learning theories Flashcards
what are the 3 different learning theories
classical conditioning
operant conditioning
what is the s-r bond
the connection between stimulus and the response is due to condidtioning
what are the associative connectionist theories
classical and operant conditioning
what is classical conditioning
it helps modify the stimulus
unconditioned stimulus+conditioned stimulus=conditioned response
who came up with classical conditioning
what is operant conditioning
concerned with modifying behaviour or response
who came up with operant conditioning
how is operant conditioning used in sports
-based on trail and error, with correct response reinforced
-to learn from a demonstration that teaches how to perform the skill and then reinforced after the performer has done the skill successfully
types of reinforcement
positive, negative, punishment
what is positive reinforcement
occurs after a successful performance and consitits of reward or praise
what is negative reinforcement
withdraws or not giving praise or reward after an unsuccessful performance
-or removing an unpleasant experience to encourage successful performance
what is punishment
- breaking the incorrect bond
- giving an unpleasant experience when the performer performs badly
what is internal positive reinforcement
-enhanced through the performers own feelings of pride and satisfaction
- this is a strong incentive or motive to continue and develop further
what is external reinforcement
-occurs through the action of a person other than the performer
-such as coach
factors that will affect the S-R bond
-how often reinforcement is used
-ratio of positive to negative reinforcement
-how soon after a response
-what type of reinforcement to use
-size and value of reinforcement
how often reinforcement is used strengthens the S-R bond
- not often enough will not strengthen the bond
-too often will cause confusion
how does ratio of pos and neg effect the S-R bond
a coach should take care over the use of negative reinforcement
how does the time after a response effect the s-r bond
straight after the response will reinforce the link between reinforcement and the correct response
how does the type of reinforcement effect the s-r bond
-punishment should be used sparingly
-success acts as it own reinforcer
- positive feedback can act as a motivator
what are thorndikes laws of learning
-law of exercise
-law of effect
-law pf readiness
what is the law of effect
-satisfying reinforcers increase the likelihood of a repines being repeated
-a trail and error process can produce this effect, since success reinforces a response
what is law of exercise
repetition strengthens the s-r bond
-so practice is very important
-perfect practice makes perfect performance
what is the law of readiness
- learning can only occur when the nervous system is sufficiently mature to allow the appropriate s-r bond
- should learn simple skills before attempting to learn more complex skills