Module 6-free range and grass fed Flashcards
what is the free-range and grass-fed market
The “free-range” and “grass-fed” markets are specialty niche markets that serve a public willing to pay more to purchase these products
it costs more to raise animals in this market. how do farmers turn a profit
The higher costs of production, higher mortality, and lower productivity are offset by higher consumer prices and production for these markets can be more profitable than conventional production methods
does this market contribute much to food security
higher resource requirements and higher costs to consumers mean that these products do not contribute to food security for those in need.
why isn’t grass fed most of the time more sustainable
the higher land resource requirements render the systems unsustainable if they are considered as replacements for conventional production systems
what is the wheel of chicken
something chicken farmers came up that explains what the designations on the labels for chicken mean
for the wheel of chicken do some of the designations actually differentiate from a chicken being purchased from any other chicken that would be purchased without such a label
what is grass-finished or 100 percent grass-fed beef
Grass-finished or 100 percent grass-fed beef comes from cattle that have not been fed grain
how is most beef finished in Canada
Most Canadian cattle are finished on a diet that includes grain.
what is the difference between grass-finished beef and pasture finished beef
Grass-finished beef is not necessarily the same as pasture-finished beef; feedlots providing only dried forage (hay) to finishing beef are also producing grass-finished beef. Pasture-finished beef is produced by cattle not confined to a feedlot.
what is the Certified Humane® Raised & Handled logo
the website states “when you see the logo on a product, you can be assured that the food products have come from operations that meet precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment.”
how do producers become certified humane
Producers seeking the Certified Humane designation must register with the company that ensures its standards are met through farm inspections.
egg designation: regular brown or white eggs
hens are housed in small group settings
egg designation: enriched colony or furnished eggs
hens are housed in a small group setting with amenities such as perches and curtained off area where the hens lay their eggs
egg designation: eggs from hens fed a vegetarian diet
hens are red a diet containing only ingredients of plant origin; this is a special case because hens are omnavores
egg designation: free-run eggs
hens roam the entire barn floor and have access to the outdoors when weather permits; outdoors is seasonal in Canada
egg designation: organic eggs
hens are raised in a free-range system with access to the outdoors and are fed certified organic feed. farmers must follow the Canadian organic standards regulated by the Canadian food agency