Directive 3.6 Code Violation Notice Flashcards
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , Sworn personnel issuing CVN’s to juveniles violators will ?
Ensure to include the name address and telephone number of the juveniles parents or guardian.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , Concerning “short dumping”, a vehicle involved in scattering debris , trash , garbage act, May be confiscated when ?
Upon a 2nd or subsequent offense
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , CVN’s written for illegal Dumping will be marked what ?
Filed! and both copies of the CVN will be forwarded to the Code Unit describing the circumstances.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , How many CVN are in a CVN book ?
25 CVN’s
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , The Detective Division of Occurrence will process all arrest for all summary Arrest when ?
When the offense become a misdemeanors on the second arrest after conviction of a summery offense.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , The Mayors Executive Order states Offenders issued CVN will not be taken to the district unless what ?
An exceptional circumstance and that reason must be documented on the 75-48 and the CVN.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , For some juvenile violations , example : Curfew, littering , Defacing public property, the CVN will be given to who ?
The Parent.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , When issuing a CVN to a juvenile the issuing officer will ?
Ensure the juvenile is transported to the district of occurrence and issued a CVN.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , No person shall operate a radio tape player or similar device , in any public place within the City Of Philadephia which produces sound audible at a distance greater than ?
One Hundred (100) feet from the location
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , If the individual is issued a CVN on the street and continues to engage in the prohibited behavior or after a short period of time returns and continues the behavior ,probable cause exits too ?
Arrest the individual for misdemeanor level violation.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , Violators who are not present to receives the CVN ( sanitation violations) will have the violators copy left at their residence or placed of business. if the property owner or responsible party resides at a different location then?
Forward the entire CVN to 913 Filbert Street for Processing.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , Persons selected for code Violation enforcement will receive training session from who ?
Neighborhood Service Unit.
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , CVN’s issued for City Code Public Disorder Violation Will Not be entered in ?
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , Reviewing chronic noise complaints determining wether to immediately send or assign a sound meter trained officer to the location, and proactively assigned sound meter trained officer to chronic noise complaint locations where violations can be anticipated is the responsibility of who ?
The Patrol Supervisor
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , Adults engaging in disorderly conduct , Failure to disperse public drunkenness or obstruction a highway or public passage will be
Issued a CVN and released
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , Regarding noise complaints the initiating officer will ?
attempt to abate the nuisance through mediation
attempt to get the name of the owner and or occupants for future action
complet a 75-48
attempt to Identify the owner and occupants
According to Directive 3.6 Code violation notice , The purpose of the CVN is too ?
Utilize the city code instead of the crime code whenever possible