Module 9-oil seed prosessing Flashcards
what are the steps of oil extraction
The derivation of edible oils from oilseeds involves primary processing of oilseeds, oil extraction, and secondary processing or refining.
what is the purpose of primary processing
Primary processing begins with cleaning the seed to remove foreign materials
what determines the specific needs of the seed preparation
The specifics of the seed preparation are determined by the nature of the oilseed and the extraction process employed to remove the oil from the seed
why are seeds dehulled
Seeds are usually dehulled, at least partially, using an aspiration system to reduce the fibre content of the extracted meal
how is dehulling carried out
Dehulling may be preceded by warming and/or increasing the moisture content
why is dehulling benifical for oil extraction
Dehulled seed destined for direct solvent extraction is generally flaked to increase the efficiency of extraction by increasing available surface area and the rate of solvent percolation through the bed of material from which the oil is being extracted
how is flaking done
Flaking may also be preceded by warming and/or increasing moisture content
what happens to oilseeds destined for pressing
Oilseeds destined for pressing are usually flaked and cooked prior to pressing to increase handling properties and increase oil recovery.
what is a downfall to cooking oil or meal during processing
Cooking also denatures enzymes that can damage the quality of the oil or meal during processing.
what is the final step of the primary processing
Pressing is the final primary processing step
what does the presses meal contain
The pressed meal contains a relatively high concentration of oil
what are the steps of the primary processing of oil sees
1) cleaning
2) seed preparation
3) dehulling
4) flaking
5) pressing
6) press cake preperation
7) solvent extraction
what comes off the pressing process
crude oil
what comes off the solvent extraction process
solvent & mean and solvent & oil
how are soy means primarily processed
Soybeans prepared for extraction are cracked into four to eight pieces with fluted cracking rolls, separating the hull from the cotyledon chips via aspiration, tempering the chips with steam to 60 to 65°C and flaking the chips to 0.3 mm thickness with smooth flaking rolls. Oil is then removed by direct solvent extraction.
what are the three main methods of oil extraction
(1) pressing, (2) solvent (hexane) extraction, and (3) prepress-solvent extraction, a combination of pressing and solvent extraction
what is the oil recovered by in prepress-solvent extraction
In prepress-solvent extraction, the bulk of the oil is recovered by pressing and the oil remaining in the presscake is removed with hexane
what is the main determinant of what method is used to extract oil
The oil content of the oilseed is the principle determinant of which extraction method will be used
how are hard oilseeds usually extracted
Hard oilseeds with oil contents of twenty percent or less (low oil) are usually extracted with solvent only
how are softer oilseeds usually extracted
softer oilseeds with higher oil content are typically extracted using prepress-solvent extraction
what kind of oilseeds are pressed
Pressing alone is used only for oilseeds such as olives, palm and cacao and oils produced for markets specifying a non-hexane extracted oil.
what are something unrefined oils can contain
In addition to triglycerides, unrefined oils can also contain monoglycerides, diglycerides, free fatty acids, phosphatides (diglycerides with a phosphate group or phosphate derivative at one position), waxes (fatty acids esterified to long chain alcohols in place of glycerol), carotenes and chlorophyll.
why is refining done
Secondary processing or refining is undertaken to improve the appearance, flavor, odour and stability of extracted fats and oils
what are the steps of refining
Following filtration, the oil refining process involves degumming, alkali refining, bleaching, and deodorization