Past Perfect Subjunctive 1 Flashcards
Hello Paco! If I had known you were already in the cafe, I would have come earlier. She was window shopping to stall time.
¡Hola, Paco! Si hubiera sabido que estabas ya en el café, habría venido antes. Estaba mirando escaparates para hacer tiempo.
Hello Raul! Actually, I just arrived. Five minutes ago, you wouldn’t have found me here.
¡Hola, Raúl! En realidad, acabo de llegar. Hace cinco minutos, no me hubieras encontrado aquí.
I notice you sad, as if something had happened to you.
Te noto triste, como si te hubiera pasado algo.
Why not? I would have if the opportunity had presented itself.
¿Por qué no? Yo lo habría hecho si se hubiera presentado la ocasión.
Yes, Raulito, but you are you and I am me. Surely, if you had been (to be) there with Ana, you would have acted very differently than I did.
Sí, Raulito, pero tú eres tú y yo soy yo. Seguro que, si hubieras estado (estar) allí con Ana, habrías actuado de forma muy distinta a como hice yo.
Well, you can be sure that I would have at least gotten a second date with her.
Bueno, puedes estar seguro de que yo al menos hubiera conseguido una segunda cita con ella.
Oh yeah? Tell me how.
Easy. She would not have forgotten (I would not have forgotten) to ask her for the phone number.
¿Ah, sí? Explícame cómo.
Fácil. No me hubiera olvidado (I wouldn’t have forgotten) de pedirle el teléfono.
Yes you’re right! I wish I had asked (asked) for the phone!
¡Sí, tienes razón! ¡Ojalá le hubiera pedido (pedir) el teléfono!
Yes, now you will spend the rest of your life wondering whether or not she would have agreed to go out with you again.
Sí, ahora te pasarás el resto de tu vida preguntándote si ella hubiera aceptado o no salir otra vez contigo .
No, nothing happened to me. It’s just that I can’t stop thinking about Ana. I wish my date with her had worked (worked), but it was a disaster.
No, no me ha pasado nada. Es solo que no puedo dejar de pensar en Ana. Ojalá mi cita con ella hubiera funcionado (funcionar), pero fue un desastre.
No, she would never have done (do) such a thing on a first date.
No, nunca hubiera hecho (hacer) tal cosa en una primera cita
If she had been romantic, you could have kissed her in the moonlight.
Si ella hubiera sido (had been) romántica, podrías haberla besado a la luz de la luna.
No, I hadn’t bought anything from her, but I doubt that she would have liked (to like) that. She did not strike me as a very romantic woman.
No, no le había comprado nada, pero dudo que a ella eso le hubiera gustado (gustar). No me pareció una mujer muy romántica.
Had you bought her flowers or chocolates?
¿Le habías comprado flores o bombones?
In your place I would not have told her that she had two daughters. I would have waited to get to know her better.
Yo en tu lugar no le hubiera contado que tenía dos hijas. Habría esperado a conocerla mejor.
Well, I don’t know. She may have been scared (scared). It was just her first date!
Bueno, no sé. Es posible que se hubiera asustado (asustarse). ¡Era solo su primera cita!
If she had explained to him that I am looking for a serious relationship, she would have trusted me more.
Si le hubiera explicado que estoy buscando una relación seria, ella habría confiado más en mí.
What other things do you think you should or should not have done?
¿Qué otras cosas piensas que hubieras debido (deber) hacer o no?
I agree. If you had shown (you had shown) more interest in her, she would also have been more interested in you.
Estoy de acuerdo. Si hubieras mostrado (you had shown) más interés por ella, ella también se habría interesado más por ti.
Perhaps if she had asked (ask) him more about her life, she would have been flattered.
Quizá si le hubiera preguntado (preguntar) más sobre su vida, ella se habría sentido halagada.
Maybe, but I like to go with the truth ahead. It seems to me that not saying it would have been (would have been) hiding a very important part of my life.
Tal vez, pero a mí me gusta ir con la verdad por delante. Me parece que no decirlo hubiera sido (would have been) ocultar una parte muy importante de mi vida.
Well, you wouldn’t have lied, you would only have been cheap with the truth.
Bueno, no hubieras mentido, solo habrías sido económico con la verdad.