DAT Bio Structure and Func of Systems Flashcards
groups of cells that have similar
structure and function together as a unit
How many types of tissues
4; epithelial
(skin or internal organ covering),
connective (bone, cartilage, blood),
nervous, and muscle
Negative Feedback
conditions back to their normal or
homeostatic function
Positive Feedback
an action that
intensifies a condition so that it is driven
further beyond its normal limits (e.g.,
labor contraction, lactation, or sexual
movement of gases in and
out; can also mean cellular respiration in
which ATP is produced in the
control of exchange
of heat with the environment
blooded -
obtain body heat from the
generate their own body
heat and have a much higher basal
metabolic rate (BMR) than
body heat is removed
as liquid evaporates (endergonic
muscle contraction and
other metabolic activities generate
Surface area
vasodilation or
vasoconstriction of extremity vessels
results in heat retention or removal
Cnidaria respiration process
Direct with environment - have large
surface areas and every cell is either
exposed to the environment or close
to it → simple diffusion of gases
directly with outside environment
annelids respiration process
i. The mucus secreted by earthworms
provides a moist surface for
gaseous exchange via diffusion
ii. The circulatory system brings
oxygen to cells, and waste products
back to the skin for excretion
grasshopper respiration
series of chitin-lined
respiratory tubules called trachea
that open to the surface via
openings called spiracles, through
which oxygen enters and carbon
dioxide exits
Spider respiration
have book lungs
that are stacks of flattened
membranes enclosed in internal
when water enters the mouth, it
passes over the gills, which are
evaginated structures that create a
large surface area and take in oxygen
and deposit carbon dioxide. Gills can
be external/unprotected or internal/
protected, and water exits via the
operculum (gill cover)
countercurrent exchange (FISH)
exchange between opposing movements of water
and underlying blood that maximizes diffusion of
oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide into
left lung has how many lobes
right lung has how many lobes
membranous cover of the lungs
Visceral pleura
lines surface of lungs
Parietal pleura
lines inside of chest cavity
Intrapleural space
- has negative
(lower) pressure relative to the
atmosphere. If stabbed, air rushes in
and causes the lung to collapse
how does pressure of the intrapleural space change as we inhale
pressure of this intrapleural
space decreases as we inhale: as the
diaphragm contracts, the lung cavity
opens up, and this increase in
volume equates to a decrease in
pressure (p1v1=p2v2)
sequence of events during an
exhale occurs as follows:
Diaphragm rises → volume in lungs decreases →
the pressure inside of the lungs increases relative
to the atmosphere → air rushes out
how is co2 transported in the body
ion) in plasma, or the liquid portion of the blood.
The conversion of CO2 into HCO3
- is catalyzed by
the enzyme carbonic anhydrase
where gas exchange between
the circulatory system and lungs occurs.
There are two types of epithelial cells
in human alveoli: what are they
type 1 (structural
support) and type 2 (produce
filters, moistens, and warms
incoming air. The mucus secreted by
goblet cells traps large dust particles
throat, passageway for food
and air; dust and mucus are swept back
here by cilia for disposal via spitting or
voice box; if non-gas enters
the cough reflex activates
epiglottis covers the trachea
during swallowing; contains C-shaped
ringed cartilage covered by cilia and
mucus cells
Bronchi / Bronchioles
two bronchi,
which enter the lungs and branch into
narrower bronchioles
each bronchiole branch ends
in these small sacs, which are
surrounded by blood-carrying
Diffusion between alveolar chambers
and blood
gas exchange occurs across
the moist, sac membranes of alveoli via
simple diffusion. O2 diffuses through the
alveolar wall, through the pulmonary
wall, into the blood, and into red blood
cells. CO2 follows the same sequence,
except in reverse.
Bulk flow of O2
O2 is transported
through the body within hemoglobin in
red blood cells
Diffusion between blood and cells
diffuses out of red blood cells, across
capillary walls, into interstitial fluids and
across cell membranes. Again, CO2
completes these steps in reverse.
Bulk flow of CO2
CO2 is mainly
transported as HCO3
ions in plasma,
which are produced by carbonic
anhydrase in red blood cells. CO2 can
also directly mix with plasma as CO2
gas, or bind hemoglobin inside red
blood cells.
diaphragm (muscular
structure under the lungs) and
intercostal muscles (between the
ribs) contract and flatten. The lungs
increase in volume and decrease in
pressure, leading to a bulk flow of
air into lungs
passive process;
decrease in lung volume / increase
in pressure leads to air rushing out,
and the diaphragm relaxing and
The Bohr Effect
refers to the shift in the
oxygen dissociation curve caused by changes
in the concentration of CO2 or pH.
High CO2 (oxygen curve)
when we have a high
concentration of CO2, it diffuses into
the blood and into the RBC where
carbonic anhydrase converts it into
H2CO3. This H2CO3 then becomes
- and H+.
Low pH (oxygen curve)
Because low pH means a greater presence
of H+ ions, the hemoglobin structure is
altered to the reduced form that will
release its oxygen.
High temperature
at higher blood
temperatures, hemoglobin becomes less
likely to bind to oxygen and releases
oxygen to tissues
High 2,3-DPG
2,3-DPG (also known as
2,3-BPG) is produced from an
intermediate compound in glycolysis and
decreases the affinity of hemoglobin for
how to remember factors that shift the oxygen curve right
CADET, face right (CO2, acid, 2,3 DPG, exercise, temperature)
Haldane Effect
moves oxygen curve left
medulla oblongata
signals the diaphragm to
Central chemoreceptors
monitor [H+] in the cerebrospinal fluid
Peripheral chemoreceptors
located in
carotid arteries and aorta and function to
monitor the blood concentrations of CO2,
O2, and pH via H+
Ciliated pseudostratified columnar
epithelial cells
found in trachea and
upper respiratory system; may contain
goblet cells for mucus production
a pathology
marked by destruction of the
Effects of smoking
smoking can
damage the cilia of respiratory cells and
allow toxins to remain in the lungs
structure has 4
polypeptide subunits, with each subunit
hosting a heme cofactor (an organic
molecule with an iron atom in the center)
As O2 pressure increases, how is o2 saturation of hemoglobin changed
it also increases
what does o2 saturation of hemoglobin depend on
CO2 pressure, pH, and
temperature of blood
Respiratory acidosis
results from
inadequate ventilation; we don’t clear
enough CO2 and it builds up, so more H+
is formed, lowering the pH
Respiratory alkalosis
results from
breathing too rapidly (hyperventilation);
we are losing CO2 too quickly, so H+ and
start combining to form more
CO2, and the pH begins rising
Due to the unique
anatomy of birds, respiration is both…
continuous and unidirectional
birds breathe in and out thru
separate tubes, being much more efficient
Tidal volume (VT)
the volume of air
that is normally inhaled or exhaled in
one quiet breath
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
maximum volume of air that can be
inhaled after a normal tidal volume
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
maximum volume of air that can be
exhaled after a normal tidal volume
Residual volume (RV)
the amount of air
remaining in the lungs after maximum
exhalation; air that cannot be exhaled
Vital capacity (VC)
- the maximum
volume of air that can be exhaled after a
maximum inspiration; expressed as IRV +
Inspiratory capacity (IC)
the volume of
air that can be inhaled after a normal
exhalation; expressed as VT + IRV
Functional residual capacity (FRC)
volume of air remaining in the lungs after
normal exhalation; expressed as ERV +
Total lung capacity (TLC)
- the maximum
amount of air that the lungs can
accommodate; expressed as IC + FRC
Protozoans circulatory system
- rely on
the movement of gas via simple
diffusion within the cell
Cnidarians circulatory system
body walls are 2 cells
thick, so all cells are in direct contact
with either internal or external
Arthropods circulatory system
Open circulatory systems - pump
blood into an internal cavity called
the hemocoel (has smaller cavities
called sinuses), which bathes
tissues in oxygen and nutrient
containing fluid called hemolymph
Mollusks circulatory system
most have open circulatory
systems except for cephalopods,
which have closed circulatory systems
Annelids circulatory sys
Have closed circulatory systems in
which blood is confined to vessels
Path of Circulation in Closed System
Away from heart:
aorta → arteries →
arterioles → capillaries
Path of Circulation in Closed System back to heart
capillaries → venules →
a fluid filled sac that
surrounds the heart in order to protect
and lubricate it for proper function
Right atrium
chamber where
deoxygenated blood enters via the
superior and inferior vena cava
Right ventricle
blood is squeezed into
this chamber through the right AV
(atrioventricular)/tricuspid valve, which
contracts and pumps blood into the
pulmonary artery via the pulmonary
semilunar valve
Pulmonary circuit
the blood pathway
from the right side of the heart to the
lungs, and eventually to the left side of
the heart
Blood flows from the
right and left
pulmonary arteries → arterioles →
capillaries of the lungs → collects in
venules → veins → pulmonary veins →
left atrium
Systemic circuit
the circulation pathway
through the body between left and right
sides of the heart
Left atrium
after traveling through the
lungs, oxygenated blood enters the left
atrium via the pulmonary veins
Left ventricle
after traveling through
the left AV/mitral/bicuspid valve, blood
from the left ventricle enters the aorta
through the aortic semilunar valve into
the rest of the body:
ejection fraction
the percent of blood that leaves the ventricles when
the heart pumps.
SA (sinoatrial) node / pacemaker
located in upper wall of the right
atrium, the SA node is a group of
specialized cardiac muscle cells that
initiate by contracting both atria and
sending an impulse that stimulates the
AV node.
AV node
located in the lower wall of
the right atrium / interatrial septa;
sends impulse through the Bundle of
His → passes between both ventricles
→ branches into ventricles via the
purkinje fibers which results in
contraction of both ventricles
Ventricular contraction
when the
ventricles contract (ventricular systole
phase), blood is forced through the
pulmonary arteries and aorta.
Semilunar valves
aortic and pulmonary
Atrioventricular valves
AV valves and bicuspid/left AV/mitral
thick-walled, muscular, elastic
vessels that pump oxygenated blood
away (except for pulmonary arteries
that transport deoxygenated blood
from the heart to lungs).
Arteries have three layers (tunics)
Endothelial lining (inner)
b. Smooth muscle and elastic tissue
c. Connective tissues (outer)
very small vessels
wrapped in smooth muscle, and constrict
or dilate to regulate blood pressure or re-
route blood`
have the smallest diameter
and have a single layer of endothelial
cells across which gases, nutrients,
enzymes, hormones, and waste diffuse
4 methods for materials to
cross the capillary wall
a. Endo or exocytosis (proteins)
b. Diffusion through capillary cell
membrane (O2 and CO2)
c. Movement through pores called
d. Movement through space
between the cells (ions)
Capillary exchange
the capillaries
are technically exchanging with the
interstitial fluid that surrounds tissue
The blood hydrostatic pressure
- the pressure from the flow of
blood pushing outward
The blood colloid osmotic
osmotic pressure
exerted by blood proteins,
usually in the plasma; wants to
pull water into the capillary
small blood vessels that lead
back to veins and are very thin and
larger veins often have valves to
aid in the transport of deoxygenated
blood back to the heart due to fighting
lymphatic system
open secondary
circulatory system that transports excess
interstitial fluids (lymph) through the contraction
of adjacent muscles.
lymphatic system Has what to prevent back flow
lymphatic system has lymph nodes
have phagocytic cells (leukocytes) that
filter the lymph and serve as immune
response centers.
Components of blood
55% liquid (plasma) and
45% cellular components.
an aqueous mixture of
nutrients, salts, gases, wastes,
hormones, and blood proteins
Blood serum
the same as plasma
minus any clotting factor
Erythrocytes (RBCs)
Transports oxygen on
Leukocytes (WBCs)
larger than RBCs and phagocytize
foreign matter and organisms
fragments involved in blood clotting
steps of blood clotting
Formation of platelet plug, Release of thromboplastin, Conversion of prothrombin to
thrombin, Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, Clot formation
Cardiac output (CO) =
stroke volume
(SV) x heart rate (HR)
Stroke volume
volume of blood
discharged from the ventricles with
each contraction
Cardiac output
volume discharged
from the ventricle each minute
Stroke volume =
end diastolic volume
(EDV) - end systolic volume (ESV)
volume of blood in the
ventricle just before contraction
blood in the ventricle at the
end of the contraction/systole
Blood pressure (BP) or Mean Arterial
pressure (MAP) =
CO x Systemic
Vascular Resistance (SVR)
resistance controlled by
vasoconstriction/dilation — the
larger the diameter, the less
Rh factor
another blood antigen;
Double capillary beds (portal systems)
occur in the hepatic portal system
(stomach/intestines/spleen drain via the
hepatic portal vein to capillaries of the
liver) and the hypophyseal portal system
between the hypothalamus and anterior
pituitary gland
Phosphate buffer system
maintains pH
of internal fluids of all cells;
Hemorrhage (excessive bleeding)
results in a decrease in arterial pressure,
which is sensed by arterial baroreceptors.
Blood-brain barrier (BBB)
blockade of cells that prevents or slows
the passage of drugs, ions, and
pathogens into the central nervous