Module 7-The Canadian dairy industry Flashcards
how big is the Canadian dairy industry? how much income comes in?
the third largest agricultural sector in Canada bringing $6.64 billion in net farm receipts
how big is the dairy industry
10,371 dairy farms that were home to a national population of 1.4 million head in 2018-19
how many hecto letters of plant processed milk was produced in Canada
Plant processed milk from dairy cows amounted to 92 million hectolitres (hl) in 2019
how many hecto letters of fluid milk was produced in Canada
Fluid milk production was 27.4 million hl
how many hectoliters of industrial milk was produced in Canada
industrial milk production was 62.2 million hl
how many hectolitres of organic milk was produced in Canada
1.3 million hl of organic milk
how many hectoliters of goats milk was produced in Canada
an estimated 62.2 million l
what products does the Canadian fluid milk industry produce
fluid milk industry that produces table milk, creams and flavoured milks
what does the Canadian industrial milk industry produce
the industrial milk industry used to make products such as yogurt, cheese, ice cream, butter and milk powders.
whats the order for highest per capita consumption of Canadian dairy products
1) fluid milk
2) cream
3) cheese
4) yogurt
5) ice cream
6) yogurt
what makes the canadian dairy industry world renowned
The Canadian dairy herd is world-renowned for its superior genetics and the strong dairy cattle improvement and genetic evaluation programs implemented throughout the sector with more than three-quarters of Canadian dairy herds represented in national milk recording programs
what countries are Canadian dairy genetics exported to
Canadian dairy genetics are exported to the USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, Australia, Germany, Japan and numerous other countries
how are Canadian genetics sold how much income do they make a year
Canadian export sales of live cattle, semen and embryos were valued at $148.9 million in 2019
what makes Canadian dairy cows the top milk-producing cows in the
World-class genetics and a refined production system have made Canadian dairy cows the top milk producing cows in the world
what is the Canadian average amount of milk for a 305 day lactation
10,519 kg
what is the Canadian average fat present in milk
what is the Canadian average protein percent in milk
how much of the national herd does the Holstine make up
The Holstein breed comprises 93% of the national dairy herd
what are some other breeds thank make up the canadian herd
Other breeds found on Canadian dairy farms include Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Canadienne, Guernsey, Jersey and Milking Shorthorn
what is happening with the demand for fluid milk
The demand for fluid milk has been increasing slowly
what is happening with the demand for skim milk
demand for skim milk has been stable
what has happened with the demand for 3.25%, 1%, 2% and chocolate milk
demand for 3.25% milk has declined while demand for 1%, 2% and chocolate milk have been on the rise as consumers shift to lower fat products
what has happened with the demand for yogurt
Yogurt consumption has been rising steadily over the past twenty years
what has happened with the demand for cheese
cheese demand continues to show a gradual increase