CVPR Week 2: Cardiac Cycle Flashcards

The heart functions as?

Anatomy of heart chambers

Mitral valve resembles a?
Bishops miter

Heart valves
4 listed

Cardiac cycle key points
- Electrical events precede mechanical events
- Atria contract prior to ventricles
- Flow moves from high to low pressure (in general)
- All valves are unidirectional

Diastolic filling
- left atrium across left ventricle across mitral valve
- small pressure gradient drives blood from aorta to ventricle
- ventricle is in a relaxed state
- Tricuspid and mitral valves are open
- Semilunar valves are closed

Semilunar valves
pulmonary and aortic valves
Diastolic filling valve status
- Tricuspid and mitral valves are open
- semilunar valves are closed (pulmonary and aortic)

Atrial systole
- atria are contracting facilitating the ventricle filling
- immediately preceded by the P-wave of the ECG
- increasing pressure gradient in the atria driving to the ventricle
- This contributes to < 20% of total ventricular filling at rest
- Can increase to 40% with heavy exercise

P-wave results from atrial depolarization

Ventricular systole
- the ventricles contract period of isovolumic contraction (short period of time when the ventricular pressure is still lower than aortic pressure so the aortic valve remains closed
- Mitral valve closes
- Aortic valve closes
- All valves closed
- The Same volume of blood as in the end of atrial systole = end diastolic volume
- corresponds to the QRS complex

typical end diastolic volume
Textbook ~ 120 mL
Isovolumic contraction description
- a short period of time when the ventricular pressure is still lower than the aorta
- all valves are closed
- the volume of blood is the same as it was at the very end of diastole (end-diastolic value)

Isovolumic contraction occurs when?
During ventricular systole

Isovolumic contraction AKA
Same volume contraction
corresponds to the QRS complex
immediately precedes Ventricular systole
corresponds to the P-wave
immediately precedes Atrial systole
Ventricular systole - ventricular ejection
- As soon as ventricular pressure exceeds aortic pressure the aortic valve opens
- The stroke volume is the volume of blood that is ejected from the ventricle at this time

The stroke volume
is the volume of blood that is ejected from the ventricle during ventricular ejection
End-diastolic volume (120 mL) - End-systolic volume (40 mL) = stroke volume (80 mL)
Typically 80 mL

Ejection fraction
Stroke Volume (80 mL) /End Diastolic Volume (120 mL) = Ejection fraction (67%)
typically 67% at rest
- can be up around 90% in elite athletes with heavy exercise
- can be down around 20% with congestive heart failure

Isovolumic relaxation
- follows the T-wave of ECG (reflects ventricular repolarization)
- no blood flow valves are closed because the left atrium has lower pressure and aortic pressure is higher than that of the left ventricle
- however, during this period, the left atrium is increasing in pressure due to blood returning from the pulmonary veins

Diastolic filling resumes
as soon as ventricular pressure is less than atrial pressure the mitral valve opens and blood rushes in the ventricle
~ 80% of ventricular filling from this phase

Complete cardiac cycle
Wigger’s Diagram
- Reduced ventricular filling
- Atrial systole
- ventricular isovolumic contraction
- ventricular ejection
- Isovolumic relaxation
- Diastolic filling resumes