Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions Flashcards
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, Who will complete the AFT Bomb Arson Tracking System( BATS) report and submit it for explosive, components or signature matches on a local and national level.
The Bomb Disposal Technician or The Detective assigned
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, During a bomb scare, the responsibility for a building evacuation shall lie with who ?
The Owner or building manger.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, Who will be the final authority on the method of disposal of any found device ?
The Bomb Disposal unit.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, Who has the authority to examine, render safe and transport any found explosive material.
A Certified Hazardous device Technician from the Bomb Disposal Unit.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, during a catastrophic incident who can be the Chief of operations ?
A Sergents through Chief inspector.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, When an explosive device is discovered the responsibility for a building evacuation shall lie with who ???
The Police department.
unlike a bomb scare where the building manger or owner will be responsible for building evacuation. when a device is actually found , the highest ranking police officer will be responsible for the building evacuation.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, The first arriving officer/ supervisor will utilize the NIMS ( National Incident Management System) and will act as the Incident Commander until relieved by who ?
By a person of higher rank
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, The major responsibility of the operation section chief is to do what ?
- Consult with and provide briefings to the incident commander
- Mange tactical operations
- Assure Safty to tactical operations
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, Who will ensure that police personnel only conduct a search alongside individuals who are familiar with the layout and contents of the building enabling them to identify suspicious items. THIS WILL BE THE ONLY TIME NON-CERTIFIED POLICE PERSONNEL WILL ASSIST IN A SEARCH
The Incident Commander
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, Police radio will do the following.
- dispatch a patrol supervisor.
- Inform fire board they are not needed at this time
- Notify the detective Division supervisor of occurrence.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, when responding to a founded device police will use what ? management system ?
The incident command system
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, when no device is discovered an investigation will be conducted by who ?
Detective Division of Occurrence
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, M-80 or M-100 and common class c fireworks such as firecrackers and bottle rockets will be handled only by whom ?
A qualified Bomb disposal personnel.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, Can a canine officer or dog be used to clear suspected suspicious device packages.
No only the bomb disposal unit clear suspected packages.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, at a bomb scare, who is responsible to request additional or resume unnecessary personnel. Ascertain whether the owner/ manager has a bomb scare response plan , and if so , is it going to be activated. and inform police personnel not to touch or move any suspicious devise.
The Incident commander
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, When a suspected explosive device is FOUND !!! The incident commander will establish a perimeter. The minimum safe distance is ?
100 yards
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, The discovery of explosive material , precursor explosive chemical, commercial or military explosive , deteriorating energetic chemical ( like ether or picric acid) suspicious device or any event resulting in an explosion will be processed and investigated by whom ?
Members of the Bomb Disposal Unit
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, Who is responsible for managing all tactical operations at the bomb related incident ?
The Operation Section chief. ( who can be a sergeant, up to the rank chief inspector)
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, When a device if found we must immediately do the following ?
Immediately stop all search operations , further such will be done by members of the bomb disposal unit.
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, True or False,,, The bomb disposal unit WILL NOT be called to non-criminal explosion for example gas main explosions or transformer explosions ?
False The Bomb disposal unit MUST BE NOTIFIED ON ALL EXPLOSION That has taken place, even if the incident appears to be non-criminal
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, When responding to a Founded device , Who is the initial incident commander ?
The First Supervisor/ Commander from the Regional Operations Command (ROC)
According to Directive 4.5 Bomb Scares Explosions, True OR False , Only insert material, or rendered safe suspected explosive material , may be stored at police facilities ?
FALLSE,,,, NO explosive material will be permitted inside any police installation except designated Police locations