6/19 UWorld Flashcards
What are the IV anesthetic choices
- Benzos (conscious sedation for minor procedures)
- Barbiturares (used for induction of anesthesia an short procedures)
- Propofol
- Etomidate
- Ketamine
MOA and adverse effects of propofol
MOA: potentiates GABA-A
Adverse: CV effect (decreased in systolic BP)
MOA and adverse effects of Etomidate
MOA: potentiates GABA-A
Adverse effects: preserves CV stability
MOA and adverse effects of Ketamine
MOA: NMDA inhibitor
Adverse effects: CV stimulant, disorientation, hallucinations, unpleasant dreams,
What are the inhaled anesthetics
Nitrous oxide (non-volatile)
Halothane, Isoflurane, Enflurane (volatile)
Describe the difference in solubulity in blood, onset of action, and duration of action in volatile vs. non-volatile anesthetics
- Non-volatile (N2O)
- Less soluble in blood
- Faster onset of action
- Shorter duration
- Volatile (e.g. Halothane)
- More soluble in blood
- Slower onset of action
- Longer duration
What does blood:gas coefficient mean, and which has higher/lower - volatile or nonvolatile
Blood:gas coefficient = solubility in blood
Volatile anesthetics have higher blood:gas coefficient
What are adverse effects of all inhaled anesthetics
CV - mycardial depression, increased cerebral blood flow (due to decreased vascular resistance)
Respiratory depression (all inhaled anesthetics EXCEPT N2O)
Adverse effect specific to Halothane
Hepatic necrosis with 80% mortality
Halothane no longer used in US
Adverse effects specific to Enflurane
Drug causes of Malignant hyperthermia
VOLATILE inhaled anesthetics (not N2O) and Succinylcholine (depolarizing muscle relaxant)
Enzyme, substrate, and presentation of Fabry
- Deficiency:
- o Alpha-galactosidase
- Accumulated substrate:
- o Globotriaosylceramide
- Presents with:
- o Angiokeratoma
- o Peripheral neuropathy
- o Glomerulonephropathy
- Enzyme, substrate, and presentation of Gaucher
- AR
- Deficiency:
- o GLucocerebrosidase
- Accumulated substrate:
- o Glucocerebroside
- Presents with:
- o Hepatosplenomegaly
- o Pancytopenia
- o Bone pain/osteopenia
- o Gaucher cell – lipid-laden macrophage with “crumpled tissue paper” appearance
- Enzyme, substrate, and presentation of Tay Sachs
- AR
- Deficiency:
- o Beta-hexoaminidase A (THINK: tay saX = heXaminidase)
- Accumulated substrate:
- o GM2 ganglioside
- Presents with:
- o Macular cherry red spot
- o Progressive neurodegeneration
- o No hepatosplenomegaly
- Enzyme, substrate, and presentation of Neimann Pick
- AR
- Deficiency:
- o Sphingomyelinase
- Accumulated substrate
- o Sphingomyelin
- Presents with:
- o Macular cherry red spot
- o Progressive neurodegeneration
- o Hepatosplenomegaly
- Enzyme, substrate, and presentation of Krabbe disease
- AR
- Deficiency:
- o Galactocerebrosidase
- Accumulated substrate
- o Galactocerebroside
- o Psychosine
- Presents with:
- o Progressive neurodegeneration
- o Peripheral neuropathy
- o Optic atrophy
- Enzyme, substrate, and presentation of Metachromatic leukodystrophy
- AR
- Deficiency:
- o Arylsulfatase A
- Accumulated substrate
- o Cerebroside sulfate
- Presents with:
- o Progressive neurodegeneration
- o Peripheral neuropathy
- o Ataxia and dementia
- Enzyme, substrate, and presentation of Hurler
- AR
- Deficiency:
- o Alpha-L-iduronidase
- Accumulated substrate:
- o Heparin sulfate and dermatan sulfate
- Presents with:
- o Developmental delay
- o Gargoylism
- o Airway obstruction
- o *Corneal clouding
- o Hepatosplenomegaly
- Enzyme, substrate, and presentation of Hunter
- Deficiency:
- o Iduronate sulfatase
- Accumulated substrate:
- o Heparin sulfate and dermatan sulfate
- Presents with:
- o Mild Hurler
- o Aggressive behavior
- o *No corneal clouding
Where are the location of B-cells, T-cells, and macrophages within the lymph node
- B-cell
- Located in follicle in the outer cortez
- T-cell
- Located in paracortex
- Macrophages
- Located in medullary sinuses
What is located in the red pulp vs. white pulp of spleen
Red pulp = RBC
White pulp WBC
Where is the location of B-cells, T-cells, and macrophages in the spleen
B-cells = germinal center of the follicle
T-cells = Periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (surrounding the central artery)
Macrophages = marginal zone (area between the red and white pulp
What are the 4 possible fates of pyruvate?
- Acetyl CoA via pyruvate dehydrogenase (TCA cycle)
- Oxaloacetate via pyruvate carboxylase (gluconeogenesis)
- Lactate
- Alanine (urea cycle)