Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Flashcards
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Upon receipt of a court notice, modification, or cancellation via the department computer system, the operations room supervisor will do the following.
- Promptly notify the officer( including officers in sick ,
IOD, and suspended status by telephone or email or
in person. - Ensure the supervisor of each subpoenaed officer,
regardless of squad, receives their respective court
notice. - Log every court notice received on their tour of duty into the court notice book.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas The following personnel WILL NOT be affected by the court recall System and will report to the appropriate Court Attendance Section office at the time printed on the court notice.
- Officers assigned to the 12amX8am or 8pm 4am tour.
- Officers in sick, injured , limited duty or restricted.
- Personnel suspended from duty.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas Officers are encouraged to Scan out from any empty courtroom in the CJC True or False
FALSE: Under no circumstances will subpoenaed personnel scan in or out from a courtroom in which they do not have a corresponding court notice to.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas Platoon supervisors of subpoenaed personnel will, prior to granting vacation and prior to scheduling training , conduct a court notification inquiry via the Departmental computer system using the _______? transaction , If the officer is scheduled to appear in court on the date requested , the request will be denied. if the officer is not scheduled , the request may be approved.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, IAB subpoenas , when the employee may receive disciplinary action, the Department Representative will schedule such inquiries no less than _______? calendar days , exuding weekends/ holidays , after notifying the employee.
Three days
IAB subpoenas 3 days to allow employee to seek representation.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Which of the following court is of highest Priority
- Must be Tried Homicide trial
- Must be Tried Preliminary Hearing
- Municipal Court List room
- Investigation Grand Jury
- Must be tried Preliminary hearing
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Police personnel who are subpoenaed to appear in court in another jurisdiction as result of police duties will: Notify the Court Attendance office 215-686-3282, then they ___________? for the other jurisdiction.
Leave their residence and then notify them when they are back home.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Personnel will earn overtime, Vacation or Holiday for court appearance as follows: On a scheduled day off (SDO) with a minimum______to be earned.
4 hours
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Officers having multiple court case need only scan into the main courtroom that they are in True or False
FALSE: Officers having multiple court case on one day always indicate their current location within the Criminal justice Center by scanning in to the courtroom where the officer is on location so they can be contacted if needed.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Personnel in full IOD status and attending court, will be entered in the DARS’s as eight 8 hours IOD True or false
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, If personnel are scheduled to appear for a Case Prep while in SDO status, the supervisor will immediately contact the ____________ for cancellation.
The overtime Management unit
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Initial Case Prep appearance will be limited to four (4) hours overtime in ___________case and two (2) hours overtime in all other cases
Homicide / Felony
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Officers appearing in court while in sick status will utilize no more than four (4) of sick leave True or False
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Whenever a police officer fails to appear or reports late for court _________? will ensure that an investigation is initiated and the appropriate action is taken when necessary.
The commanding officer
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, when a police office is late for court , the officer will contact the duty ORS _______? Prior to their court start time and provide the ORS with an estimated time of arrival to court.
30 minutes
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Personnel in IOD status are NOT required to appear for court. True Or False ?
FALSE: Subpoenaed personnel are obligated to attend court as ordered. The mere fact that personnel may be sick or IOD status, attending training, or requesting a vacation/ holiday dose not relieve them of their responsibility to appear in court.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, An employee who has an earned but unused vacation leave of seventy (70) days (560) hours or more shall, in lieu of additional vacation leave , have two hours added to the ______ ? time
Holiday time
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, If an officer, subpoenaed for a Case Prep, exceeds the allotted time for appearance, the officer WILL continue to accrue Overtime Until the Case Prep is ended. True or False
FALSE: Case-Prep NOTE : No overtime will be recorded in excess of the specified time limitation without the direct approval of the pertinent Deputy Commissioner.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Personnel subpoenaed to to multiple Criminal Trial Court simultaneously will report to the highest prior court True or False
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Local Court Rule 800 provides for _________? by the prosecution. The district Attorneys Office must be prepared for the rescheduled proceeding or the defendant may be discharged.
One continuance
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, With the ADA approval , officers appearing for Case Prep, May be placed ON CALL. True or False
FALSE: Under no circumstances will personnel with Case Prep court notice be placed on call
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Supervisors are required to review and initial all arrest and investigative report, including PARS reports within _______? of their completion to ensure only those are listed. officers / investigators who are necessary for the successful outcome of the case are listed
TEN hours
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, After checking the court notice system using KTNQ for court notices and subpoenas, when there are NO court conflicts. The Supervisor may grant the vacation request and then enter the vacation into the court notice and subpoenas system using_____for entries
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, The ORS will ensure that an absence/lateness message using ____ is transmitted when an officer has multiple court appearances on the same day
Code : J
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, which is the Court of Highest Priority 1 . Traffic Court 2. Police board of Inquiry 3. Internal Affairs interview 4. EEO interview
1 Traffic court
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Any ORS who is unable to reach an officer, leave a message or send an E-mail to the phone number or E-mail address listed on the court recall register will immediately make a notation on the District’s _______?
Sending and receiving sheet S&R
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, When a police officer in sick or injured statues and is subpoenaed to court , the appearance is considered optional , unless the officer is confined or immobile True or False ?
FALSE: When an officer is sick or IOD the court appearance is mandatory unless the officer is confined or immobile
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Any officer wishing to change the phone number or email address for court recall will ?
will be required to submit a 350B to their commanding officer
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Who will ? Determine the necessity of the court appearance by the officer. when it is uncertain why an officer has been subpoenaed for a case or there appears to be unnecessary personnel subpoenaed, or the subpoena was sent in error , will contact the overtime Management Unit
The platoon supervisor
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, The 48 hour notification starts when the officer is notified. The overtime rate will not apply to duplicate court notice for the same court case which are received less than 48 hours of the court date provided that the first notice was received 48 hours or more before the scheduled. True or False
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Supervisors shall ensure they are directing an investigation appropriately and are not placing themselves in a position that will require their testimony at a later date True or False ?
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Whenever there are________or More personnel subpoenaed on the some case, the supervisor will contact the Overtime management unit to refer the case for their review .
SIx (6) officers
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Police personnel subpoenaed for a Case Prep will ensure they do not appear for a Case Prep on Scheduled days off True or False
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Personnel who are considered or scheduled to attend specialized training Northwestern University , POSIT, POLEX, Pre-Promotional Training will submit a memorandum through the chain of command to the Chief Inspector, Standards and Accountability requesting permission to be placed in ________? Status while attending the Specialized training
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Officers in suspended status will be compensated for their appearance in the same manner as full duty personnel, but will not be entitled to overtime True or False
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Personnel subpoenaed for case marked Must be tried / No on call with the exception of personnel assigned to the Homicide and crime scene Unit , will not be placed On call Under any circumstances True or False
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Officers who do not receive court notice at least_______? in advanced of the time they are directed to appear for required court appearance, other than a preliminary hearing scheduled for a date the officer is not scheduled to work, shall be paid a minimum of 4 hours of overtime
48 hours
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, Personnel subpoenaed for a court appearance in a jurisdiction other than Philadelphia are entitled to witness fees paid by that jurisdiction for duty related appearances.
According to Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Subpoenas, when appearing for court when scheduled to work the 4pmx12am , 8pmx4am or 12am x 8am tour of duty, The employee shall be required to report to work and report off duty as scheduled and shall have two hours added to their_______? balance
Vacation Time
Directive 6.2 Court Notices, Court Priority By number
- Must Be Tried Preliminary Hearings
- Must be Tried all other courts
3.Preliminary Hearings
4.Common Pleas court -Criminal Case
5.Municipal Court List Room
6.Criminal motions - Investigation Grand Jury
8 . Federal Court
9.Pennsylvania Board of Probation & Parole - Civil cases
11.City Solicitor - Traffic Court
- State Bureau of Highway safety
- PA Liquor control board
- Civil Service commission
- Police board of inquire (PBI)
- Internal Affairs
- Equal Employment Opportunity Interview
- Police Advisor Commission