module 8-wheat Flashcards
what is wheat a group of and what is its genis
a group of cereal grass species of the genus Triticum
what is Einkorn wheat
is believed to be the first wheat cultivated in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East 11,000 years ago
how long has einkorn wheat been eaten for
archeological evidence shows that wild einkorn and emmer (Triticum dicoccum) wheats were consumed by hunter gatherers at least 75 thousand years ago
what has wheat as a crop accomplished compared to
Evolutionarily speaking, since its domestication, wheat has become one of the most successful plants in the world
how much land does wheat cover in the world
2.25 million square kilometres
what makes up a wheat kernel
consist primarily of starch (the principal component of the starchy endosperm) and lesser amounts of dietary fibre (in the starchy endosperm and bran) and fat (concentrated in the germ)
what is the nutritional composition precent of wheat kernels
Nutritionally, the wheats are 65 to 70 percent starch, nine to fifteen percent protein, and two percent lipids
where are the nutritional components of the kernel located
The germ and the bran contain most of the dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals while the endosperm is comprised mostly of starch and protein
how is the wheat kernel characterized
The wheat kernel is characterized by a deep ventral crease
what is the kernel comprised of and what do the structures do
The wheat kernel is comprised of the germ (embryo), the starchy endosperm that provides food for the germinating seed and protective layers
what part of wheat is used to produce flower
they starchy endosperm is the raw material used to produce flour
what makes wheat special among the cereals
the proteins of the starchy endosperm, collectively referred to as gluten, have dough forming and gas retaining properties that can be used to manufacture bread, pasta, noodles and other food products
what is referred to as gluten
the proteins of the starchy endosperm
what are the most important commercial wheats
The most important commercial species of wheat are Triticum aestivum (common wheat) and Triticum durum (durum wheat)
what kind of wheat is used to make bread and what kind is used to make pasta
Triticum aestivum is considered to be a bread-making wheat while Triticum durum is used to produce pastas although these wheats have additional uses and other wheats can be used for bread and pasta making.
what are the market classes of wheat defined by
are defined by the hardness, protein content, and dough-forming properties of the starchy endosperm
what does the market classes of wheat indicate
The market classes indicate the principal end-use of the wheat: durum wheat is used in the manufacture of pasta, hard wheat is used for making breads and soft wheats are used in cookies, cakes, and pastries
how is the wheat segregated into market classes based off of
Wheat is segregated into market classes on the basis of growth habit, colour, hardness, protein content, gluten strength and end-use functionality
when is spring wheat planted and harvested
Spring wheats are planted in the spring and harvested in late summer or early fall
when are winter wheats planted and harvested
winter wheats are planted in the fall and harvested late spring or early summer
why are winter wheats beneficial and not? why are spring wheats beneficial and not
Winter wheats may be better protected from insects and diseases that affect spring wheats but they can be challenging to grow where winter conditions are severe and winter wheat yields are usually lower than those achieved with spring wheats
How are the market classes divided
The market classes are divided into grades according to end-use potential (quality)
what does wheat grades determine interms of profit
Wheat grade determines the price paid to the producer
what is the quality of the wheat an indicator of
The quality of the wheat is an indication of how well it will serve its end-use