CVPR First Aid: Renal embryology Flashcards
Week 4; then degenerates
Functions as interim kidney for 1st trimester, later contributes to male genital system
First appears in 5th week of gestation
Nephrogenesis continues through weeks 32-36
FIRST AIDKidney embryology diagram
What is potter sequence syndrome?
Oligohydramnios → compression of developing fetus → limb deformities, facial anomalies (eg, low-set ears and retrognathia, flattened nose), compression of chest and lack of amniotic fluid aspiration into fetal lungs → pulmonary hypoplasia (cause of death)
What is the cause of death in Potter Sequence Syndrome
lack of amniotic fluid aspiration into fetal lungs → pulmonary hypoplasia (cause of death)
Uteric bud is derived from?
Derived from caudal end of mesonephric duct
Uteric bud canalization
fully canalized by the 10th week
Ureteric bud gives rise to
Gives rise to ureter, pelvises, calyces, collecting ducts
Metanephric mesenchyme and ureteric bud interactions
(ie, metanephric blastema)
Uteric bud interacts with this tissue; interaction induces differentiation and formation of glomerulus through to distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
Aberrant interaction between these 2 tissues may result in several congenital malformations of the kidney (eg, renal agenesis, multicystic dysplastic kidney)
Causes of Potter Sequence Syndrome
4 listed
Obstructive uropathy (Eg, posterior urethral valves)
Bilateral ren agenesis
Chronic placental insufficiency
What is ARPKD?
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
Ureteropelvic junction
Last to canalize → most common site of obstruction (can be detected on prenatal ultrasound as hydronephrosis
Babies who can’t pee in utero develop
Potter Sequence Syndrome
POTTER sequence associated with
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Twisted face
Twisted skin
Extremity defects
Renal failure (in utero)
What is horseshoe kidney?
Inferior poles of both kidneys fuse abnormally
As they descend from pelvis during fetal development, horseshoe kidneys get trapped under inferior mesenteric artery and remain low in the abdomen
Kidneys function normally
Horseshoe kidney is associated with?
5 listed
- Associated with hydronephrosis (eg, ureteropelvic junction obstruction)
- renal stones
- infection
- chromosomal aneuploidy syndromes (eg, Turner syndrome, Trisomies; 13, 18 and 21)
- rarely renal cancer
FIRST AID Identify horseshoe kidney
Trisomies associated with Horseshoe kidney
Trisomies; 13, 18 and 21)
Dx of congenital solitary functioning kidney?
Prenatally via ultrasound
What is unilateral renal agenesis?
Ureteric bud fails to develop and induce differentiation of metanephric mesenchyme → complete absence of kidney and ureter
What is multicystic dysplastic kidney?
Ureteric bud fails to develop and induce differentiation of metanephric mesenchyme → complete absence of kidney and ureter
A multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) is the result of abnormal fetal development of the kidney. The kidneyconsists of irregular cysts of varying sizes that resemble a bunch of grapes. A multicystic dysplastic kidney has no function and nothing can be done to save it.
multicystic dysplastic kidney pathophysiology and etiology
Ureteric bud fails to induce differentiation of metanephric mesenchyme → nonfunctional kidney consisting of cysts and connective tissue
Predominantly nonhereditary and usually unilateral
Bilateral leads to Potter Sequence
What is duplex collecting system?
Bifurcation of ureteric bud before it enters the metanephric blastema creates a Y-shaped bifid ureter
Duplex collecting system can alternatively occur through two ureteric buds reaching and interacting with metanephric blastema
Strongly associated with vesicoureteral reflux and/or ureteral obstruction
What are posterior urethral valves
Membrane remnant in the posterior urethra in males
The abnormality occurs when the urethral valves, which are small leaflets of tissue, have a narrow, slit-like opening that partially impedes urine outflow. Reverse flow occurs and can affect all of the urinary tract organs including the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys.
Complications of Posterior urethral valves
Its persistence can lead to a urethral obstruction
Dx of posterior urethral valves
Can be diagnosed prenatally by hydronephrosis and dilated or thick walled bladder on ultrasound
What Most common cause of bladder outlet destruction
in male infants
posterior urethral valves
What kidney is taken from the donor for transplant
Left kidney is taken during donor transplant because it has a longer renal vein
Describe renal blood flow
Renal artery → segmental artery → arcuate artery → interlobular artery → afferent arteriole → vasa recta/peritubular capillaries → venous outflow
Diagrams pg
Describe the course of ureters
Pg 564
Arises from renal pelvis and travels under gonadal arteries → over common iliac artery → under uterine artery/vas deferens (retroperitoneal)
Describe the danger to the ureter from gynecologic procedures
(eg, ligation of uterine or ovarian vessels)
may damage ureter → ureteral obstruction or leak
What prevents urine reflux?
Muscle fibers within the intramural part of the ureter prevent urine reflux
What prevents urine reflux?
Muscle fibers within the intramural part of the ureter prevent urine reflux
Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)
Describe the points of constriction of the ureter
3 Listed
Ureteropelvic junction
Pelvic inlet
Ureterovesicle junction
Water (ureters) flows over the iliacs and under the bridge (uterine artery or vas deferens)
Diagram pg 564
What is Vesicoureteral reflux?
is a condition in which urine flows backward from the bladder to one or both ureters and sometimes to the kidneys. … Normally, urine flows down the urinary tract, from the kidneys, through the ureters, to the bladder
Where is [K+] highest?
High K Intracellularly
What is the body water distribution
60-40-20 rule
60% total body water
40% ICF
20% ECF
Describe ICF ion concentrations
Organic phosphates (eg, ATP)
Describe ECF ion concentrations
4 listed
Describe ICF ion concentrations
Organic phosphates (eg, ATP)
How can plasma volume be measured?
Radiolabled albumin
How can extracellular volume be measured
Inulin or mannitol
Normal Osmolality of ECF
285-295 mOsm/kg H2O
What is the function of the glomerular filtration barrier
Responsible for filtration of plasma according to size and charge selectivity
The glomerular filtration barrier is composed of
3 listed
Fenestrated capillary endothelium
Basement membrane with type IV collagen chains and heparan sulfate (which is negatively charged)
Epithelial layer consisting of podocyte foot processes
Describe the charge barrier of the glomerular filtration barrier
All 3 layers contain (-) charged glycoproteins that prevent entry of (-) charged molecules (eg, albumin)
Describe the size barrier of the glomerular filtration barrier
Fenestrated capillary endothelium (prevent entry of > 100 nm molecules/blood cells
Podocyte foot processes interpose with basement membrane
Slit diaphragm (prevent entry of molecules > 50-60 nm
Describe renal clearance
Cx =(UxV)/Px = volume of plasma from which the substance is completely cleared per unit time
Cx = clearance of X (mL/min)
Ux = urine concentration of X (eg, mg/mL
Px = plasma concentration of X (eg, mg/mL)
V = urine flow rate (mL/min)
Interpretation of renal clearance
If Cx < GFR net tubular reabsorption of X
If Cx > GFR net tubular secretion of X
If Cx = GFR no net secretion or absorption
Describe glomerular filtration rate
Inulin clearance can be used to calculate GFR because it is freely filtered and is neither reabsorbed nor secreted
GFR = Uinulin x V/Pinulin = Cinulin
= Kf{[PGC-PBS) - (πGC - πBS)]
GC = glomerular capillary
BS = Bowmans space
πBS usually = 0
Kf= filtration coefficient
What is a normal GFR?
100 mL/min
What is an appropriate measure of GFR
Creatinine clearance is an appropriate measure of GFR but
Slightly overestimates GFR because it is moderately secreted by renal tubules
What do reductions in GFR mean
Incremental reductions in GFR define the stages of chronic kidney disease
What is RPF?
Renal plasma flow
What is eRPF?
effective renal plasma flow
Renal blood flow equation
(RBF) = RPF/(1-Hct)
What is filtration fraction?
Normal FF =
Filtered load (mg/min) equation
FL = GFR (mL/min) x plasma concentration (mg/mL)
GFR can be estimated with?
creatinine clearance
RPF is best estimated with?
PAH clearance
Prostaglandins Dilate Afferent arteriole (PDA)
Angiotensin II Constricts Efferent arteriole (ACE)
Bowman’s capsule
Pg 567
Afferent arteriole constriction effect on GFR
Efferent arteriole constriction effect on GFR
↑ plasma protein concentration effect on GFR
↓ plasma protein concentration effect on GFR
Constriction of ureter effect on GFR
Dehydration effect on GFR
Afferent arteriole constriction effect on RPF
Efferent arteriole constriction effect on RPF
↑ plasma protein concentration effect on RPF
↓ plasma protein concentration effect on RPF
Constriction of ureter effect on RPF
Dehydration effect on RPF
Afferent arteriole constriction effect on FF
Efferent arteriole constriction effect on FF
↑ plasma protein concentration effect on FF
↓ plasma protein concentration effect on FF
Constriction of ureter effect on FF
Dehydration effect on FF
What is FF?
Calculation of reabsorption and secretion rate
Filtered load = GFR x Px
Excretion rate = V x Ux
Reabsorption rate = filtered - excreted
Secretion rate = excreted - filtered
FeNa = fractional excretion of sodium
FeNa = Na excreted / Na filtered = (V x Una) / (GFR x Pna)
Where GFR = (Ucr x V/ (PCr) = (PCr x Una) /(Ucr x Pna)
Describe glucose clearance
Glucose at a normal plasma level (range 60-120 mg/dL) is completely reabsorbed in proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) by Na/glucose cotransport
Glucose at a normal plasma level (range 60-120 mg/dL) is completely reabsorbed in proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) by Na/glucose cotransport
In adults at plasma glucose of 200 mg/dL glucosuria begins begins (threshold)
At a rate of 375 mg/min, all transporters are fully saturated (T(m))
Normal pregnancy is associated with ↑GFR
with ↑ filtration of all substances including glucose, the glucose threshold occurs at lower plasma glucose concentrations → glucosuria at plasma concentrations < 200 mg/dL
Glucosuria is an important clinical clue to diabetes mellitus
Splay phenomenon -
Tm for glucose is reached gradually rather than sharply due to the heterogeneity of nephrons (ie, different Tm points); represented by the portion of the titration curve between threshold and Tm
Nephron physiology early PCT
Early PCT - contains brush border. Reabsorbs all glucose and amino acids and most HCO3-, Na, Cl, PO4, K, H2O and uric acid
Isotonic absorption
Generates and secretes NH3 which enables the kidney to secrete more H+
PTH inhibits Na/PO4 cotransport → PO4 excretion
ATII - stimulates Na/H exchange → ↑Na, H2O, and HCO3 reabsorption (permitting contraction alkalosis)
65-80% Na reabsorbed
Thin descending loop of Henle
Passively reabsorbs H2O via medullary hypertonicity (impermeable to Na)
Concentrating segment
makes urine hypertonic
Thick ascending loop of Henle
Reabsorbs Na, K and Cl
Indirectly induces paracellular reabsorption of Mg2+ and Ca2+ through (+) lumen potential generated by K backleak
Impermeable to H2O
Makes urine less concentrated as it ascends
10-20% Na reabsorbed
Early DCT
Reabsorbs Na, Cl
Impermeable to H2O
Makes urine fully dilute (hypotonic)
PTH - ↑ Ca/Na exchange → Ca reabsorption
5-10% Na reabsorbed
Collecting tubule
Reabsorbs Na in exchange for secreting K and H (regulated by aldosterone)
Aldosterone - acts on mineralocorticoid receptor → mRNA → protein synthesis
In principal cells ↑ apical K conductance, ↑ Na/K pump, ↑ epithelial Na channel (ENaC activity) → lumen negativity → K secretion
In α-intercalated cells: lumen negativity → ↑H+ ATPase activity → ↑H+ secretion → ↑ HCO3/Cl exchanger activity
ADH - acts at V2 receptor → insertion of aquaporin H2O channels on apical side
3-5% Na reabsorbed
What is SAME?
Syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess
Describe renal defects in Fanconi syndrome
Generlized reabsorption defect in PCT → ↑ excretion of amino acids, glucose, HCO3 and PO4 and all substances reabsorbed by the PCT
Describe renal defects in Bartter syndrome
Resorptive defect in thick ascending loop of Henle (affects Na/K/2Cl cotransporter)
Presentation of renal defects in Gitelman syndrome
Reabsorption defect of NaCl in DCT
Describe renal defects in Liddle syndrome
Gain of function mutation → ↑ activity of Na channel → ↑ Na reabsorption in collecting tubules
Describe the renal defects in Syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess
In cells containing mineralocorticoid receptors 11β-hydroxysteroid receptors, 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase converts cortisol (can activate these receptors to cortisone (inactive on these receptors)
Hereditary deficiency of 11β-hydroxysteroid → excess cortisol → ↑ mineralocorticoid activity
Presentation of the effects of the renal defect in Fanconi syndrome
May lead to metabolic acidosis (proximal RTA)
Describe the effects of the renal defect in Bartter syndrome
3 listed
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Hypokalemia
- hypercalciuria
Describe the effects of the renal defect in Gitelman syndrome
4 listed
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Hypomagnesemia
- Hypokalemia
- Hypocalciuria
Describe the effects of the renal defect in Liddle syndrome
4 listed
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Hypokalemia
- Hypertension
- ↓ aldosterone
Describe the effects of the renal defect in Syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess
Metabolic alkalosis
↓ serum aldosterone level
Cortisol tries to be SAME as aldosterone so ↑ cortisol levels
Causes of Fanconi syndrome
Hereditary defects
(eg, Wilson disease, tyrosinemia, glycogen storage disease)
Multiple myeloma
Nephrotoxins/drugs (eg, ifosfamide, cisplatin, expired tetracyclines)
Lead poisoning