DIT review - Pulmonary 1 Flashcards
What are the 3 openings in the diaphragm (including the structures that pass through and at what level)
- THINK: I ate ten eggs at twelve
- I ate = “I” for IVC and “ate” for T8
- Ten eggs = “Ten” for T10 and “eggs” for esophAGus and vAGus
- At twelve = “At” for AAT (Aorta, Azygous, Thoracic) and twelve for T12
- Vena caval formamen (caval opening)
- Contains IVC
- At level of T8
- Esophageal hiatus
- Contains esophagus and anterior and posterior trunks of the vagus nerve
- At level of T10
- Aortic hiatus
- Contains aorta, thoracic duct, azygos vein
- At level of T12

What nerves innervate the diaphragm
- Diaphragm is innervated by C3, C4, and C5
- THINK: C3, 4, 5, keeps the diaphragm alive
What is the surfactant ratio used to determine fetal lung maturity in utero
Lecithin:Sphingomyelin ratio > 2.0
What are the main components of surfactant
- Lecithin
- Phosphatidylcholine
What part of the respiratory tree marks the end of the conducting zone and beginning of the respiratory zone
Terminal bronchioles are end of the conducting zone
Respiratory bronchioles are beginning of the respiratory zone
Label the lung volume graph

What is functional residual capacity?
Volume of gas in lungs after a normal expiration

What is the difference between vital capacity and tidal volume
Tidal volume = amount of air in a normal, non-labored breath
Vital capacity = max amount of air that can be expired after a maximum inspiration
What are the components of physiologic dead space
- Physiologic dead space (Vd) = Anatomic dead space + functional dead space
- Anatomic dead space = air in the conduction airways
- Functional dead space = space that is capable of gas exchange, but no gas exchange is occurring
What is the equation for physiologic dead space
- Vd = Vt x [(PaCO2 – PeCO2) / PaCO2]
- Vd = physiologic dead space
- Vt = tidal volume
- PaCO2 = arterial pCO2
- PeCO2 = expired air pCO2
- If there is zero dead space, then PaCO2 = PeCO2, and thus Vd = 0
Describe the difference between perfusion-limited and diffusion-limited pulmonary circulation
- The amount of O2 being received by pulmonary circulation is depending on both perfusion (blood going to lungs) and diffusion (O2 crossing the alveolar barrier)
- In healthy individuals, the amount of O2 is perfusion-limited
- Gas equilibrates along the length of the capillary, and increased O2 can only occur via increased blood flow
- In emphysema and fibrosis, the amount of O2 is diffusion-limited
- Gas does not equilibrate by the time blood reaches the end of the capillary
- In healthy individuals, the amount of O2 is perfusion-limited

What values define pulmonary HTN
- Pulmonary arterial pressure > 25 at rest (normal = 10 mm Hg)
- Pulmonary arterial pressure > 35 during exercise
Cause of primary pulmonary HTN
- AKA idiopathic pulmonary HTN
- Associated with abnormalities in BMPR2 (which normally prevents proliferation of vascular smooth muscle)
- Associated with HIV and Kaposi sarcoma
- Seen in young adult females
Cause of secondary pulmonary HTN
- Causes:
- Chronic lung disease
- Recall that hypoxemia in pulmonary circulation causes vasoconstriction, and thus an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure
- Mitral stenosis
- Increased volume in pulmonary circuit
- Recurrent thromboemboli
- Autoimmune disease
- Left-to-right shunts
- Sleep apnea or high altitude
- Hypoxic vasoconstriction
- Chronic lung disease
Basic premise behind methemoglobin
- Methemoglobin = hemoglobin with oxidized form of Hb (Fe3+) that does not bind to O2 readily but has increased affinity for cyanide
Presentation of methemoglobin
- Cyanosis
- Chocolate-colored blood
Potential usefulness of methemoglobin
- You can induce methemoglobinemia with nitrites (will oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+) in order to treat cyanide poisoning
Treatment of methemoglobin
- Methylene blue
- Vitamin C
Differentiate between the R and T form of hemoglobin
- Hemoglobin molecule (2a and 2b subunits) exist in 2 forms
- Taut (T) form
- Low O2 affinity
- THINK: Taut in Tissues
- Relaxed (R) form
- High O2 affinity
- THINK: Relaxed in respiratory area
- Taut (T) form
What is the basic premise behind carboxyhemoglobin
- Hb bound to CO instead of O2
- Hb has a 200x increase affinity for CO vs. O2, so will preferentially bind CO
Describe the Hb-O2 dissociation curve in Carboxyhemoglobin
- It decreases O2 bound to Hb but also causes a L shift in the curve
- Hb bound to O2 is decreased because it is bound to CO instead = the height of curve is lower
- Decreased O2 content in the blood
- The heme groups NOT bound to CO have increased affinity for O2 = L shift of curve
- This makes it more difficult for O2 to be unloaded in tissues
- Hb bound to O2 is decreased because it is bound to CO instead = the height of curve is lower

Presentation of carboxyhemoglobin
- Headaches, dizziness, and cherry red skin
Causes of carboxyhemoglobin
- Fires, car exhaust, gas heaters
Treatment of carboxyhemoglobin
100% O2