6/17 UWorld Flashcards
What is the damage caused to DNA by UV light
Thymine dimers
What is first line treatment for BPH?
Do they affect size of prostate
Alpha-1 antagonists (“-zosin”)
Do not change size of prostate
Which drug is used to decrease size of prostate
5-a reductase inhibitors (e.g. Finasteride)
Diagnostic criteria of pre-eclampsia
Protenuria OR signs of end-organ damage
Describe presentation of Neurofibromatosis type 1
- Neurocutaneous disorder characterized by café-au-lait spots, cutaneous neurofibromas, optic gliomas, pheochromocytomas, Lisch nodules (pigmented iris hamartomas)
- Neurofibromas consist of proliferation of Schwann cells, fibroblasts, and neurites
What is the most common renal stone?
Calcium stone
What are the 2 radioopaque kidney stones (seen on X-ray)
Ammonium magnesium phosphate
What are the 2 radiolucent (not seen on XR) stones?
Uric acid
In internuclear ophthalmoplegia, is the affected eye (the one that cannot adduct) ipsilateral or contralateral to the MLF lesion?
- E.g. if there is a lesion of the right MLF, when you look L, the R eye will not be able to look medially
What is the MOA and uses of Cilostazol
- Inhibition of phosphodiesterase leads to increases cAMP within the platelet which will activate protein kinase A, and impairing platelet function and aggregation n
- = sign UP for cAMP = increased camp
- Causes arteriole vasodilation (due to increased cAMP)
- =dilated red sleeves
- Can treat symptoms of claudication due to peripheral artery disease
- = dirt clods hitting leg
Adverse effect of Cilostazol
- Can cause coronary steal
- = stolen heart base
- When there is stenosis in an artery, the body is already vasodilating, try to restore blood to that area
- So if you give a vasodilator, all the other normal vessels will dilate even more, leading to even less blood going to the stenotic area, exacerbating ischemia
- = dilated red hat crown = coronary artery vasodilation
Most commonly affected area in Crohn’s
Terminal ileum
AST and ALT indicate function of what organ?
Adverse effects of Methotrexate
- Folate deficiency
- Megaloblastic anemia
- Myelosuppression and Pancytopenia
- Increased risk of infection due to immunosuppression
- _Pulmonary fib_rosis (restrictive lung disease)
- Hepatotoxicity (should monitor LFTs)
- Alopecia
- Mucositis/oral ulcerations
What is the effect of an arteriovenous shunt on preload and afterload
Increased preload and decreased afterload due to shunting of blood out of arteries and into veins, bypassing arterioles
Presentation of Pick disease
Aka frontotemporal dementia
- Early = Behavior/personality changes (frontal lobe) and/or aphasia (temporal lobe)
- Late = Dementia
Lesion of subthalamic nucleus
- Hemiballismus (involuntary flailing of limbs)
What nucleotide binds to what (A, G, T, C)
A binds to T with 2 bonds
G binds to C with 3 bonds
How do you get fromc cytosine (in DNA) to uracil (in RNA)
Uracil is a deaminated cytosine

Do purines/pyrimidines synthesis start with a base or ribose sugar
Purine starts with a sugar
Pyrimidine starts with a base
Rate limiting step in pyrimidine synthesis
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II (in cytosol)
Vs. CPSI used in urea cycle in mitochondria
What is the cause of megaloblastic anemia that does not respond to B12 or folate
Orotic aciduria
- Failure to thrive
- Developmental delay
- Megaloblastic anemia refractory to folate and B12
- No hyperammonemia
What is the enzyme responsible for GMP/IMP salvage, preventing the formation of uric acid
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT)
- Deficient in Lesch Nyhan
What is a common cause of SCID
Adenosine deamine deficiency
- Increased dTAP = toxicity to lymphocytes