Directive 8.17 Contingency plan to civil disturbance or major incidents Flashcards
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, All persons in the United States have the right to ?
March, demonstrate, protest, or
undertake similar activities protected under the First Amendment of the United States
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans. Freedom of speech, association, assembly, and the right to petition the government are subject only to ?
reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of their expression
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans. All marches, demonstrations, protests or similar activities will be handled in
accordance with
Directive 8.3, “Demonstrations, Labor Disputes and Civil
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans. In the event that a major event or protest escalates to the level of a civil disturbance, the
Department may be inclined to activate contingency plans to assist in gaining order.
Contingency plans include the deployment of ?
The deployment of Rapid Response Teams (RRTs),
Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) and Emergency Response Groups (ERGs).
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, A gathering that constitutes a breach of the peace or any assembly of persons where there is a threat of collective violence, destruction of property, or other unlawful acts. Civil disturbances may also be referred to as a ?
riot or unlawful
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, what Emergency Response Teams are the secondary
contingency during any emergency. ?
Emergency Response Teams (ERTs):
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, What Emergency Response Groups are the third
contingency during any emergency ?
Emergency Response Group (ERG):
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, The highest-ranking Patrol Supervisor/Commander or Command Inspections Bureau (CIB) Commander will be the overall Commander in any instances of a civil disturbance will be designated as the ?
The Incident Commander:
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, who is the initial response contingency team
during any emergency.
Rapid Response Teams (RRTs):
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, Rapid Response Teams will be activated by the ____________?
whenever conditions at the incident overwhelm the ability of the district of occurrence
to effectively handle the incident without assistance.
the Incident Commander
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, At the beginning of each tour of duty, Patrol District Supervisors will designate two (2)
officers from their platoon as their tour of duty’s Rapid Response Team. These
officers will be assigned to a two-person vehicle and will be documented on ?
District’s Assignment Sheet and S&R.
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, The ORS in each district of assignment shall notify Police Radio within______?
minutes of each roll call to provide the rank, name, badge, payroll number and RPC/EPW number of the personnel designated as Rapid Response Team _______?
twenty (20)
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, It is extremely important that personnel assigned to an RRT are ?
notified at roll call so they have all their required equipment whenever activated.
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, Rapid Response Teams may be activated by ?
District, Division, ROC or Citywide
contingent upon the request of the Incident Commander’s needs.
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, RRT , In addition to the officers assigned to this group, the six (6) Patrol Divisions will
provide command and supervision as follows:
A Lieutenant from the Division of Activation will serve as the RRT Platoon Commander. If a Lieutenant is not available in the Activating Division, the neighboring Division, will provide a Lieutenant to supervise the RRTs
Each Patrol Division will also be responsible for providing a Sergeant. This
assignment must be met. Divisional Inspectors will determine how many Sergeants
will be assigned to the RRT and will ensure that Districts report accordingly
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, The activation of the RRTs will take priority over
all other line platoon manpower
requirements and radio assignments
Absent an activation, the officers will remain in
their district of assignment providing normal 9-1-1 response and, whenever activated,
will be required to respond directly to the designated staging area.
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, Priority Level of the response to this activation, will be designated by ?
the activating
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans, Whenever activated, the RRTs will be designated with new call signs based ?
On their District of Assignment Response 1, (e.g., 26 R-1, 15 R-1). Lieutenants will be designated as District of Assignment Response Command, (e.g., 3 R-Command), and Sergeants will be designated as District of Assignment Response Andy, Barney,
Charlie, etc. (e.g., 22 R-A). Personnel will switch to J-Band and, using their response call sign, will put themselves “en-route” to the designated staging area and check in as directed. RRTs will not coordinate transport divisionally.
Major Scene (Fire, Crime Scene, Building Collapse, Barricade, Securing a
Perimeter, etc.): If a patrol district does not have enough personnel to secure a
large scene, the district Lieutenant could activate the Divisional RRTs to
supplement their manpower and ensure that the scene is safe and/or secure and
9-1-1 response can be maintained.
39-DC can you activate the Northwest Rapid Response Teams to
3700 N. 15th Street. We have a barricade situation and need
assistance securing the perimeter until SWAT arrives. Have those
units proceed with caution, no lights and sirens are approved for this
Crowd Control: Prior to dispersing a large crowd (e.g., Nightclub), the district
Lieutenant could activate the Divisional RRTs to ensure enough personnel are
available for the large scale dispersal
26-DC can you activate the East and Northeast Rapid Response
Teams to 1100 N. Delaware Avenue to assist in closing this
nightclub. Have those units proceed with caution, no lights and
sirens are approved for this deployment. We will await the arrival of
all RRTs before dispersing the crowd.
Civil Disturbance: Looting or civil disturbance materializes and the district is
understaffed to handle the situation. Divisional RRTs could be deployed to help
secure the area and/or make large scale arrests.
6-DC can you activate the Central and South Rapid Response Teams
to 6th and Arch Streets, we have a group of approximately 50 people
vandalizing the Federal Courthouse and vehicles. Lights and Sirens
are approved for this deployment
Regional Operations Command RRT Deployment:
Civil Disturbance: Looting or civil disturbance materializes and the district is
understaffed to handle the situation. Requires more manpower than a Divisional
RRT could supplement
I-3 can you activate all ROC North RRTs to Kensington and
Allegheny Avenues, we have large scale looting and rioting along
Kensington Avenue. Lights and Sirens are approved for this
Citywide RRT Deployment:
Perimeter Security: The Traffic Unit has the Center City Box initiated and is
shutting down vehicle traffic in Center City. At the conclusion of the 4x12 tour of
duty, Traffic personnel need to be relieved by district personnel. Traffic does not
have enough 12x8 tour of duty units to hold the box and CPD does not have
enough available units to relieve them and maintain minimal manpower.
I-4 can you activate the Citywide RRTs and have them report to 18th
and Ben Franklin Parkway to relieve Traffic and secure the box.
Have those units proceed with caution, no lights and sirens are
approved for this deployment
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans,
To ensure ERTs uniformity, each Division will provide ?
one (1) Sergeant, eight (8)
officers and one (1) Emergency Patrol Wagon to their ERT.
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans,
The activation of the ERTs will take priority over
all other line platoon manpower
requirements and radio assignments. Absent an activation, the officers will remain in
their district of assignment providing normal 9-1-1 response and, whenever activated,
will be required to respond directly to the designated staging area.
Upon activation, personnel assigned to ERTs will immediately report to their
Divisional Headquarters and report to the ERT Supervisor.
According to Dir 8.17 , Contingency plans,
Emergency Response Groups (ERG) are
Are Bureau assets staged and deployed as one
large team. ERGs are the third stage of response to civil disturbances that may be activated by an individual Bureau or Incident Commander whenever crowds or civil disturbances become too much for the district of occurrence and previously deployed RRTs and ERTs to handle on their own.
Upon activation of ERGs, Patrol Operations or the Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) will arrange
Public Transportation to be staged at a designated pickup
Upon activation of ERGs, Bureau assets will report to a designated location and report
to ?
the ERG Commander who will be a Captain assigned from the Bureau.
Emergency ERG Deployment:
Civil Disturbance: Example
A large protest erupts into a civil unrest incident in
SWPD. Large crowds of rioters are throwing rocks, bottles and incendiary devices
at police, lighting city vehicles on fire, and attempting to overrun a police district.
Immediate reinforcements are needed and RDO personnel are not yet available.
C-8 activates the ROC North ERG and requests all available personnel from ROC
North Districts to report to 3901 Whitaker Avenue. Leaving only minimal
manpower in each of the ROC North Districts, C-8 is able to rally 82 Officers.
These officers are loaded on to 2 SEPTA buses and transported to the staging area
of the civil disturbance.
Preplanned ERG Deployment:
1. Civil Disturbance: Example
After an evening of civil unrest, the PPD expects
continued hostilities the following evening. RDOs are cancelled and all personnel
are assigned to 12-hour shifts. Each District has an appropriate number of buses
allocated and has RDO personnel prepared to load up their buses and is ready to
deploy to the staging area at the request of the Incident Commander. These ERGs
are not on regular patrol waiting to be activated, but waiting at their staging area
ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice.