Module 2-Domesticated livestock Flashcards
What is involved in the pathway to domestication
raising animals in captivity and controlling reproduction to select animals of the desired phenotype
What is introgressive domestication
it’s a slower process because it permits the mating of captive animals with the wild populations from which they were derived. The beginning of domestication is often accompanied by a lengthy period during which mating with wild populations continues. Ie reindeer
What is the commensal pathway
whereby populations of wild animals are initially attracted to human camps or settlements by the presence of human food and waste and smaller animals seduced by the presence of human food and waste
What does synanthropes domestication mean
Animal populations lured by the resources surrounding humans and maintaining their existence near human habitats
Explain how the commensal path way works
it takes animals from a stage where they are attracted to areas populated by humans through becoming habituated to the presence of humans and the development of a commensal relationship where one species benefits from the presence of a second species with no consequences to the second species
What pathway was the dog domesticated
the commensal pathway
How were most livestock domesticated
the prey pathway
How does the prey pathway work
populations of wild animals that were a prey species for humans were gradually brought into captivity and subjected to reproductive management that directed their evolution towards traits desired by the humans controlling them
What method of domestication was found because of the prey pathway
the directed pathway
How does the directed pathway work
these species were deliberately sought out, captured, and brought under managed control by humans who then directed their breeding
Why didn’t the direct pathway always work
ancestors may have attempted this process with many species that failed to make the grade; they may have been too aggressive or too fearful to manage safely
What’s an example of an animal that was domesticated through the directed pathway
the horse, donkey and camel were believed to of been domesticated this way
What is believed to be the first livestock to be domesticated
sheep and goats (its believed sheep first)
When and where were sheep and goats first domesticated
Eurasia apprx 10,000 years ago
How were sheep domesticated
they were domesticated through multiple domestication events involving wild mouflon subspecies in southwestern Asia that have given rise to all of today’s domestic sheep breeds
What were sheep first used for
When were sheep used for wool
about 2000 years after they were domesticated
What was the pathway of sheep domestication
This pathway of domestication moves a species from being wild prey to managed game animals, to herd management and then to directed breeding for more desirable traits. This pathway occurs as management of a disappearing resource
How many sheep are there in the world
there are just over 1 billion sheep
How much does sheep meat contribute to global meat consumption
about five precent
What is a group of sheep called
a flock. A big group is called a band or mob
What is a adult male and young adult male sheep called
ram and ram lamb
What is a castrsted male sheep called
a wether
What is an adult and young female sheep called
a ewe or a ewe lamb