Directive 8.16 Accreditation Flashcards
According to Directive 8.16 Accreditation ,Accreditation: The process relied on by ?
professional organizations to establish,
maintain, and objectively verify the existence of high-quality policies and procedures.
Accreditation Contact Person [ACP]:
Personnel assigned to the department who
maintain liaison with the Strategic Planning & Accreditation Unit, assist in the
compilation of proofs and written documentation, and perform other accreditationrelated activities, as neede
Accreditation Manager:
: The person, designated by the Police Commissioner, who is
responsible for ensuring the department maintains compliance with all requirements of
the accreditation process. Accreditation management is the responsibility of the
Strategic Planning & Accreditation Unit.
Strategic Planning & Accreditation Unit:
The unit responsible for ensuring the
department maintains compliance with all requirements of the
accreditation process.
Annual Report:
The PLEAC report used to determine the department’s status between
on-site assessments. It must be provided to PLEAC by the department within 30 days
of the department’s accreditation anniversary date.
The Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission which was
formed in 2001 to establish a body of standards designed to:
1. Help departments evaluate and improve their overall performance.
2. Establish a credible framework for evaluating agency practices and procedures.
3. Reduce agency risk and exposure to lawsuits.
4. Improve law enforcement - community relations.
5. Increase employee input, interaction and confidence in the agency.
6. Enlarge the outlook and viewpoints of managers, officers and employees.
7. Identify and highlight the capabilities and competence of the agency.
8. Furnish a solid foundation for the agency to build upon for further progress.
9. Provide reliable methods to improve essential management procedures
10. Extend agency accountability to the public and elected officials.
11. Enhance planning and innovative activities by all agency personnel.
12. Develop improved methods for providing services to the community.
13. Encourage problem-solving activities within the agency.
PPAC - Pennsylvania Police Accreditation Coalition:
A nonprofit, non-governmental
coalition group whose membership consists of law enforcement agencies and other
organizations interested or participating in law enforcement accreditation. Its purpose
is to provide guidance and assistance to law enforcement agencies pursuing and
maintaining accreditation. The PPD is a participating agency with PPAC.
: Examples of work that PPD members have accomplished which show
compliance with PLEAC standards. Proofs may include logs for standards which
require that continual actions are performed and class rosters, grade sheets, and
curricula/instructional outlines for standards which require specific training for a
particular item
A. There are five (5) general phases of the accreditation process. The first phase is only
conducted once while the next four (4) phases are maintained annually.
Application: The accreditation process began when the Police Commissioner made
the decision to pursue police accreditation. The PPD notified the accreditation staff
at the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association via a Letter of Intent. The
PLEAC accreditation staff then provided information on how to obtain all materials
to begin the accreditation process. -
Self-Assessment: The Accreditation Manager begins the process internally by
performing a self-assessment of the agency. This is an exercise where the
Accreditation Manager compares how the current policies comply with all PLEAC
Standards. -
Mock-Assessment: When the PPD has completed the self-assessment phase, it will
host a mock assessment. Three (3) trained individuals from a PLEAC accredited
agency are chosen to review proofs of compliance and provide feedback to the PPD
before the on-site assessment. This is a final review to ensure a smooth, formal onsite assessment. -
On-Site Assessment: The final phase of the accreditation process is the PLEAC
assessment. Trained assessors do an on-site, two (2) day review of department files
and operations to ensure compliance with all standards. If the department satisfies
PLEAC that the PPD is compliant with all applicable standards, the commission
will award the PPD accredited status. Once accredited, the accredited status will
remain valid for a period of three (3) years. At the conclusion of the three-year
period, PLEAC offers the PPD an opportunity to repeat the process and continue
accreditation into the future. -
Maintaining Compliance and Accreditation: To maintain accredited status, the
PPD must remain in compliance with applicable standards and demonstrate so by
the maintenance of proofs. This includes updating the individual accreditation
standard files with any periodic or regular reports/reviews required by the standard;
mandatory review of departmental directives and SOPs with the Accreditation
Manager, and review of any operational/organizational changes in practice with the
Accreditation Manager.