youth agency arrives at the home and finds the child without proper parental care or control, the agency would then provide which type of service?
General protective services