Module 6-Live stock production & animal biodiversity Flashcards
what is a concern to livestock production and genetics
a particular concern to livestock production is the reduction in the number of livestock breeds and the loss of genetic resources in domesticated species
how many breeds of livestock were lost between 1995 and 2015. why is this alarming when it comes to biodiversity
Between 1995 and 2015, two hundred breeds of livestock were lost and the majority of these were local indigenous breeds in developing countries with unique adaptations to their local environments
how many livestock breeds are at risk of extinction
Thirty percent of the world’s livestock breeds are classified as endangered while the risk status of almost sixty percent of the livestock breeds is unknown
why is genetic diversity so important
Genetic diversity increases species’ ability to adapt to changing environments and disease challenges; loss of genetic diversity renders the species more susceptible and threatens global livestock production if species are unable to meet the challenges of changing conditions
can loss of genetic diversity be recovered
no, it cant
what has caused marjor loss in genetic diversity
Much of the loss has arisen as a result of the globalization of corporate intensive livestock operations with their use of a limited number of highly productive breeds that have been selected for efficiency and performance within the intensive management systems
who are the major guardians of local livestock genetics
small stakeholder
what is the importance of locally adapted genetically divergent stocks
the importance of locally adapted genetically divergent stocks is because they can protect all livestock species from climatological and disease threats
what are the FAOs 8 threats to livestock genetic diversity
1) indiscriminate cross-breeding
2) introduction of exotic breeds
3) weak policies or institutions
4) lack of profitability/competitiveness
5) production system intensification
6) diseases/disease management
7) habitat loss
8) inbreeding depression
how is the genetic diversity of the dairy indistry
it is dominated by the Holstein breed they account for over 50% of the milk produced in the world. Studies on the genetic diversity within the Holstein breed have revealed a narrow genetic pool that limits the breed’s adaptability. It is important that we not lose the valuable traits of other dairy breeds that contribute to the diversity of the global population and preservation should not be limited to the western dairy breeds
how is the genetic diversity of the swine and poultry industry
Over one-third of the global pork supply comes from large commercial companies and commercial layer companies supply over 80% of the world’s egg market. These companies utilize only a small number of breeds in the development of commercial stock and increase the risk of losing global genetic diversity within the population
what livestock sector accounts for the most genetic diversity
the beef industry
why is does the beef industry have more genetic diversity than other sectors
because extensive management of the cow-calf sector requires that animals be suited to the environment in which they are raised
why isn’t the beef industry perfect when it comes to genetic diversity
the beef industry is still dominated by a relatively small number of breeds, heavily selected for production, and the global exchange of genetic stocks further limits the number of breeds in use
what has been the biggest threat to genetic diversity in agriculture
it has been the rapid spread of intensive large-scale livestock production based on a small number of breeds.
what is the biggest threat to lack of genetic diversity
it has the potential to leave us without the resources to future challenges such as environmental change, emerging diseases or wider spread of existing diseases, advances in human nutritional requirements, or changing dietary preferences.
what makes it easier for the livestock population to withstand changes
The more diverse the livestock population is, the better it will withstand changes and be able to survive as an integral part of agriculture.
what is something important to livestock breeders to know
For the breeders of livestock, diversity is necessary to advance selection and to develop new breeds