Directive 12.18 Caps, Flashcards
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, Who ? will be the central control agency and repository of completed investigation for the Police Department in all cases of citizens complaints against police, including investigations performed at the police division level ?
The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, Completed complaint forms can be dropped off at ?
Any Police District
Police Headquarters
Any location where the forms are available.
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, True or False, Only the office of professional Responsivity will arrest sworn members of the department
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, When the office of Professional Responsibility is notified of a complaint that is received from an agency other than a police facility, who? will be dispatched to the receiving agency to retrieve the form ?
A Patrol supervisor.
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, Ensure that the investigation is completed and the investigative file is submitted as soon as possible, but no later than ______? days after receipt of the complaint to the Chief Inspector, OPR, unless special circumstance require additional; time
75 days
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, If a complaint is received in a district other than the district of occurrence. A complaint will not ________________?
Be directed to go to another police facility or agency once they have come into a district or unit
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, Complaints received from from persons who wish to remain anonymous will be processed in ______?
Same manner as any other complaint
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, If an interpreter is needed , refer to the districts foreign language line for the appropriate civilian contact person for assistance. the interpreter should not be _____________________?
A sworn currently employed police officer.
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, In addition to police facilities , Unit CAP forms are available at ?
The Police website
The District Attorneys Office
The Police Advisory commission
The Neighborhood advisory center
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, All criminal allegations will be investigated by _________________?
The Office Of Professional Responsibility.
Any supervisor or investigatory unit receiving allegations of criminal conduct against police will contact the OPR immediately.
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, Extensions for CAPS can only be granted by ____________?
The Deputy Commissioner, OPR Or The Chief Inspector OPR, When an extension is granted both the complainant and accused police officer will be notified of the facts and the reason of the extension.
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, Any citizen requesting a CAP form will be instructed to__________________?
Prepare the report (hand printed). filling in the required information including signature. If the complainant wishes to take the complainant report home , allow them to do so
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, The investigative responsibility and accountability for handling of selected complaints , for example lack of service and verbal abuse , and matters concerning the issuance of traffic violations will be referred to the respective ____________? upon approval of the Chief Inspector ,ORP
Divisional Inspector
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, Between the of 11pm to 8am and on weekends, OPR phone lines roll over to_____? who will issue the control number. all control numbers issued by ______? are forwarded to the Office of Professional Responsibly
Police Radio
Police Radio
According to Directive 12.18 Caps, Upon completion of the Citizens Complaint Report , Give the second carbon copy (canary) to _________? as a receipt and indicate to the Complainant the investigative procedure as outlined on the back of the complainants copy of the Citizen complainant report
The Complainant
A. As set forth in the Mayor’s Executive Order 5-17, all citizens’ complaints against
police officers shall be received, investigated, and disposed of in accordance with the
procedures set forth herein and complainants shall be notified of action taken by the
Police Commissioner. Philadelphia Police Department personnel shall inform any
person who wishes to make a complaint against a police officer of the existence of the
formal complaint procedure and shall refer such persons to those locations listed in
Section 2-A of this directive, including the most convenient location, where the
Citizen’s Complaint Report (CCR) (75-561) may be obtained and filed. (PLEAC 2.3.1)
- Commanding Officers of all police facilities from which CCRs are distributed, will
ensure that no identification is requested/required and that no criminal records or
wanted inquires are performed at the time a complainant files or requests to file a
complaint against police. When completing the Citizen’s Complaint Report Log,
personnel shall not require the name of the person requesting the form or insert the
individual’s name in the Citizen’s Complaint Report Log. The word “Anonymous”
will be used in lieu of the Complainant’s name.
B. The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) shall be the central control agency and
repository of completed investigations for the Police Department in all cases of
citizens complaints against police, including investigations performed at the police
command level. (PLEAC 2.3.1 b & d)
C. The Chief Inspector, OPR, or their designee, will be responsible for the evaluation of
all complaints received by the department. This commander will make the final
decision on all referrals to divisions, districts or units. (PLEAC 2.3.1c)
D. Consistent with the Mayor’s Executive Order 5-17, and at the discretion of the Chief
Inspector, OPR, certain complaints (i.e., - lack of service, verbal abuse, issuance of
traffic citations, etc.), may be referred to the respective divisional Inspector for
- Whenever a Commanding Officer reviews a Complaint Against Police (CAP)
involving an officer under their command, the commander shall document what
action, if any, was taken as a result of their review of the CAP investigation
The OPR will be the control agency for the distribution of CCRs. They will maintain
the Citizen’s Complaint Report Log (75-579) which serves as a master list of all forms
and offices to which they have been assigned.
- Locations where complaint forms are available:
a. All Police facilities
b. Neighborhood Police Mini-Stations
c. Philadelphia Police Department Website at
*1 d. Office of Professional Responsibility, (7790 Dungan Road, Philadelphia, PA
e. Mayor’s Office for Community Services
f. Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations
*2 g. Neighborhood Advisory Centers
h. The District Attorney’s Office
i. The Police Advisory Commission (1515 Arch St., 11th floor, Philadelphia, PA
Completed complaint forms may be returned to:
a. Police Headquarters
b. Any Police district/unit
c. Any location where the forms are distributed
A. When a complaint is received from an agency other than police, all necessary reports
will be prepared by an OPR Investigator. Outside agencies will still be responsible
for their own Citizen’s Complaint Report Log entries.
B. When a complaint is received in a police district/unit, the Operations Room Supervisor
(ORS) will:
1. Obtain a District Control (DC) number and prepare a Complaint or Incident Report
(75-48) utilizing one of the following Philadelphia Classification Codes:
Code 2703 - Complaints Against Police - Physical or Verbal Abuse
Code 2704 - Complaints Against Police Other than Physical or Verbal
Code 2705 - Prison Complaints
a. If a complaint is received in a district other than the district of occurrence,
obtain a DC number from the district of occurrence. A complainant will not be
redirected to another police facility after having initially visited a district/unitImmediately notify the ranking supervisor on-duty in the district/unit where the
complaint originates to ensure that the provisions of this policy are executed.
3. All criminal allegations will be investigated by the OPR. Any supervisor or
investigative unit receiving a complainant alleging criminal conduct against a
police officer will contact OPR immediately. During non-business hours, the
*1 ranking supervisor will contact Police Radio. A Police Radio supervisor will
ensure that the on-call OPR Captain is notified. The OPR Captain will then contact
the initiating supervisor/investigative unit regarding the criminal complaint.
OPR will arrest sworn members of the Department for criminal conduct.
OISI will investigate and arrest sworn members who are involved in
unlawful police discharges, once approved by the District Attorney’s
Office (DAO). For additional information on discharging of a firearm,
see Directive 10.1, “Use of Force – Involving the Discharge of Firearms.”
If the complainant has not prepared a CCR, provide them with a CCR and a
Continuation Report, if necessary. Instruct the complainant to prepare the report
(hand printed) by filling in the required information including signature. If the
complainant wishes to take the CCR home, allow them to do so.
If the complainant is illiterate or unable to competently prepare the report, or an
interpreter is needed, refer to Directive 7.7 “Limited English Proficiency.”
*3 Interpretation services used to aid a complainant in the completion of a CCR
must be provided by the contracted telephonic service, or an individual selected
by the complainant (i.e., relative, friends, etc.). Due to the potential for a
conflict of interest, under no circumstances shall a Police Department
Authorized Interpreter (PPDAI) be used to assist in the completion of a CCR.