Directive 11.3 sick leave Flashcards
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , Report all injuries incurred while off duty by preparing and submitting __________?
3 copies of the injury report (82-S-58) within two (2) working days after the occurrence
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee will be placed on the Excessive Use of Sick Leave List when they use a total of _______? sick days without a medical certificate in a calendar year
eight (8) sick days `
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , Shift employees calling off sick , must notify the district/ unit no later than_______? the scheduled start of work
One 1/2 hour prior
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , More than two (2) hours to maximum of six (6) hours will be charged ?
with four (4) hour’s sick leave.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , Non-shift employees - must notify the district/unit ?
no later than one (1) hour after the
scheduled start of work.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee who has accumulated sick leave up to 2499 hours , can be sold or converted at ________? of accumulated time
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , Permission to leave residence while off sick is called a ________?
Sunshine pass
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee will be placed on the Excessive Use of Sick Leave list for a rolling ________? month period from the time of being placed on the list , or from the time a violation resulting in disciplinary action occurs while on the list
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , Medical records must accompany the physician’s certificate when an employee experiences any of the following ?
Hospitalization, surgeries , x-rays, emergency room Visit, or treatment for a motor vehicle accident
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , an employee with ______? hours of accumulated sick time may NOT be sick checked
1200 hours unless on sick abuse list
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , Employees who have 80 days (640 hours) or more of accumulated sick leave may exchange up to a Maximum of ____________?
10 sick days (80 hours) at the conversion rate of two days of sick leave for one day of vacation leave.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee will be required to call in only the first day of any absence unless they ___________?
will be unable to return to work on the expected date of return.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee upon retirement , who accumulates more than ________ hours of sick leave can be sold or converted at 60% of accumulated time
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee nay leave their place of sick confinement to visit the following
Place of Worship
Poling place
Doctors office
Retail outlet selling primarily food supplies
Other locations approved by the employee’s Commanding Officer
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , The employee will be notified by their Commanding Officer after having used
five (5) undocumented sick days that after three (3) additional undocumented
days of sick leave during a calendar year will result in the employee
placed on the Excessive Use of Sick Leave List.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , The five (5) day undocumented sick warning memorandum must be given to
the employee ?
within ten (10) working days of their return to duty.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , pattern of taking sick leave, which includes but shall not be limited to the following:
a. Three or more occurrences of undocumented sick use on any specific tour of duty.
b. Three or more occurrences undocumented sick use before or after Regular Days Off.
c. Three or more occurrences of undocumented sick use on any specific day of the week.
d. Two or more occurrences of sick leave usage after being denied other leave.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , Any employee placed on the Excessive Use of Sick leave List shall not be paid?
For the first day of the next four (4) occasions or the next twelve (12) months, whichever is shorter. The employee will be carried “T” on DAR for these occurrences.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , Sworn personnel must submit a doctors certificate when absent for more than________? consecutive days
3 days
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , A sunshine pass will be granted by Personnel Office with the an authorized memo from who ?
The Commanding officer and a doctors note.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee is absent for more than ______? work days must submit a medical certificate during each pay period unless the employee’s physician submits s written statement giving an estimated date of return to work
10 days
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , When absent for ________? or more the employee must report to 1901 Fairmount , for an examination not later than 11:00am on or before the date of returning to duty
10 days
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee who violates any of the provisions of the rules and regulations as stated in
this Directive will not be paid for the days not worked and will be disciplined in accordance with the following procedures:
1st Occurrence - Written Warning 2nd Occurrence - One (1) Day Suspension 3 Occurrence - Three (3) Day Suspension 4th Occurrence - Ten (10) Day Suspension 5th Occurrence - May be discharged.
According to Directive 11.3 sick leave , An employee with 150 days (1200 hours) or more of accumulated sick leave will
not be called or visited by supervisory personnel or any other personnel for the
purpose of a sick leave check with the exception of those employees placed on the
Excessive Use of Sick Leave List.
3. Distribution of Incident Report (75-48) :
White Copy Personnel Officer
Yellow Copy District Performing Visit
Pink Copy District/Unit Requesting Visit