Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations, Flashcards
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
Police Headquarters Building security will be enforced ?
twenty-four (24) hours a day.
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations, Who will be responsible for
building security and patrol of the parking lots
The Police Headquarters Building Security Unit Sergeant
In the absence of the Security Unit
Sergeant, the Police Detention Unit Supervisor will assume responsibility.
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations, What door will be used by both police and civilian, and by visitors entering Police Headquarters. ?
The east rear lobby door
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
The loading ramp doors located at the basement level on the 8th Street side of Police
Headquarters will only be used for ?
official business, deliveries, and custodial duties,
The doors will be alarmed. Each time an employee uses the door they are to use
their Police Identification card to scan the Lentil Card Reader which will record their
name and time that they used the loading ramp door.
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
All Police Headquarters Unit supervisors will be responsible to ensure that all
personnel under their supervision do not use ?
Use the the loading ramp door for general entrance to and/or exit from the building.
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations, who will ensure that all sworn plainclothes and civilian personnel entering Police Headquarters on official business wear their identification cards on their outermost garment, left side of chest area, at all times while inside Police Headquarters.
All District/Unit Supervisors
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
color-coded floor passes—— Green
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
color-coded floor passes—- Yellow
1st Floor
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
color-coded floor passes— Pink
2nd Floor
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
color-coded floor passes—– Blue
3rd Floor
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
color-coded floor passes—- White
All floors and service-maintenance people
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations, If the visitor fails to appear in a reasonable length of time, If the visitor fails to appear in a reasonable length of time, Who will be notified ?
The Security desk
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations, Groups touring Police Headquarters will sign in and out as a group by ?
Their police escort.
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations, Unauthorized vehicles found parked on either lot will be ?
issued a TVR and towed.
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations,
Between the hours of____________? a
6th District RPC and EPW will be required to make patrol checks of Police
Headquarters parking lots and the Convention Center Parking Lot located at 7th and Callowhill Streets every two hours, when possible, and shall record the checks on their patrol log.
6:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M., and during the entire weekend,
According to Directive 7.3 Police Headquarters Building regulations, Police Headquarters Parking Lots ?
(Main Lots located in rear of Police Headquarters
Lots 1 and 2 “mural lot” and the Convention Center Parking Lot located at 7th and
Callowhill Streets)