DIT review - Reproduction 2 Flashcards
What are the 4 main categories of ovarian tumors?
Epithelial, germ cell, stromal-sex cord, metastatic
What are the different types of ovarian epithelial tumors?
Serous, Mucinous, Brenner, Endometriod
Type of epithelium in serous cystadenoma of the ovary
- Lined with fallopian tube-like epithelium (ciliated)
What is the most common type of ovarian neoplasm?
Serous cystadenoma
Serous cystadenocarcinoma is most common malignant type
HIstological feature of serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary
Psammoma bodies
Papillary thyroid carcinoma, serous cystadenocarcinoma, meningioma, mesothelioma
Complication of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
- Can cause pseudomyxoma peritonei
- Accumulation of mucinous material within the peritoneum
- Due to ovarian or appendiceal tumor
Risk factor for endometroid tumor
Epithelium of Brenner tumor
- Composed of bladder-like (transitional) epithelium
- Solid tumor that is pale yellow-tan and appears encapsulated
- “Coffee bean” nuclei on H&E
What are the 4 germ cell tumors of the ovary?
Cystic teratoma
Endodermal sinus tumor
What is struma ovarii
A type of teratoma containing thyroid tissue
Cell type that makes up dysgerminoma
Histology of dysgerminoma
- “Fried egg” cells – large cells with clear cytoplasm and central nuclei
Male equivalent of dysgerminoma
Tumor marker of dysgerminoma
LDH (lactic dehydrogenase)
Tumor marker and histology of endodermal sinus tumor
- Aka Yolk sac tumor
- Most common germ cell tumor in children
- Elevated serum AFP
- Schiller-Duval bodies
Tumor marker of choriocarcinoma
Elevated bHCG
- Tumor of placenta – mimics placental tissue but villi are absent
- Comprised of cytotrophoblasts and syncitiotrophoblassts
- Elevated bHCG (produced by syncytiotrophoblasts)
Presentation of granulosa-theca cell tumor
- Malignant
- Produces estrogen/progesterone
- Presentation:
- Precocious puberty
- Menorrhagia/metrorrhagia
- Postmenopausal bleeding
Histology of granulosa-theca cell tumor
Call-Exner bodies
- Granulosa cells arranged haphazardly around collections of eosinophilic fluid, resembling primordial follicles

Histology and presentation of Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
- Characteristic Reinke crystals
- May produce androgens à hirsutism, virilization
What is Meigs syndrome
- Meigs syndrome:
- Triad of: ovarian fibroma, ascites, pleural effusion
What is Krukenberg tumor
- GI carcinoma metastasis to the ovaries
- Usually bilateral ovaries affected
- Contains mucin-secreting signet cells
Describe the timeframe of twinning
- 0-4 days – dichorionic/diamniotic
- 4-8 days – monochorionic/diamniotic
- 8-12 days – monochorionic/monoamniotic
- >13 days – conjoined twins
With what type of twins can twin-twin transfusion syndrome occur?
- Occurs in monochorionic/diamniotic twins
- Arterio-venous anastamosis leads to shunting of blood
- Donor – anemic, pale, growth restricted
- Recipient – polycythemic, plethoric, overloaded, heart failure
Presentation of hydatidiform mole
- Abnormal fertilization with swelling of chorionic villi and proliferation of trophoblasts
- Presentation:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Uterus enlargement
- “Snowstorm” appearance on US
- b-hCG higher than would be in normal pregnancy
- Passage of grape-like masses through vaginal canal