According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Proper sentence structure, good grammar, correct spelling, and punctuation must be
considered an important aspect of ?
of any Departmental document
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, In order to identify our Department, type in capital letters above “City of
Philadelphia” the word ?
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Number each paragraph for easy reference and use a _____?to separate
the numbers indicating month, day, and year.
dash ( - )
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, When addressing a commander of a district/unit/division type: example ?
Commanding Officer, 18th District
Commanding Officer, Highway Patrol
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, When addressing a commander above the rank of Inspector type: ? example
Deputy Commissioner, Patrol Operations
Chief Inspector, Roc North
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Content of a Memorandum,
The opening paragraph should contain a brief synopsis indicating ?
The general content of the report. It should also include enough information so that the reader can quickly evaluate and understand the topic of the memorandum.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, The succeeding paragraphs After the opening should make up the body of the report and must be composed in ?
logical sequence
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Paragraphs should also be connected in a logical relationship. Use transitional words or phrases such as: ?
For this reason,
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Spacing ?
Center the memorandum, leaving a minimum margin of 1½ inches on each side of
the page. A left margin of two inches should be made if the document is to be
placed in a binder. A margin of 3” at the bottom of the document should be
available for endorsements.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Begin writing the memorandum at least two spaces below the SUBJECT line.
Arrange the spacing so that the paragraph number is directly under and in line
with the first letter of the first word outlining to whom the report is addressed, the
person who is submitting it, and the subject matter example :
TO: Commanding Officer, Research and Development
FROM: Det. Karyn Hodynski, #773, Research and Planning SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE
- I respectfully request a leave of absence…
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Allow_____? spaces between paragraphs.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Endorsements ?
Memorandums and requests must be endorsed through the chain of command, unless otherwise directed. Endorsements should indicate either “ approval” or “disapproval”
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, WHITE PAPERS ?
A white paper should be prepared for information that is considered sensitive, or to which a limited number of people should have access, such as command level personnel.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, Internal White Papers ? #1
The document will be typed on a plain sheet of white paper (8½” x 11”) and the content should be similar to memorandum content outlined in Section 3-D above. Spacing should be the same as in the memorandum described in Section 3-E, paragraphs 1 and 3. Multiple pages may be used and attachments should be paper clipped to the document and numbered.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, White Papers ? #2
The title of the document should be at the top, center of the page in capital letters.
(WHITE PAPER is not a proper title.) The bottom center of the document should
contain the name or the district/unit of the submitting party and the date submitted
in capital letters.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, White Papers ? #3
If the document is to proceed through the Department’s mail service it will be
placed in a sealed messenger envelope
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, REPORT FORMAT ?
- A margin of two inches must be maintained along the top, bottom, and sides of the document, and pages will be consecutively numbered. Paragraphs should be numbered or lettered, as appropriate and will be indented five spaces from the left margin.
- When necessary, additional remarks will be written on a separate memorandum and attached to the outside of the report. Endorsements shall be included through the chain of command.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, LETTERS ?
Official Philadelphia Police Department stationary will be used when corresponding with other City departments, private businesses, organizations, or individuals on Department-related issues. There are four major divisions in a standard business letter:
The salutation
should begin directly under the first letter of the address and is followed by a colon (:). Abbreviate only the following titles: Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Dr. All other titles should be written out.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, COMPUTER MESSAGES ?
A. Computer messages are used to send information throughout the Department or to a specific district/unit. The information must be of Department-related topics such as investigations, policy changes, personnel information, etc. only.
B. The format is the same as for memoranda:
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, ELECTRONIC MESSAGES (E-MAIL) ?
Only Department-related issues may be transmitted to receiving parties and only on city-owned computers. All e-mail messages must be approved by the immediate supervisor
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, ELECTRONIC MESSAGES (E-MAIL) ?
Check e-mail messages at least once each working day and respond within 48 hours.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, ELECTRONIC MESSAGES (E-MAIL) ?
Always include a subject heading and use upper and lower case letters as you would in any business letter.
According to Directive 12.1 Official Format for written communication, ELECTRONIC MESSAGES (E-MAIL) ?
Although these documents are generally less structured, the content and spacing for e-mail messages should be similar to the memorandum. They should also be brief, and include some kind of greeting (e.g., Dear Mr. Parker)