Directive 12.13 Missing persons, Flashcards
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons,
All persons under _________? years of age will immediately and automatically e entered into PCIC and NCIC system.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, Which Category of missing person is , a person 18 years of age or older not meeting the criteria for enter in any other category but who is missing and for whom there is reasonable concern for their safety. This category includes all persons between 18 and 21 years of age as per the Federal Suzanne’s Law
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, All missing persons are presumed missing from ________?
Their home residence.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, What category of missing person is a person of any age who is in the company of another person under circumstances indicating that their physical safety is in danger.
Endangered missing person
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, What non-profit program designed to assist in locating people suffering from autism , Down Syndrome or Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia type disorder’s.
Safety Net by lo-jack
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, A Tender age is defined as any juvenile _______ years of age, subject to modification by the assigned investigator.
Under 10 years of age
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, When a Court- committed “delinquent” Juvenile is reported missing within Philadelphia , Prepare a Complaint or incident report 75-48 which will be coded ________?
Escaped Prisoner
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, All adult missing person information will be entered into the _________? system by the assigned investigator.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, What category of missing person is under the age of 18 years of age who is missing and declared un-emancipated as defined by the laws of their state of residence and dose not meet any of the criteria set forth in 1,2,3, or 5. Missing as defined as lost , abducted or kidnaped, the victim of a child custody dispute, or an apparent runway.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, Upon confirmation from the Pennsylvania State Police, That an “Amber Alert” has been issued , announce a General Radio Message(GRM) with the Alert details and repeat this same message every _________?
15 minutes for two hours
and then once every 30 minutes for the next 3 hours
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, Who ? Will have a photograph of the missing child telecast over the Departments CCTV system until the child is located
The Ranking supervisor of the Detective Division.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, Before an ‘Amber Alert” is initiated the following criteria must be met. The child must be__________? or younger and , police must believe the child or person is in danger of serious bodily harm or death.
18 years.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, When a tender age search is involved , the _________? at the scene will contact the Detective division Supervisor by telephone / radio , relay pertinent facts and establish a radio patrol car to act as a communications vehicle pending the arrival of the assigned investigator and the Detective supervisor.
The Patrol Supervisor.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, What category of missing person is of any age who is missing and is proven to be physically or mentally disabled, or is senile thereby subjecting themselves or other to immediate danger.
Disabled missing person.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, What Category of missing person who is missing under circumstances indicating that the disappearance was not voluntary ? example abducted or kidnaping.
Peron Involuntarily Missing
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, For a missing person the Assigned investigator will ?
Ensure information supplied is entered into the Missing persons file or CLEAN
According to Directive 12.13 Missing person, In accordance with PA Crimes Code 2908(a) (1) anytime it is brought to the attention of the department that anyone under the age of _________? is or may be missing. a member shall be assigned to immediately investigate the incident ( including immediate preparation of a missing persons report,) regardless of age or circumstance
21 years
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, for a Missing tender age the entire premises, any immediate area and vehicle will be searched immediately True or false
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, The determination of the category of reported missing will be made by __________?
The Detective Division Supervisor.
when in doubt , the report will be taken
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, When a Child under 10 years old (Tender Age) is reported missing, who ? will ensure that a General Radio Message (GRM) has been sent city wide and is broadcasted every 20 minutes for 24 hours then once per hour after that ?
The Detective Supervisor
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, Following an investigation, The _________? will ensure that the person is not classified as missing when the investigation discloses no unusual or suspicious circumstances and the missing person is believed to be of sound physical and mental heath, is over 21 years of age.
The Detective Supervisor
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, In the case of a suspected child abduction, determine if an Amber Alert should be initiated and notify________ ? Immediately
The Patrol Supervisor
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, The determination of the category of reported missing persons will be made by a ___________?
Detective division supervisor
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, When a a suspected missing person ( adult or emancipated juvenile) is located uniform personnel will request a NCIC /PCIC inquiry from Police Radio. And ?
Prepare a 75-48 A ( ped stop) using a new dc Number and code it 2701 then transport the missing person to the Detective Division of Occurrence
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, Elderly persons ________? years or older where there is a medical diagnosis or history of senility, dementia or diminished mental capacity
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, A court committed juveniles falling into either category will be considered missing from ________?
Their placement home not original residents
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, Who determines if a amber alert should be activated
The Patrol supervisor
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, when should an amber alert be activated ?
Abducted child 18 and under
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, In cases of elderly and or impairment missing persons: contact should be maintained with the family on all tour through the first 24 hours. the assigned investigator will re-contact the family members within ________? and at least once per week thereafter to provide update and obtain additional information.
72 hours
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, The Long Term Missing Person file (LTMP) shall act as a central repository and archive for adults and juvenile missing more than _______ days
30 days
A. The purpose of the Amber Alert Plan is to locate missing children within hours of a
child abduction. Statistics show that the sooner information about these missing
children is communicated, the better the chances are of finding them alive. The
primary purpose of a sexual predator is sexual exploitation. The gender of abducted
children under the age of six (6) usually makes no difference to the predator. Abducted
children above the age of eleven (11) are predominantly female. In almost all of these cases the children are killed after they are sexually exploited. Forty-four percent (44%)
are killed within the first hour, seventy-four percent (74%) are killed within the first three hours, less than one percent (1%) survive a full day and forty percent (40%) are dead before they are even reported missing.
What is an AMBER ALERT ?
A. The “Amber Alert” program is a cooperative plan between the Emergency Alert
System (EAS) and Pennsylvania police agencies. The plan calls for the Pennsylvania
State Police (PSP) to provide participating media outlets (radio and television stations)
with critical information concerning a confirmed child abduction. Upon confirmation,
the Philadelphia Police Department will notify the PSP with all available information
surrounding the abduction. The PSP will confirm the accuracy of the information and
issue an “Amber Alert” via the State EAS.
A. Before an alert is initiated the following criteria must be met:
1. The child is 18 years of age or younger, and
2. Police believe the child/person is in danger of serious bodily harm or death.
This includes family-member abductions (e.g., custody disputes).
B. If the above criteria are not met, an alert will not be initiated.
Issued Date: 07-17-20
Effective Date: 07-17-20
Updated Date:
A. Investigating Officer will:
1. Gather and assess pertinent information at the scene.
2. Determine if the criteria has been met to activate an “Amber Alert” :
a. The child is eighteen (18) years of age or younger, AND
b. The child/person is in danger of serious bodily harm or death.
3. If the officer believes that the criteria has been met, request the presence of a
supervisor to their location.
4. If it is determined that the above criteria has been met, the investigating officer will
immediately contact Police Radio to advise them of an “Amber Alert” and request
them to notify the Special Victims Unit (SVU), per Directive 5.25, “Rape and Other Sexual Offenses” of the abduction.
- Provide Police Radio with flash information to include a description of the child,
suspect(s), and any vehicle involved so that this information can be made available
to local police. The officer will then take the complainant to the Special Victims
Unit along with the paperwork so that any further details may be ascertained by the
detective that may help in recovering the missing child. Any uncompleted
paperwork can be completed upon arrival at the Special Victims Unit.
- If it is determined that there is a crime scene, the investigating officer will follow
the procedures set forth in Directive 4.1, “Responsibilities at Crime Scenes” and
request the supervisor to assign someone to preserve the integrity of the scene. - If it is determined that the above criteria has not been met, the investigating officer
will continue to process the incident as a missing person according to Directive
12.13, “Missing Persons
B. Patrol Supervisor will:
- Respond to the location of the investigating officer to establish if the abduction
meets the Amber Alert criteria and authorize activation. - If it is determined by the supervisor that all criteria has been met, the supervisor
will immediately telephone PCIC at (215) 686-3174 or 3175 and provide them
with the following information:
a. They have a founded abduction and are requesting an “Amber Alert”
b. Date.
c. DC Number.
d. Name of Victim.
e. Date and Time Victim Last Seen.
f. Sex of Victim.
g. Race of Victim.
h. Height and Weight of Victim.
i. Hair and Eye Color of Victim.
j. Date of Birth of Victim.
k. Any additional information (e.g., description of car abductor was driving,
description of abductor, direction taken by abductor, description of clothing
worn by victim or any distinguishing characteristic or marks on either the
victim or abductor).
l. UCR Code (2641 - Kidnapping).
C. Police Radio will:
- Transmit flash information over the divisional band and the citywide band.
- Notify the Special Victims Unit of the abduction.
- Upon confirmation from the PSP that an “Amber Alert” has been issued, announce
a General Radio Message (GRM) with the Alert details and repeat this same
message every 15 minutes for the first two (2) hours and then once every half hour
for the next three (3) hours.
D. Assigned Special Victims Unit Investigator will:
- Review the paperwork and interview the complainant.
- Complete and forward any additional information received to PCIC.
- Ensure that the Special Victim’s investigator’s name is listed as the contact person
on the Missing Person Message (MSPE) along with their telephone number. - If this abduction does not meet the criteria for an “Amber Alert,” the assigned
detective will process the complaint appropriately.
E. PCIC Operator will:
- Once the Philadelphia Crime Information Center (PCIC) operator receives the
MSPE message and it is indicated that a child abduction has occurred, an entry will
be made through the PCIC system with special coding designating this missing
person entry as an “Amber Alert.” A copy of this information will be sent to the
PSP Dispatch Center for the necessary action.
Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) will:
- The PSP Dispatch Center will contact the PSP Bureau of Criminal Investigation,
Criminal Investigations Assessment Unit with all information surrounding the
abduction using the Commonwealth Law Enforcement Assessment Network
(CLEAN). The PSP will confirm the accuracy of the information and verify that
the activation criteria are met. The PSP will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week to receive this information. - Once the PSP have confirmed the accuracy of the information and verified the
activation criteria, they will immediately transmit all relevant information
surrounding the abduction to:
a. Municipal and state law enforcement installations using the CLEAN system.
b. The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) for activation of
the EAS. - When the suspected abductor has been apprehended and/or the abducted child has
been located, or in the event that an Amber Alert was issued erroneously, a follow-
up CLEAN cancellation of the activation will go out to all police via PCIC.
- Once the EAS is activated, participating local radio stations and television stations
will broadcast news of the abduction and give information regarding the victim, the
alleged abductor and any other pertinent information that may help in the
apprehension of the abductor and recovery of the child. This broadcast information
will occur once, unless new, timely information, critical to the viewing and
listening public has become available. In that case, a second Alert will be issued. - The PSP website is located at
A. SafetyNet by LoJack is a non-profit program designed to assist in locating people
suffering from Autism, Down Syndrome or Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia
type disorders. Persons afflicted with these adverse developmental conditions may not
be able to independently protect themselves if lost. This program allows caregivers to
enroll those suffering from these conditions to be fitted with a radio transponder
bracelet, which can be used to help locate the missing person.
B. The investigation for a missing person enrolled in the SafetyNet Program will be
conducted within the guidelines of a Tender Age search (Refer to Directive 12.13
Appendix “A”).A)
A. When police personnel are informed that a person is missing, the person making the
report will be asked if the missing person is enrolled in the SafetyNet program.
If the missing person is enrolled, police personnel will:
1. Confirm enrollment by documentation of the caregiver or by requesting Police
Radio to confirm.
2. If not already notified, notify Police Radio of the information and conditions, and
request a patrol supervisor.
B. Police Radio will
- Determine whether the missing person is enrolled in the SafetyNet program and
secure confirmation and frequency setting by calling 1-877-434-6384. - Dispatch a police officer and a patrol supervisor to the scene.3. Notify a supervisor in the Detective Division of Occurrence to have a trained
Electronic Search Specialist (ESS) respond with the emergency locator equipment
to the last known location of the missing person.
a. If there are no trained personnel available in the Division of Occurrence, other
Divisions will be contacted to locate the necessary operator(s). - Notify an Aviation Unit supervisor of the report.
- Maintain a log on all reports of missing persons enrolled in the SafetyNet
D. Commanding Officers of Detective Divisions and Special Victims Unit (SVU) will:
- Ensure at least one (1) person from each letter group of each squad is trained as an
Electronic Search Specialist (ESS) and available in the use of the SafetyNet
equipment. Training will be requested through the Chief Inspector, Training and
Education Services Bureau. - Ensure proper storage, maintenance and use of the SafetyNet equipment. Weekly
testing of equipment will be conducted on Sunday during the day work tour of duty
and documented on the Sending and Receiving Sheet (S&R). - Notify the SafetyNet Program, Customer Service at 1-877-434-6384 when the
equipment is in need of repair or replacement. Additionally, SafetyNet will ensure
that the batteries in transponder bracelets are replaced on a monthly basis and
forward documentation to Chief Inspector, Training and Education Services
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons, A report of a missing person will be accepted by personal interview from a responsible
adult (parent(s), physician, legal guardian, next of kin over the age of 18, etc.,) closely
connected with the subject .EXCEPTION:
Department of Human Services (DHS) personnel making reports
pursuant to their official duties shall be exempt from the personal
interview requirement and their reports shall be taken consistent with
the policy outlined in Section 3-C.
According to Directive 12.13 Missing persons Whenever a National Crime Information Center (NCIC) inquiry is made concerning an adult, and the inquiry lists the person as missing, who will decide if further detention or investigation is warranted ?
The District or Detective Division
Lieutenant will decide if further detention or investigation is warranted.
A person of any age who is missing and is proven to be
physically or mentally disabled, or is senile, thereby subjecting themselves or
others to immediate danger.
A person of any age who is missing
under circumstances indicating that the disappearance was not voluntary (i.e.,
abduction or kidnapping).
NOTE: In the case of an abducted child, 18 and under, an “Amber Alert”
should be initiated. Refer to Appendix “B.”
A person of any age who is in the company of
another person under circumstances indicating that their physical safety is in
JUVENILE - A person under 18 years of age who is not emancipated as defined
by the laws of their state of residence and does not meet any of the criteria set forth
in 1, 2, 3, or 5. Missing is defined as lost, abducted or kidnapped, the victim of a
child custody dispute, or an apparent run away.
a. Juveniles who are married or declared adults by court order are emancipated
and will be investigated relative to the criteria set forth in 1, 2, 3, or 5.
b. Tender age is defined as any juvenile under 10 years of age, subject to
modification by the assigned investigator.
A person of any age who is missing after a disaster.
A person 18 years of age or older not meeting the criteria for entry in
any other category, but who is missing and for whom there is reasonable concern
for their safety. This category includes all persons between 18 and 21 years of
age as per the federal Suzanne’s Law.
A person 65 years of age or older where there is a medical diagnosis or history of senility, dementia or diminished mental capacity
All missing persons are presumed missing from their home residence. The report
classification will be in accordance with the Philadelphia Police Department
Incident Classification Manual (3500 Series).
Juveniles, who are court committed, fall into one of two
categories: delinquent or dependent. A juvenile who has been
designated “delinquent” has been adjudicated by a juvenile court
for a criminal offense. A “dependent” juvenile acquires this
designation for non-criminal (status) offenses or social needs.
Juveniles falling into either category will be considered missing
from the location of their placement (foster home, etc.,) and not
their original residence. The assigned investigator will
communicate with the missing person team of the detective
division of the original residence and request information and
assistance, as necessary.