Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, Flashcards
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, Officers participating in the Ride Along program are to indicate on the log that they were accompanied by a rise along participant and list the name of the person as per ________?
Directive 4.20 Ride along program
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, Who will maintain a file of patrol logs for the present month and the immediate preceding month in the Operations Room by date and tour of duty ?
The Operations room supervisor.
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, All non-supervisory uniformed police officers assigned to foot patrol, Radio patrol car, mounted, tactical teams, NETS teams , reimbursable details, and other at the dictation of the commanding officer shall record their actions on a _______________?
Patrol Activity log
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, The patrol log should not record such items as _________?
Time spent at roll call , checking the vehicle , enroute to an assignment or any other unnecessary information.
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, The Patrol Activity log (75-158) is a tool used to record an officers activity, response to an incident , or service rendered. it is to be used by supervisors and commanders to ________?
Review the actions and responses of subordinates on their tour of duty.
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, Who is responsible to periodically spot check and initial logs to ensure compliance with the provisions of this directive?
Commanding officers
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, Officers will account for personal time and time taken for their_________? minute lunch period by entering the time they go out of service, the location of the personal or lunch they are taking , and the time the return into service.
30 minutes
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, Each patrol log shall be signed at least ________? each tour of duty and will include the time and location of the check. This reviewing signature will be placed on the top of the revers side of the log marked, patrol supervisors signature and badge.
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, Who is responsible to ensure every police officer accurately prepares their log by personally reviewing and signing it and patrolling the police officers assigned area.
Patrol Supervisor
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, Who is responsible to review and account for all logs, sign all off them, and include their payroll number in the lower right-hand corner of the revers side of the patrol log.
Platoon lieutenant.
According to Directive 12.17 Patrol logs, The two lines provided for a narrative should include as much information as is available. for incidents not requiring a 75-48, it is most important that ____________?
The narrative be thorough and contain all available pertinent information
The Patrol Activity Log (75-158) is a tool used to record
an officer’s activity, response to an incident, or service rendered. It is to be used by supervisors and commanders to review the actions and responses of subordinates on their tour of duty. Additionally, the log has been developed to allow for the recording of a sufficient amount of information, which reduces the need to complete additional paperwork.
The log allows for______ ? separate incident entries per log. If a mistake is made on an
entry, a line will be drawn through the error.
The police officer preparing the Patrol Activity Log shall:
- Make each entry specific, legible, and in chronological order of occurrence. None
of the 18 separate incident sections shall be skipped. - At the beginning of the tour of duty insert on the log
a. Date
b. District
c. Platoon
d. PSA and Zone
e. Vehicle number (if applicable)—if a replacement vehicle is used, the
replacement vehicle number and the normal sector car’s number shall be
inserted (example: 25T2 used as 259)
f. Mileage start
g. Mileage finish
h. Tour
i. Radio number
j. Flashlight number
k. Equipment check (including MDC)
l. Day of week (written entry)
NOTE: It is the operator’s responsibility to check the oil and transmission fluid
levels and visually check the inflation level of the tires. Additionally, a
visual check of the entire vehicle will be conducted by the operator
prior to and upon ending his/her tour of duty.
The Patrol Supervisor shall:
- Ensure that every police officer accurately prepares their log by personally
reviewing and signing it and patrolling the police officer’s assigned area.
a. Each patrol log shall be signed at least once each tour of duty and will include
the time and location of the check. This reviewing signature will be placed on
the top of the reverse side of the log marked, “Patrol Supervisor’s Signature &
b. Additionally, the sergeant shall sign their name along with their payroll
number on the bottom of the reverse side of the Patrol Activity Log indicating
their approval of the contents of the log at the end of the officer’s tour of
duty. If more than one log has been used, ensure all are signed and stapled
together before filing in the district file.
The Platoon Commander (Lieutenant) shall
review and account for all logs, sign all of them, and include their payroll number in the lower right-hand corner of the reverse side of the Patrol Activity Log.
Commanding Officers shall
periodically spot-check and initial logs to ensure
compliance with the provisions of this directive.
The platoon’s Operations Room Supervisor
shall maintain a file of patrol logs for the
present month and the immediate preceding month in the Operations Room by date and
tour of duty.
1. All previous logs shall be kept in the district’s storage room. Accumulated logs
shall be disposed of in accordance with the official Records Retention and
Disposition Schedule.