Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, Flashcards
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
Who will review each 75-48A to ensure that all required information is present, legible , and accurate and will sigh and approve them ?
The Patrol supervisor
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
For Retail theft arrest- If any force was used by or against the Employee/ Witness to affect the arrest or any injuries were incurred by the defendant and or the Employee/Witness the responding officer Must _______?
Contact the Detective Davison by phone from the scene.
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, True or False ? According to the United States Supreme Court , The basis for the vehicle stop provides the reasonable suspicion necessary to lawfully detain the passenger
True : this is true , even if the officer have no reason to suspect criminal activity by the passenger
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
What type of alarm ? is an alarm that is activated in the absence of an emergency or crime, either accidental or through electrical / medical failure ?
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
Upon an audit by the Divisional/special 75-48a. Ped/Veh investigations. inspectors, supervisors should be prepared to explain ____________?
What actions were taken when the basis of any stop, frisk or search is determined to be missing or insufficient such action can be documented in the supervisors comment box.
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, The complaints email address , should be where ?
In the narrative in the description of incident section
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
Uniform Crime Reporting statistics are derived from the INCT system and it is imperative the information is correct and entered or updated within ______? days
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, A terry stop may be initiated upon a anonymous call Provided the tip can be ________?
Sufficiently corroborated by independent police work and observation that would give rise to a reasonable belief that the tip was correct.
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, Is Verified! Flash! Information ! , alone provide the reasonable suspicion necessary to conduct a Terry Stop
YES !!!
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
what type of information received from an identifiable or confirmable source such as Law enforcement officer a caller who has identified themselves or flash information relating t any part 1 crime in progress with an ascertainable victim or witness
Verified information
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, Information about a crime , which can provide the basis to determine who committed the crime is called _____?
Solvability factors
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, Should a supervisor determine that the Ped/ Vehicle investigation is not fully supported by reasonable suspicion or probable cause, the supervisor shall ?
Take and document whatever corrective action is necessary, such as counseling, re-training, and or formal discipline if necessary.
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, An individual merely matching the description of an anonymous report of a Crime Is _________? for a legal basis to stop and frisk an individual
NOT enough
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, What type of fire alarm that is activated in the absence of a fire or where there is no evidence that someone maliciously set off the alarm
Defective / Accidentally Tripped fire alarm (FAF)
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, A totally groundless assignment will be coded as
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
A officer or supervisor always has the discretion to prepare a 75-48 on ANY assignment True or False
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
Electronic 75-48A system: within______ Calendar days of the report, the platoon sergeant shall review all 75-48A reports generated by officers administratively accountable to the sergeant by platoon assignment only
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
When an investigation reveals a need for a classification change , the assigned investigator will submit a
75-49 or a 75-52 paper copy and update the INCT
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
The Operations room supervisor can close out the following Crime Classification Code on the 75-48 paper and INCT when ?
The Complainant dose not wish to testify
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
If a search is conducted without a warrant , the officer WILL ?
Record the facts and circumstances and indicate which recognized exception to the warrant requirement was relied for the search.
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, While a traffic stop allows the driver and passengers to be detained during the investigation it DOSE NOT __________?
Automatically authorized an officer to frisk the driver or passengers. The officer must have additional reasonable suspicion to believe the driver or passenger has a weapon that could harm the officer.
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, When individuals are present while residential search Warrant is being served. Officer are required to ?
Complete a Vehicle or pedestrian investigation on ALL! individuals detained
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, What type of alarm ? Is activated do to Sever weather conditions , Acts of god, power outages, or other extraordinary circumstances
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, Ownership/ Non-Permission- The Interview sheet will be prepared in pen for all Property crime Arrest by the Assigned detective or the arresting Officer as requested by the assigned detective. the Interview with the owner can be done by ____________?
Phone and dose not have to be in person
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report, True or False ? A search warrant allows for all individuals present to be detained and searched ?
FALSE : Officer need additional reasonable suspicion to believe the individual present during the search has a weapon that could harm the officer.
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
Any complainant requesting a copy of the 75-48 for any incident will be told to
go to the nearest police district obtain the DC# and the appropriate application form
According to Directive 12.11 Complaint Incident Report,
In an effort to reduce arrest processing time and out of service time for police personnel the attached retail theft report ?
75-635 will be used by patrol officers on all retail theft arrest