Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force Flashcards
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, What is the primary purpose of all police officers ?
The protection of life
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Officers when responding to any incident that may require the use of force, officers are not permitted to ?
Sit, Kneel. or stand on a subjects back or chest
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Assault on police , Who is responsible to notify the detective division Commander or CIB, contacting DACU by telephone , and approving the PARS ?
The detective division supervisor
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, When utilizing OC spray , officers will deliver the spray directly into the face. (eyes,nose,mouth). and when practical , when in the range of ? _________ feet
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Assault on police investigation procedure , The supervisor will do the following ?
Respond to all assault on police crime scene
Document all police and civilian witnesses
Observe and document all injures to police and defendants and supply the information to the detective division.
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Who? sends use of force messages to internal affairs
The operations room supervisor
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, The diagram that illustrates the amount of force an officer should use based on the suspects behavior and threats is known as __________?
The Use of force decision chart
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, The use of OC spray is for defense or to assist in effecting an arrest . it may be use to
Control an aggressively resisting subject
Prevent an escape from arrest
Overcome resistance to an arrest
NOTE: OC spray WILL NOT be used to disperse a crowd.
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Officers will not intentional strike the following area’s on the body ?
Head , Face , throat, chest, abdomen, groin
spine or collarbone
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, OC Spay may NOT be used on a ________?
None compliant passively resting protestor
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Who will be responsible for reviewing and ensuring accuracy of the use of force form and will also sign the form
Both the assigned Lieutenant and sergeant
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Assault on police , The assigned investigator will ?
Ensure all investigative steps were taken
Document and photograph all injuries
Ensure all person(Police and Civilian ) involved are interviewed.
Ensure PARS are submitted ONLY After the case has been approved by the unit supervisor and reviewing commander.
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Officers will never transport a prisoner in a ________? this will prevent positional asphyxia
face down position
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Assault on police , investigation procedure, If during business hours, the Detective Division Commanding officers is unavailable , then the detective division supervisor will notify the flowing :
Patrol Commanding officer located in the divisional headquarters.
District commanding officer in Division of occurrence
The divisional inspector.
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, The Supreme Court has ruled that an objectively reasonable use of force determination will depend on what test ?
Totality of the Circumstances
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Moderate / limited use of force may be required when the offender is ___________?
Non-compliant and is resisting the officers commands
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, officer are prohibited from carrying _______? off duty as an alternative weapon
ECW or OC spray
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, True or False : The departments Use of force form will be completed whenever any Department personnel uses physical force upon another person. Use of force includes but not limited to: baton, ASP use, OC spray or another object. canine dog bites, ECW usage.
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, All use of force paperwork must be completed _____________?
Before the officer completes their tour of duty
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Who will review all paperwork on an investigation of an Assault on Police (no arrest) Prior to submitting an Affidavit for an Arrest Warrant ?
The Directive Division Commanding officer
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, If more than one officer utilized force during s single incident how many 75-48 are required ?
One (1) 75-48 though the names of all involved officers must be included.
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, OC spray will not be sprayed directly in the eyes at a distance of less than ______ feet, when possible
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Officer may view there OWN body cam footage prior to completing the use of force form True or False
True : officer can only view there own BWC , not the BCW of other officers
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, As officers , we have an obligation to protect the public and other offers. Therefore , it shall be the duty of __________? to either stop or attempt to stop another officer when force is inappropriately used and /or no longer required
all officers present
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Officers who used OC spray will prepare a ?
use of force report
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, What ? is the Fourth Amendment standard whereby an officers belief that hey must protect themselves or others from death or serious bodily injury is compared and weighted against what a reasonable or rational officer would have believed under similar circumstances
Objectively Reasonable
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, If more then one officer was injures or if more than one defendant has had forced used against them as a result of a single incident __________? messages must be sent via the internal affairs notification screen.
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Accidental discharge of a ECW will be reported to internal affairs the the notification screen. a Use of force report is __________?
NOT !! necessary
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Police baton overall length is
22-24 inches and a diameter of one quarter inches
made of wood or fiberglass or carry a departmental issued ASP
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, When utilizing OC spray , officers will deliver the spray directly into the face (eyes , nose mouth and in ________? burst
in two , one half second burst
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, When using OC spray officer WILL :
1.Calm the individual down ,reassure them the effects
are temporary
2. Safely secure the individual in handcuffs one under
3. Be aware of cross contamination , wind direction and presence of other officers
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, Officers are prohibited from using choke holds and sleeper holds True or False
According to Directive 10.2 Use of limited Moderate Force, OC spray, officer in need of a replacement OC spray can do to expiration or damage will report to _______? for replacement
Firearms training unit