Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, Flashcards
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, True or False, All Police employees, including Crossing Guards will be accounted for by entries on the computerized daily attendance report.
False : The status of al Department employees, both police and civilian, with the Exception Of School Crossing Guards, they will be accounted for by entries By entries on the computerized Daily Attendance Report.
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, Each district/unit will be provided with blank DARS to be used in the event of an extended computer malfunction. True or False
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, Who will be responsible for ensuring the correctness of D.A.R entries ?
Commanding Officers
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, Who will who has obtained an Alert Security Clearance, will enter the required information on the computerized Daily attendance report?
The Operation room Supervisor
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, New employees that have not yet received a payroll number and do not appear on the D.A.R will be accounted for on a memorandum from the district/ Commanding Officer to ____________?
The Finance Officer each Monday for the previous week
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, All entries must be completed within _______ of the employees reporting on duty ?
2 Hours
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, Unit working a Monday to Friday schedule will make entries for the previous weekend by_______? Monday morning
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, After the D.A.R is certified who can make changes ?
Only the supervisor who initiated it
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, To correct a D.A.R after it has been closed out for other than overtime discrepancies Submit a memo to ________?
Submit to the Finance Officer after it has been approved by the commanding officer.
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, To correct a DAR for Overtime discrepancies after it has been closed out __________?
Submit memo to pertinent Deputy Commissioner or Chief inspector
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, regular tour of duty cannot exceed ?
8 hours 15 minutes
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, The entries will be made on each day’s DAR’s screen. The individual screen can be accessed up to ________? days prior to their accrual date.
five days
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, Police personnel below the rank of Captain, who complete an uninterrupted extended tour of duty in excess of ________? hours will have a ‘M’ entered in the meal block
(3) three hours
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, who will be entered as compensatory time in lieu of overtime ?
Captains and above and eligible civilian personnel.
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, When an employee is required to work on a regular scheduled day off , it will be entered as a minimum of ______? overtime or compensatory time earned
Eight (8) hours
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, When an employee on a regularly scheduled day off, attends court , the employee will be recorded on the regular platoons D.A.R as having earned a minimum of ________? hours overtime or compensatory time
four (4) hours
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, Who will personally check all entries on the D.A.R for accuracy ?
The Platoon Lieutenant
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, The absent Code for regularly scheduled day off is ________?
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, The DAR code for an authorized absence from duty with pay for an employee because of illness or non-service connected injury is denoted as ________?
S- sick
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, The DAR code Q is for ?
Sick no time two hours or less
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, The DAR Assignment Code for a uniformed officer of any rank on street patrol including TRT and CIB, other than an officer on a foot beat , is code as ________?
One (1)
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, what is the assignment code for a foot-beat
According to Directive 11.1 Daily Attendance Reports, what is the assignment code for turnkey