CVPR Week 4: Vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells Flashcards
Application of ACh to vasculature will provoke this response
What are the primary resistance vessels?
Arteriole function related to ‘primary resistance vessels’
2 listed


Identify + role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors

How is vascular tone mediated?
through smooth muscle contraction/relaxation
How is vascular tone regulated?
- Contraction can be initiated by chemical or electrical signals or both
- through intrinsic/extrinsic factors
- Sympathetic innervation

Spatial control of vasculature: Sympathetic nerves
effects the vasculature throughout the whole body
Spatial control of vasculature: Extrinsic factors
effects the vasculature throughout the whole body
Spatial control of vasculature: Intrinsic factors
Have a regional effect on vasculature
Examples of extrinisic factors of vascular control
Neurohumoral (i.e sympathetic activation)
circulating factors (i.e. hormones)
Neurohumoral activation description
refers to increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin system, vasopressin and atrial natriuretic peptide.
Examples of intrinisic factors of vascular control
3 listed
- endothelial factors
- mechanical factors (i.e. flow and pressure)
- metabolites
Sympathetic activation of the vasculature
NE or EPI released and bound by α and β receptors causing smooth muscle contraction or dilation

EPI affinity deficit
EPI has a higher affinity for β2 receptor over α1 which would result in vasodilation over vasoconstriction
Low amounts of epi stimulate β2 over α1

Sympathetic activation of α1 receptors causes smooth muscle contraction in?
6 listed
- vasculature (all systemic vessels)
- eye
- bladder
- prostate
- uterus
However, in the GI tract α1 receptors causes relaxation
Stimulation of α1 receptors in this location causes relaxation
GI tract
Stimulation of α1 receptors in the GI tract causes?
smooth muscle relaxation
Sympathetic activation of β2 receptors causes
vasodilation (in vessels supplying skeletal muscle, liver and heart)
and relaxation of
- Eye
- Bronchioles
- Bladder
- Uterus
- GI Tract
At low concentrations of EPI you will see what response in the vasculature?
At high concentrations of EPI you will see what response in the vasculature?
Vasoconstriction (due to the increased activation of α1 receptors


Excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle
electrical volatage causes confirmational change in the Dihydropyridine receptor which is physically inked to the ryanodine receptor which opens the ryandoine receptor and releases from the sarcoplasmic reticulum