DIT review - Neurology Flashcards
What neuronal cell is damaged in Guillain-Barre syndrome?
Schwann cells
What neuronal cell is damages in multiple sclerosis
What cell is the CNS phagocyte?
What neuronal cell is involved in reactive gliosis (scar tissue in CNS)?
What is the embryologic origin of each of the 6 neural cells (neurons, astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, schwann cells, ependymal cells)?
Neuroectoderm: neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells
Neural crest cells: schwann cells
Mesoderm: microglia
Layers of the blood-brain barrier
Tight junctions between nonfenestrated endothelial cells of capillaries
Basement membrane
Foot processes of astrocytes
What disease is associated with degeneration of the basal nucleus of Meynert
This is the location of ACh synthesis
Decreased ACh = Alzheimer’s
♣ Supraoptic nucleus
• Produces ADH to be stored in posterior pituitary
♣ Paraventricular nucleus
• Produces oxytocin to be stored in posterior pituitary
♣ Anterior hypothalamus
• Controls cooling (damage = hyperthermia) • Parasympathetic
♣ Posterior hypothalamus
• Controls heating (damage = hypothermia) • Sympathetic
♣ Pre-optic area
• Secretes GnRH stimulates release of LH and FSH
♣ Dorsomedial nucleus
• Stimulates GI • Stimulation = savage behavior and obesity
♣ Arcuate nucleus
• Releases dopamine and GHRH • Regulates hunger and satiety
♣ Mammillary body
• Receives input from hippocampus • Lesions = Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Match EEG waves with corresponding sleep stages
Awake (eyes open) - beta
Awake (eyes closed) - alpha
Non-REM N1 - Theta
Non-REM N2 - Sleep spindles and K complexes
Non-REM N3 - Delta
REM - beta
What sleep cycle does bedwetting occur in?
What sleep cycle does dreaming occur in?
What sleep cycle does Bruxism occur in?
What sleep cycle do night-terrors occur in?
What sleep cycle does sleepwalking occur in ?
What drugs can be used for nocturnal eneuresis?
Imipramine: TCA; decreases stage N3; short-term use only
Desmopressin: decreases urination
Indomethacin: decreases renal blood flow, thus decreasing urination
What is the cavernous sinus and what does it contain?
Collection of venous sinuses on either side of pituitary
Conatins CNs III, IV, V1, VI, and occasionally V2, + internal carotid

Causes and presentation of cavernous sinus syndrome
- Can be due to pituitary tumor, infection
- Presentation:
- Opthalmoplegia (CN II, IV, VI)
- Decreased corneal sensation (CN V1)
- Horner syndrome
- Decreased maxillary sensation (CN V)