CVPR Week 4: CAD Flashcards

Case 1 ECG

Case 1 ECG

What does this indicate and why?







Question 2 of ECG 1

Ck levels
came in almost normal around 300 then rose massively

Temporary occlusion with reperfusion
the earlier the reperfusion the better
still viable until around 20 minutes

Atherosclerosis onset

Atherosclerotic plaque cartoon

fibrous cap
composed of collagen and smooth muscle cells
the goal of the fibrous plaque is to wall off the lipid pool from the circulating blood

Atherosis & sclerosis
Factors that predispose a plaque to stability
3 listed
- Dense fibrous cap
- Smooth muscle cell hyperplasia
- Laminar flow

Factors that predispose a plaque to instability
4 listed
- Production of inflammatory cytokines, proteases, vasoactive molecules (breakdown of collagen and causes instability)
- Activated macrophages, mast cells, T cells (inflammatory plaque)
- LArge lipid core/oxidized LDL
- Low levels of NO
blood becomes exposed if the fibrous capsule breaks open and blood meets with the lipids and a clot forms
Segments of coronary artery in different stages of CAD

Atherosis features
4 listed

Sclerosis features
3 listed

Factors predisposing a plaque to stability
3 listed