6/16 UWorld Flashcards
What is the difference between simple focal and complex focal seizures
- Simple
- No LOC or postictal state
- Motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic symptoms
- Complex
- LOC and postictal state
- May have automatisms (e.g. lip smacking)
Describe presentation of tonic-clonic vs. myoclonic seizure
- Tonic-clonic
- LOC and postictal state
- Diffuse muscle contraction of limbs (tonic) followed by rhythmic jerkin (clonic)
- Myoclonic
- No LOC or postictal state
- Brief jerking movements
What are the broad spectrum anti-epileptics that can be used to treat focal, tonic-clonic, and absence seizures
Valproic acid
Recall festival and Llamas outside of Ethosuximide classroom
First line therapy for absence seizures
First line treatment for focal seizures
First line treatment for tonic-clonic seizures
Phenytoin, Valproic acid
First line treatment for status epilepticus
Phenytoin - 1st line prophylaxis
Benzos - 1st line for acute
MOA and uses of Gabapentin
- SKetchy = Grab a pint ice cream truck
- Mechanism of action:
- Narrow spectrum anti-epileptic
- Bind and block voltage-gated calcium channels, stopping inward calcium current, stopping NT release
- Does NOT bind to GABA receptors
- Uses:
- Anti-seizure
- Neuropathic pain (e.g. diabetic neuropathy)
- Fibromyalgia
- Post-herpetic neuralgia (VZV)
MOA and uses of Vigabatrin
- Sketchy = V cab
- Narrow spectrum antiepileptics
- Mechanism of action:
- Irreversible inhibitor of GABA-transaminase, enzyme responsible for degradation of GABA
- = raised CAB
- = V cab “transmission”
- This produces and increase of GABA in the CNS, producing tonic inhibition
- Irreversible inhibitor of GABA-transaminase, enzyme responsible for degradation of GABA
- Uses:
- Adjunctive treatment for partial seizures
MOA and uses of Tiagabine
- Sketchy = tied up cab driver
- Narrow spectrum antiepileptics
- Mechanism of action:
- Inhibits GABA reuptake, increasing GABA concentration in CNS
- Uses:
- Adjunctive treatment for partial seizures
Cause and presentation of Hyper IgE syndrome
o Deficiency in IFN-y lead to impaired neutrophil recruitment
o Presentation à FATED
§ F – coarse Facies
§ A – Abscesses
§ T – retained primary Teeth
§ E – increased IgE (all other immunoglobulins are normal)
§ D – dermatologic problems (eczema)
Release and function of TNF-a
§ Secreted by activated macrophages
§ Mediates septic shock
§ Causes neutrophil and lymphocyte recruitment
§ Responsible for fever, anorexia, corticotrophin releasing hormone, septic shock, and cachexia
MOA and uses of Infliximab
- THINK: TNF = The NetFLIX Friday
- TNF-a inhibitor
- Recall: TNF-a is an acute phase reactant produced by activated macrophages to mediate inflammation by accelerating neutrophil migration, and facilitate lymphocyte proliferation; TNF-a is responsible for fever, anorexia, corticotropin releasing hormone, septic shot, and cachexia
- Mechanism of action:
- Is a monoclonal antibody to TNF-a
- Uses:
- Used for autoimmune conditions due to anti-inflammatory effect
- Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis
What are the 2 drugs that inhibit IL-2 transcription
Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus
- THINK: you use a toilet paper roll (Tacrolimus) to make yourself look like a cyclops (Cyclosporine) instead of having 2 eyes (IL-2)
What 2 drugs prevent IL-2 response
Sirolumus and Dacluzimab
What is the use of drugs that inhibit IL-2
Transplant rejection prophylaxis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis
Describe the defect and presentation fo Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
o X-linked recessive immunodeficiency due to mutation in WASp gene
o Leukocytes and platelets unable to reorganize actin skeleton = defective antigen presentation
o WATER - Wiskott Aldrich, Thrombocytopenia, Eczema (especially truncal), Recurrent infections
Antibody associated with mixed connective tissue disease
Anti-U1 RNP (ribonucleoprotein)
What are the different defects that cause homonymous hemianopia with macular involvment vs homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing
E: homonymous hemianopia with macular involvement is consistent with involvement of the temporal lobe (e.g. occlusion of the middle cerebral artery)
H: homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing is consistent with occlusion of the posterior cerebral

When after fertilization will b-hCG become positive in materal serum vs. urin
8 days = serum
14 days = urine
What murmur is associated with an opening snap vs. an ejection click
Opening snap = mitral stenosis
Ejection click = aortic stenosis
What is the most common location of patients infected with Babesia
NE United States (NE on maltese cross on floor)
Presentation of carcinoid syndrome
- Symptoms = BFDR
- Bronchospasm
- Flushing
- Diarrhea
- Right-sided heart disease/murmur
Where is the inflammation and with what T-cell (CD4+ or CD8+) is inflammation caused by in Dermatomyositis vs. Polymyositis
- Dermatomyositis
- Perimysial (THINK: periphery b/c of muscle + skin involvement) inflammation with CD4+ T cells
- Polymyositis
- Endomysial inflammation with CD8+ T cells
- Think of the 8 as multiple bulging muscles