Directive 4.6 Fire Catastrophes Flashcards
According to Directive 4.6 Fire Catastrophes, On which Alarm is a communications Car established ?
On the Second Alarm
According to Directive 4.6 Fire Catastrophes, Who will consult with fire officers and request or resume personnel / equipment. assign personnel to traffic control and designate the best access route( ensure police radio is notified) Assign personnel to Crowd control to prevent spectators /unauthorized persons from, crossing barricade lines. Ensure other notification are made as needed ?
The Patrol Supervisor
According to Directive 4.6 Fire Catastrophes, Who will maintain order, set up barricade lines , control traffic , aid movement of emergency equipment, and provide towing equipment during fire, disasters, catastrophes and other emergencies ?
The Police Department
According to Directive 4.6 Fire Catastrophes, After the_________. Fire Alarm , The Divisional Detective Supervisor will immediately have the assigned detective began an investigation in conjunction with the fire Marshal ?
Third alarm
Initial Police Responsibility
- The first Police Officer on the scene will request additional personnel/equipment, if
The Patrol Sergeant, upon arrival at scene, will:
a. Consult with Fire Officer and request or resume personnel/equipment.
b. Assign personnel to traffic control and designate the best access route (ensure
Police Radio is notified).
c. Assign personnel to crowd control to prevent spectators/unauthorized persons
from crossing barricade lines.
d. Ensure other notifications are made as needed (e.g. SEPTA, utility companies).
Responsibilities of Police Radio (Platoon Commander)
- Local Alarm: One RPC
- First Box Alarm: One RPC, one EPW and a Patrol Sergeant
- Second Alarm :a. One additional RPC (one will act as communications car and maintain a log of
all personnel/equipment on scene)
b. One additional EPW
c. Second Alarm - Dispatch:
1) Field Communications Unit #1
2) Traffic Division Supervisor
3) Duty Supervisor of Automotive Services Division
4) District Captain (Command Inspections Captain during non-business
Third Alarm - Dispatch:
a. Managing Director’s Command Post (CP-1)
b. The Police R-13 Unit, upon request of the ranking police supervisor on the
scene, will respond and park as near as possible to the Field Communications
Unit 1. The Police R-13 Unit will act only as a distribution unit for police
portable radios and other police equipment. It will not be a command post on
the fire grounds.
c. One police tow truck and a barricade truck
d. Divisional Inspector (Command Inspections Inspector during non-business
e. Divisional Detective Supervisor
Divisional Detective Supervisor will
The assigned detective will immediately begin an investigation in conjunction with the Fire Marshal.
Fourth and subsequent Alarms – Dispatch
Chief Inspector North/South (Command Inspections Bureau Chief Inspector
during non-business hours)
1) On orders of the Chief Inspector, notify the Police Commissioner, Deputy
Commissioners and Chief Inspector (s) as directed.
2) Area hospital emergency wards in the event of numerous casualties (actual
or potential).
A. Field Communications Unit 1 will respond and act as a communications vehicle in
*1 conjunction with the Managing Director’s Command Post vehicle (CP - 1), which is
dispatched at the third alarm.
- The highest ranking officer from the division of occurrence shall report to the
Command Post. - All police commanders and supervisors called to the scene will report to the
Command Post. - The Mobile Communications supervisor will assign a police officer to the
Command Post who will:
a. Receive, send and log all Police Radio messages.
b. Maintain locations and numbers of EPWs at the scene.
4. Persons authorized to cross barricade lines:
a. City employees issued and displaying an Emergency Response Identification
Card and vehicle identification placard. (See Appendix “A”.)
b. Active members of the Police and Fire Departments (Badges or ID cards must
be prominently displayed at all times by civilian-attired personnel.)
c. Members of the Red Cross displaying the Red Cross regulation armband
d. Members of the Salvation Army and Second Alarmers in uniform
e. Individuals displaying Philadelphia Press Cards
f. Employees of various departments and public utilities who are identified as
having duty within the line.
NO volunteer firemen, first aid or rescue groups will be authorized to cross
barricade lines unless specifically approved by
the ranking officer at the Command
Patrol supervisors will inform the Command Post of personnel assignments and
report any _________?
changes in crowd/traffic conditions.
A. The highest ranking officer at the scene will perform the following tasks:
- Establish and record boundaries for barricade lines, taking into consideration the
a. Working area needed for Fire and other department personnel
b. Safety of spectators and the safeguarding of nearby
Unoccupied/damaged/evacuated premises from possible looting - Designate a patrol Sergeant to await the arrival of barricade truck and accompany it
to point out the location of the barricade lines. - Make arrangements with the Automotive Services Division to remove barricades
when no longer needed.
A. Emergency Patrol Wagon personnel will ?
remain with their vehicles.
- EPWs will be parked in a manner which would permit
quick departure (notify Radio when leaving scene).
Radio dispatchers shall ascertain from the Command Post if an additional
emergency vehicle is required when one
leaves the scene.
A representative from the following departments and non-city agencies will report
to CP-1 and act as a liaison:
Police Department Fire Department
Licenses and Inspections ,Health Department
Streets Department ,Water Department
Outreach Services for Homeless ,and Aged Public Property ,Fairmount Park Commission, Fleet Management ,Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO) SEPTA, Philadelphia Gas Company (PGW) ,Red Cross
The Managing Director’s Command Post vehicle (CP - 1) will respond to all *1 fire locations _______?
three (3) or more alarms and to any other emergency situation at the request of the incident commander from the lead agency. Once at the scene, it will become the Command Post.
Who ?________. or designee shall be the coordinator at the scene.
The Managing Director
Liaison personnel will communicate with each other by identifying themselves
by their department’s and the title “liaison”. EXAMPLE: ?
“Fire Department Liaison to Police Department Liaison”
Upon being acknowledged by the Police Department Liaison,
the request for services can be made and immediately acted