Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital, Flashcards
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital,
All detainees in hospitals will be processed and arraigned in a timely manner. The_________ ?
immediate notification by the Supervisor (ORS) in the district of arrest will be made to the Records and Identification Unit via a computer terminal
(SEND/DNTP/260) in order to expedite the processing and arraignment of all hospitalized detainees
Operations Room
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital,
Detainee guard details shall not be terminated until ?
The detainee has been fingerprinted,
photographed, AND released on subpoena, or transferred and/or taken over by guards
from a prison facility upon completion of the arraignment process.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital,
Who ? is responsible for maintaining and checking
the Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System (PARS) Hospital Queue throughout the city.
The Records and Identification Unit
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The responsibility for coverage of hospital details will rest with who ?
the district of arrest.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Who is responsible for setting up a procedure to supply the necessary personnel for covering multiple hospital details.
Divisional Commanders
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Who will ensure that whenever a detainee has
given a statement, that the District Attorney’s Charging Unit (DACU) receives a copy of the statement prior to the expiration of the six-hour priority period.?
The ranking investigative unit supervisor
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Arresting/transporting officer(s) will:
- Transport an injured detainee directly to the
nearest hospital for treatment. Trauma
cases shall be transported to the nearest
accredited trauma center. - In the event that a detainee is transported by Emergency Medical Services, one
officer will accompany the detainee in the rear of the medic unit, while the other officer follows behind in their police vehicle to the hospital. The detainee will be searched prior to transport, and handcuffed at all times to prevent escape.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Arresting/transporting officer(s) will:
- Notify the ORS in the district where the hospital is located and inform them of the
condition of the detainee and whether or not the detainee will be admitted to the
hospital. - Notify the Operations Room Supervisor (ORS) in the district of arrest (if other than where the hospital is located) and inform them of the condition of the detainee and whether or not the detainee will be
admitted to the hospital.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Arresting/transporting officer(s) will:
- Notify Police Radio to request a patrol supervisor from the district in which the
hospital is located to respond to the hospital and evaluate the condition of the
detainee. - Follow procedures outlined in Directive 3.14, “Hospital Cases” regarding the
necessary paperwork required for a detainee hospital case. A separate District Control number will be obtained from Police Radio for the hospital case
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Arresting/transporting officer(s) will:
- Notify the detective division of arrest and inform them of the hospital detail
location, the detainee’s condition, and the location where the detainee was arrested. - Remain with the detainee at all times during their hospital confinement, until
relieved. Whenever an examination of a detainee requires the removal of
restraining devices, officers will guard all possible exits and remain in that location
to monitor the detainee and prevent an opportunity to escape.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The Operations Room Supervisor in the district of arrest will:
- Record the hospital detail information on the district’s Sending and Receiving sheet
(S&R). - Ensure that a separate District Control (DC) number is obtained for the hospital case. This set of DC numbers will be in addition to those issued for the original incident. The Complaint or Incident Report (75-48) will be coded “3017- Hospital Case in Police Custody.” The DC number of the original incident will be referenced in the “Description of Incident” section of the hospital case 75-48.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The Operations Room Supervisor in the district of arrest will:
- Notify Internal Affairs via the “Use of Force/Hospital Case” Notification Screen (located on the PPD Intranet Home Page) if the detainee was injured as a result of a
police-related action and needs to be treated at a hospital, or they are admitted to a
hospital while in custody.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The Operations Room Supervisor in the district of arrest will:
- Notify the detective division of arrest of the admittance of a detainee, regardless
of the nature of the offense or whether another unit will be
conducting the investigation. - In the event that a detainee is admitted to the hospital, notify the Records and
Identification Unit, via computer message (SEND/DNTP/260), who will arrange to
have the detainee fingerprinted and photographed. The detainee must be conscious
and coherent in order to be fingerprinted, unless fingerprinting is otherwise directed
by a supervisor or the assigned investigator.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The Operations Room Supervisor in the district of arrest will:
- Contact the officers guarding the detainee at least once each tour and obtain a
detailed condition and prognosis of the detainee. This information, including any
changes in the detainee’s condition, status, or location will be recorded on
the S&R. - Contact the pertinent unit, or officer processing the arrest and ensure that the
necessary arrest report is being prepared in the PARS system.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The Patrol Supervisor in the district of arrest will:
- Ensure that two (2) uniformed police officers from the district of arrest have been assigned to guard the detainee.
- Inform subsequent shift supervisors of the detainee’s
detail so that coverage/relief can be provided expeditiously. - Check the status of the detainee to confirm availability for scheduling an
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The ORS in the district where the hospital is located will:
- Record the hospital detail information on the district’s S&R.
- Contact the officers guarding the detainee at least once each tour and obtain a detailed condition and prognosis of the detainee. This information, including any
changes in the detainee’s condition, status, or location will be recorded on the S&R.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The Patrol Supervisor in the district where the hospital is located will:
- Respond without delay to the hospital to evaluate the detainee and ascertain
whether or not they will be admitted. The patrol supervisor will also check the
medical condition of the detainee (conscious, coherent) and whether or not they
will be able to be arraigned. The supervisor will relay this information to both the
ORS of the district of arrest and district where the hospital is located. - If the hospital authorities refuse arraignment, record such refusal on the Hospital
Case Log (75-667), including the name of the physician, date, time, and reason for
refusal. This information will be provided to the ORS in the district of arrest who
will contact the investigative unit and BCHQ (Booking Center Headquarters) at
(215) 686-1206 or 1216.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The Patrol Supervisor in the district where the hospital is located will:
- Ensure that two (2) uniformed police officers from the district of arrest have been assigned to guard the detainee.
NOTE: It may be necessary for this supervisor to assign officers from their district to the detail until personnel from the district of arrest arrive. - Visit and inspect the detainee detail (checking on the condition and status of the
detainee) and sign the Hospital Case Log each tour.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The Patrol Supervisor in the district where the hospital is located will:
- Obtain the Hospital Case Log when the detail is terminated and forward it to the Commanding Officer of the pertinent investigative unit and/or district (for district level arrests).
- Ensure that the detail guarding the prisoner has a portable radio and an extra fully charged battery.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Police personnel assigned to guard detainees will:
- Ensure that all detainees are handcuffed and secured, until properly relieved. In some cases, medical staff may request that a detainee be/remain un-handcuffed. In these instances, personnel shall consult a supervisor for a determination of whether a detainee will be unsecured. Such decisions shall be made by a police supervisor, and not the medical staff.
- Follow and enforce all security instructions written and/or oral.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Police personnel assigned to guard detainees will:
- Ensure that portable radios are operational at all times.
- Prepare and maintain the Hospital Case Log and document any unusual occurrence.
The officers guarding the detainee will document all detainee activities, including:
phone calls, visitors, and whenever a detainee is moved from the room for tests,
surgery, etc
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Police personnel assigned to guard detainees will:
- Remain with the detainee at all times during their hospital confinement. If a
detainee is placed in a room with other patients, the police officer(s) must remain in
the same room with the detainee regardless of any objections of the other patients
or the hospital staff. Any question(s) or problem(s) will be directed to a police
supervisor. - Immediately inform the ORS in both the district of arrest and the district where the
hospital is located, of any change in the detainee’s condition, any unusual
condition, or if the hospital has refused arraignment proceedings. This information
will be recorded on the S&R. Also notify BCHQ at (215) 686-1206 or 1216.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
Police personnel assigned to guard detainees will:
- Maintain all pertinent reports necessary for the detainee’s processing.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital
The following persons are permitted to visit:
1) Parent(s)
2) Spouse
3) Attorney
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital, Before permitting any of the above visitors to enter the hospital room, the
uniformed detail will request proper photo identification.
If a question arises as to the true identity of the visitor, or if the visitor claims they are next of kin of the detainee, but is not one of the aforementioned persons, the officer will consult with the respective patrol supervisor as to their admittance.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital,
Only_______? visitor at a time shall be permitted in the hospital room and an
officer will remain in the room during these visits.
one (1)
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital, When the detainee’s
attorney requests permission to consult with his client privately, the officer will_____?
Move to a point where they can visually observe the detainee, but cannot overhear the conversation.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital, The length and time of visits shall be
brief and in accordance with the doctor’s
orders and hospital regulations.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital, For each visit, the uniformed detail will document the following information on
the Hospital Case log:
1) The name and relationship of the visitor;
2) The identification presented (record numeric identifiers: Social Security Number, OLN (Operator License Number, etc.,); and
3) The time the visit began and ended.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital, The uniformed detail WILL NOT.
Permit any packages to be delivered or
carried into the detainee’s room
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital,
A detainee is ONLY permitted to receive mail from_______?
His attorney and from , federal, state, or local authorities. No other mail shall be delivered to the detainee.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital, The detainee will not be permitted to use the phone, except
To call their attorney or arrange for bail
When the detainee requests permission to make
authorized phone calls, the detail officer will dial the number, ascertain the identity of the person called, then accordingly, permit the detainee to speak.
According to Directive 4.13 Detainees in the hospital,
Who will have the detainee fingerprinted. Criminal
Records will process the arrest and forward the arrest to the District Attorney’s
Charging Unit (DACU) in PARS. DACU will send the approved charges to the
Philadelphia Juvenile Justice Service Center (PJJSC), who will determine whether the
juvenile is to be released to their parent(s) or whether they will be incarcerated at the
The ORS of the divisional headquarters