Module 1-Global hunger and malnourishment Flashcards
What does MDER stand for?
Minimum Dietary Energy Requirement
What is the minimum dietary energy requirement
The dietary energy deemed essential to sustain life and engage in light activity
How do you define malnourishment?
an insufficiency or an excess of any nutrient that negatively impacts health status
results from diets that are lacking in energy, protein, vitamins and/or minerals, do not contain sufficient fruits, vegetables or livestock products or consist of an excess of potentially harmful products such as sugars and saturated fats
What are macronutrients?
Protein, Carbohydrates & Fats
What are micronutrients?
Iron, Vit A, Zinc, Iodine, B12, Folate, etc.
in 2018 how many people were undernourished
11% of the world’s population or one in every nine persons was undernourished
where did most of the undernourished people live
Over 98% of the undernourished live in developing countries
what doesn’t the definition of undernourishment take into account for people in developing countries
It is important to note that the definition of undernourishment deals strictly with caloric intake for maintenance and light activity; it does not take into account the fact that a large percentage of the people living in developing countries have requirements far exceeding maintenance as their lives are laboriously arduous
How many deaths of children under the age of five is under nourishment responsible for
Under norismenr is responsible for approximately half of the deaths of children under the age of five
what are some characteristics of children suffering form undernourishment
underweight, physically wasted or stunted depending on the degree of insufficiency
what kind of development does energy insufficiency impact in children
Energy insufficiency impacts both physical and cognitive development of children; those surviving suffer the impacts of irreversible damage
to feed the world by 2050 how much will we need to increase our production
aggregate food production will have to increase by 60 to 70% of the food production in 2007 to meet the needs of the growing population and predicted higher overall income.
if there is enough food being produced to feed the world why are people suffering from hunger
there is sufficient food produced globally to feed the world; however, distribution is uneven, there is significant waste in the food chain and the impoverished cannot afford to pay enough for food to compensate producers for their inputs
has the COVID pandemic worsened or improved world hunger
The COVID pandemic has worsened the situation and it is anticipated that the number of people around the world suffering the effects of undernourishment will increase by hundreds of millions
what is undernourishment
Undernourishment is an insufficiency of energy
what is malnourishment
malnourishment is insufficiency or an excess of energy or any required nutrient.
it is defined as an insufficiency or an excess of any nutrient that negatively impacts health status
people are considered undernourished if their diets…
do not supply sufficient energy to sustain life and engage in light activity.
Correct answer.
worldwide what is the a major cause for death
malnutrition is the major underlying cause of illness and death, with pregnant women and young children most affected
what does malnutrition increase susceptibility to
Malnutrition increases susceptibility to and severity of diseases and parasites which, in turn, contribute to malnutrition, particularly in developing countries
where can malnourishment be seen
effects of malnourishment are seen across all economic strata
where is undernourishment found
undernourishment generally affects only the impoverished
how many children die a year of malnutrition
malnourishment is responsible for the death of more than 2.5 million children EVERY YEAR
how many people in the world suffer the effects of malnutrition
at least two billion people or almost thirty percent of the world’s population suffer the effects of malnutrition
what is anemia and what causes it
its an insufficiency of red blood cells, is most commonly the result of dietary iron deficiency; it can also be caused by dietary vitamin B12, vitamin A, and folate deficits