CVPR Week 9: Renal tubule disorders Flashcards
What’s the diagnosis?
Tubular function! Yay!
What do the renal tubules do?
Hormones affecting salt and water in the renal tubules
How do tubulopathy presents in several ways
Tubulopathy syndromes
What is renal tubular acidosis
Types of RTA
What is RTA
Renal tubular acidosis
Describe normal HCO3- and H+ management
Features of proximal RTA
Describe proximal RTA and HCO3- and H+ management
Distal RTA type 1
Describe distal RTA and HCO3- and H+ management
How to diagnose RTA?
Proximal RTA Urine pH
Distal RTA Urine pH
Urine anion Gap and RTA type
Chronic acidosis leads to?
polyuria, failure to thrive and growth delay
Chronic hypokalemia causes
Calciuria in distal RTA leads to?
RTA has associations with?
Management of RTA