Directive 8.5 Departmental Deaths, Flashcards
According to Directive 8.5 Departmental Deaths, Deceased department personnel, active or pensioned/retired, will be provided with the
appropriate ________________?
Departmental honors. The next of kin will be informed, and upon request will be advised of Departmental services available to them
According to Directive 8.5 Departmental Deaths, Police Department policy does not permit for provision of escorts, pallbearers, firing
squad or bugler for personnel who have died as a result of__________?
their own criminal acts.
According to Directive 8.5 Departmental Deaths,
Whenever an officer on active duty dies, the Departmental Death Review Board will be
convened upon the direction of the Police Commissioner to discuss circumstances
surrounding the death and to provide the Police Commissioner with ________________?
Their recommendations on whether the death was duty related.
The Departmental Death Review Board will consist of:
a Deputy Commissioner, Field Operations, Chairperson
b. Deputy Commissioner, Organizational Services
c. Deputy Commissioner, Organizational Services,
Strategy and Innovations
d. Deputy Commissioner of the affected District and/or
Unit. e. President of the Fraternal Order of Police
Lodge #5.
According to Directive 8.5 Departmental Deaths, If the Departmental Death Review Board recommends to the Commissioner that the death was duty related and the decision is approved by the Commissioner, The Commissioner shall notify_________?
The officer’s Commanding Officer.
According to Directive 8.5 Departmental Deaths, The Commanding Officer, or in his/her absence, an officer of command rank, upon notification of the death of a police officer under his/her command will:
a. If verifications are necessary, contact Commanding Officer, Police Radio.
b. Notify Chief Inspector, Training and Education Services Bureau.
c. Submit a memorandum to Police Personnel, Human Resources Manager
1) Name, rank, and badge number.
2) Date and cause of death.
3) Martial status and number of dependents (names and ages).
According to Directive 8.5 Departmental Deaths, The Commanding Officer, or in his/her absence, an officer of command rank, upon notification of the death of a police officer under his/her command will:
At the time of the police officer’s death the Commanding Officer shall be responsible for contacting the Disability Benefits Coordinator at the Fraternal Order of Police, and the Police Personnel Pension Counselor; Police Personnel,
Police Headquarters Room 308, (215-686-3370).
According to Directive 8.5 Departmental Deaths, The Commanding Officer, or in his/her absence, an officer of command rank, upon notification of the death of a police officer under his/her command will:
The Benefits Coordinator will ensure that documents (federal, state and city monetary death benefits) are prepared and submitted for surviving families within thirty (30) days.
The Chief Inspector, Training and Education Services Bureau with the approval of
the Police Commissioner, will:
a. Send a computer message notifying Commanders of time and place to assemble
for viewing.
b. Send a computer message noting the time and place for Commanders to march
with the caisson to the place of worship.
c. Send a message notifying Commanders of the time and place of the funeral
and/or religious services.
d. Notify all personnel via computer message stating the proper protocol and
procedure (Saluting, uniform, etc.) for all services and functions.
e. Contact Commanding Officer, Communications Division for final call (Radio
f. Coordinate with Commanding Officer, Aviation Unit for a fly over.
g. Refer to guidelines set forth in Departmental Death duty manual.
h. Notify Pipes and Drums of date, time, and location of services.
i. Notify Commanding Officer, Highway Patrol Unit who will provide motors to
escort the body from hospital to morgue and from the morgue to funeral home.
j. Notify Honor Guard of date, time, and location of services.
k. Arrange for Horse Drawn Caisson. Arrange Caisson March to church or other
location where services are to be held. Caisson March will be approximately
1.2 miles.
l. Arrange March of Command Staff and affected unit personnel to
location of viewing (approximately two (2) blocks).
Escort Responsibilities
The Highway Patrol Unit along with the Traffic District will have shared responsibilities in providing escort duties for the family of the deceased officer from the day of death to the day of interment
If burial is out of town, the Unit Commanding Officer and the Honor
Guard will coordinate with the Fraternal Order of Police.
1. Graphic Arts Unit will
Memorialize the police officer’s marked patrol vehicle. This Tribute Vehicle
will be on display where appropriate at viewing and funeral ceremonies. The
vehicle will be retired for 30 days from the date of death before returning to the
fleet for service.
The Commanding Officer, upon official notification of the Non-Duty Related -death of an active police officer under his/her command, will:
a. Notify Chief Inspector, Training and Education
Services Bureau.
b. Prepare a Memorandum 82-S-1 and submit one (1)
copy to the Human Resources Manager at Police Personnel, Police Headquarters, Room 308
1) Name, rank, badge number and payroll number.
2) Date and circumstances of death.
3) Date, time and place of viewing, religious services
and place of interment.
Consult with the family to ascertain if color guard, honor guard escort,
pallbearers, firing squad, and bugler are desired
The Commanding Officer, upon official notification of the Non-Duty Related -death of an active police officer under his/her command, will:
1) If police pallbearers are requested, they will be from the deceased’s last district/unit of assignment.
d. Contact Chief Inspector, Homeland Security to make necessary arrangements for coverage by Traffic personnel for the viewing, services, and escort of the
funeral cortege to the cemetery.
e. Contact Chief Inspector, Training and Education Services, who will notify the
Honor Guard of the date, time and location of services.
f. The Commanding Officer/Department Head, upon official notification of the death of an active civilian department employee under his/her command, will
promptly notified Police Personnel
The Commanding Officer, upon official notification of the Non-Duty Related -death of an active police officer under his/her command, will:
- Prepare a Memorandum 82-S-1 and submit one (1) copy to the Human Resources Manager at Police Personnel, Police Headquarters Room 308
a. Name and Payroll number.
b. Date and circumstances of death.
c. Date, time and place of viewing, religious services and place of interment. - Consult with family to ascertain if an escort is desired.
a. Ensure that an escort for officers up to and including the rank of Lieutenant will
One (1) Captain One (1) Lieutenant
Two (2) Sergeants Ten (10) Police Officers
If Captain and above, include one (1) Deputy Commissioner, one (1) Chief
Inspector, one (1) Inspector and one (1) Staff Inspector
c. If a Detective, ten (10) Detectives will replace the
above ten (10) Police Officers and will be supplied by
the appropriate Deputy Commissioner.
d. Formation of funeral escort will be at the discretion of the escort commander
Represent the department at the interment.
The Chief Inspector, Training and Education Services Bureau, will act as
consultant to the Commanding Officer of the deceased on all procedural
matters pertaining to the funeral and will arrange firing squad and bugler if
- Chief Inspector, Homeland Security, will make necessary arrangements for
coverage by Traffic personnel for the viewing, services, and escort of the funeral
cortege to the cemetery upon request of the family. - Chief Inspector, Training and Education Services Bureau will upon request of the
family of the deceased, arrange for pallbearers, firing squad and bugler.
a. Pallbearers will be supplied from last district/ unit of assignment if known. - Retired Police Commissioners or Mayors, the size of detail and honors will
be determined by the Police Commissioner
Upon receipt of an inter/intrastate computer message concerning a police officer killed in the line of duty, the Commanding Officer, Police Radio, will ensure prompt notification, via computer message, to the Chief Inspector, Training and Education Services Bureau
- When there is a death of a civilian member or an immediate family member of active personnel, their Commanding Officer will be the department
representative and attend the viewing and send a computer message giving details of the services. - If there is no viewing, then the Commanding Officer will attend the funeral services.
- Upon request, provide Traffic escort.