DIT review - Micro 2 Flashcards
What are the spore-forming bacteria
- Clostridium species
- Bacillus species
- Coxiella Burnettii
Is Bacillus an anaerobe or aerobe
Describe the capsule of Bacillus
It is unique - made out of protein (poly-D glutamate)
MOA of Edema factor and Lethal factor
Edema factor - increases cAMP - edema
Lethal factor - inhibits MAP kinase - black eschar
Presentation of Bacillua anthracis
Cutaneous = Painless, necrotic black eschar with surrounding erythematous ring
Pulmonary anthrax = fever, pulmonary hemorrhage, widening of the mediastinum
Treatment of Bacillus anthracis
Describe Bacillus Cereus
Causes food poisoning after eating reheated rice
Describe the MOA and effect of Exotoxin A of C. Diff
- Exotoxin A binds to brush border of intestines and causes inflammation, cell death, and watery diarrhea
- Sketchy: A is for Apple = Brushing chocolate on apples = brush border
Describe the MOA and effect of Exotoxin B of C. Diff
- Disrupts cytoskeleton integrity by depolymerizing actin – leading to enterocyte death and yellowish-gray exudate that forms a pseudo exudate (pseudomembranous colitis)
- Licorice are long rods fused together – actin filaments (depolymerization)
- Pseudomembrane – licorice packed into yellow packets
What are the 2 disease presentations of Clostridium perfringens
Gas gangrene
Food poisoning
What do you use to test for presence of diphteria toxin
Elek test
What type of vaccine is given for diphteria?
Toxoid vaccine (inactivated exotoxin bound to protein will allow body to make antibodies)
Common ways of getting infected with Listeria
Ingestion of unpasteurized dairy products and cold deli meats
Transplacental transmission
Vaginal transmission during birth
Effect of Listeria in immunocompromised/infants vs. healthy
Meningitis in infants/immunocompromised
Mild, self-limiting gastroenteritis in healthy
What is the disease presentation of Nocardia
Pulmonary infections in immunocompromised (mimics TB with negative PPD)
Can lead to brain abscess formation
Cutaneous symptoms in healthy
Treatment of Nocardia
What feature of Neisseria allows it to survive on mucosal surfaces?
IgA protease
What is one of the main differentiating features between Neisseria meningitides vs. gonorrhea
Meningitides is a maltose fermenter
Also has a capsule
Clinical presentation of Klebsiella
Pneumonia or UTI
What is the consequence of Salmonella being acid labile
It is easily degraded in the stomach - need a high dose to cause infection
Describe the presentation of salmonella typhi
Can cause Typhoid fever (rose-colored macules on abdomen)
Osteomyelitis in sickle cell patients
Pea soup diarrhea
Treatment for Salmonella typhi?
Which Salmonella has a vaccine?
Salmonella typhi - live attenuated vaccine
Sources of Salmonella
Poultry, eggs, pets, and turtles