Chapter 99 - Tarsus developmental disorders Flashcards
What are the most common sites affected by OCD in the tarsus?
distal intermediate ridge of the tibia (DIRT) (Figure 99-24, A),
followed by the lateral trochlear ridge of the talus (see Figure 99-24, B),
the medial malleolus of the distal tibia, the medial trochlear ridge of the talus,
and the lateral malleolus of the distal tibia.
Figure 99-24. (A) DMPLO radiographic view of the tarsus showing a distal intermediate ridge of the tibia OCD lesion. (B) DMPLO radiographic view of the tarsus showing a large lateral trochlear ridge OCD lesion.
what are the causes of OCD
multifactorial: exercise, hormone imbalances, nutrition, heredity, and conformation (see Chapter 89).112–117 Heritability estimates suggest that 25% to 52% of the variation in occurrence of OC in the hock can be attributed to genetic factors
what is the most common clinical sign of OCD in the tarsus?
synovial distension
pain on flexion is mild
how many radiographs should be taken to the TC
At least 4 projections
what is the % of lesions that are bilateral?
Bilateral lesions involve the distal tibia 20% to 45% of the time
Describe the surgical intervention for fragments of DIRT arthrocopic retrieval
DR 90º
Arthro portal made on the dorso medial pouch just distal to the distal end of medial malleolus of tibia
The location of the instrument portal can be identified by passing the arthroscope laterally over the proximal aspect of the exposed lateral trochlear ridge into the dorsolateral pouch and palpating the tip through the skin or a needle to decide the local
Figure 99-27. Arthroscopic view of a distal intermediate ridge OCD lesion using gas distension (A). The OCD fragment is removed from the distal tibia with the help of an Ethmoid rongeur (B). These OCD fragments are attached in most cases to the tibia by fibrous connective tissue. (C) Graphic illustration of the left tarsus showing the insertion of the arthroscope medially and instrument portal laterally in the dorsal pouch.
What if you have ti remove a fragment from the medial malleolus of the tibia?
Dorsomedial portal as DIRT but mademore distal
▫To minimize risk of pulling the arthroscope out of the joint during visualisationInstrument portal slightly axial and distal
What is the prognosis for arthroscopy of hock in case of OCD?
66-77% of horses with OC of tarsus raced successfully or performed theirintended function following arthroscopy
*Prognosis decreases when articular cartilage degeneration or erosion isnoted at time of sx *McIlwraith 1991 EVJ -resolution of synovial effusion after arthroscopy was higher in racehorses (83%) vs. nonracehorses(74%) - more likely with lesions of distal tibia vs. other locations
*Nosignificant relationship between resolution of effusion & successful performance outcome
*Reports on effects of OC on racing performance are contradictory
Describe the arhtroscopy access to lateral trochlear ridge
Scope portal - either dorsomedial or dorsolateral *Dorsolateral portal offers better visualisation of the distal aspect of the LTR
*Dorsomedial portal offers better triangulation
Describe the arthroscopic access to PIT
*Instrument is blindly inserted into the pouch to blindly grasp the fragment or manipulate it into the TC joint for removal
*New technique describes third portal direclty into the joint, but removal is visualised throught dorsomedial portal.
What is the after care after arthroscopy of the tarsus?
Sutures are removed 10 days aftersurgery
*Exercise is restricted to handwalking for 4-8 weeks, and trainingcan be resumed in 8-16 weeks,depending on severity of lesion & amount of synovial distention before& after surgery
*Postsurgical administration ofphenylbutazone, hyaluronan, or PSGAG is useful to help resolve effusion,particularly in horses with prolonged synovial distention before surgery
*Synovial effusion of tarsocruraljoint can recur within a few days after turnout, and this can be resolved byreturning the horse to stall rest under bandage and administering NSAIDs for 10days
Diagnosis and what is the treatment?
Comminuted fractures of the talus canalso occur however these tend to be inoperable unless there is an intact largerfragment onto which the smaller pieces can be rebuilt however this is a salvageprocedure and euthanasia is most often recommended.
An extensive chronic fracture of the proximal plantar aspect of the medial trochlear ridge (MTR)
Fracture of the tarsus causes and regions
External impact
- Tibial malleoli
- Trochlea rridges
- Tubercalcaneus
- Fourth tarsal bone
Rotatory twisting
- Talu body
- Distal tibia
- Luxations