Chapter 45 - Nasopharynx disorders in foals Flashcards
What are the nasopharynx congenital problems in foals ?
choanal atresia
nasopharyngeal disfunction
cleft palate
Figure 1—Endoscopic views of the right choana in a foal with
bilateral choanal atresia before and after surgery. A—Image
obtained before surgery. Notice the imperforate oropharyngeal
membrane covering the choanal opening. B—Image obtained 3
days after surgery. A diode laser was used transendoscopically
to create an opening through the buccopharyngeal membrane
that covered the choanal openings. Pre- and postsurgical findings
for the left choana were similar. Arrows show edge of ethmoid
recess visible at the top of each image. JAVMA 2006
choanal atresia is a failure of
congenital abnormality associated with failure to resorb this BUCCONASAL MEMBRANE this embryonic membrane that separates oral and nasal cavities
what are the clinical signs of choanal atresia?
Bilateral –> foal’s death (unless emergency tracheostomy)
Unilaterally –> loud respiratory noise
exercise intolerance (asymptomatic at rest)
membrane obstructs caudal nasal passage –> asymmetric nostril airflow
Diagnosis of choanal atresia is made with
– scope, skull XR +/- contrast, CT
foals with unilateral choanal atresia should be allowed to grow untreated until what age?
1 year old
why do you wait until 1 year old for surgical repair of unilateral coanal atresia?
- larger nasal cavity facilitates Sx
- decrease postop fibrosis
- reduced diameter of choana
- Postop nasal stent or nasal septum resection is avoided
- Allows the procedure to be performed less invasively under endoscopic control with the animal standing
what is the surgical preference according to AUER authors for correction of choanal atresia?
Authors’ preference = incise membrane using endoscopic control and place a stent in the nostril to prevent stricture
what are the 3 surgical approaches?
1) laser transendoscopically
2) choana is osseous - nasal flap in C-shape or S-shape incision
3) via laryngotomy resection of membrane
Describe laser procedure for choana atresia
Local anaesthesia + 10ml of 0.15% phenylephrine
Outline of the chonanal membrane is identified using equine laryngeal forceps
600-μm laser (15W) – cauterize vessels and incise membrane two lines of incision perpendicular to each other that cross at the center of the choanal membrane
Cross incision is made (membrane is vascular), local pressure to stop the bleeding may be needed – nasotracheal tube is passed through the membrane into the nasopharynx - cuff is inflated - pressure - hemostasis
Tube removed and each flap resected with the aid of laryngeal forceps (tension on flaps), NSAIDs 5d
When choanal membrane is osseous or bilateral describe surgical procedure of C or S-incision
- Nasal flap is required to gain access to the caudal nasal passage
- Choanal membrane (bone) is resected + part of the nasal septum, using a nasal bone flap
- GA lateral recumbency tracheostomy ET tube
- C-shaped (unilateral) or S-shaped (bilateral) incision - nasal bones starting at the level of the medial canthus of the eye and extending rostrad to approximately the middle of the nasal cavity (near level of infraorbital foramen)
- Periosteum incised on midline, extending laterally to nasomaxillary suture, (care stay at least 1 cm medial to infraorbital canal)
- Nasal bone flap w osteotome @ 45-degree angle to create a ridge for the bone flap to rest on after Sx
- Bone flap is made in the shape of the periosteal incision
- Nasal mucosa excised, and choanal membrane resected, along with the caudal nasal septum if necessary
- Area packed with sterile gauze, which exits the nostril and is sutured to the false nostril.
Describe the approach through laryngotomy
- If necessary to operate on a young foal
- Membrane is resected through a laryngotomy
- Place endoscope through the nares to illuminate the persistent membrane
- Laser dissection = unrewarding w profuse hemorrhage associated with recumbency and general anesthesia rapid obscure of endoscopic view
- Membrane is incised best w ligasure
- A nasotracheal tube is placed through the surgically created fenestration and sutured to the false nostrils
- Stents are removed 14 days postoperatively
nasopharyngeal disfunction is observed in foals of what age? what are the clinical signs?
- Foals <1m old
- Endoscopic examination severe nasopharyngeal edema, laryngeal edema, milk pooling in the nasopharynx & persistent DDSP
- Nasopharyngeal dysfunction = resp distress, stridor, dysphagia
What are the treatment options for nasopharyngeal dysfunction?
- If persistent DDSP laryngotomy and tracheostomy tube +/- staphylectomy
- Sx NOT necessary in many foals - support medically for 1m, see if problem resolves
- White muscle disease should be identified & treated
- If dysphagic enteral feeding w nasogastric feeding tube, or parenteral feeding
- Most recover 10-30 days
- Long-term survival = unknown
what should you check ina foal with nasal pharyngeal disfunction?
- CE + endoscopic examination + XR of thorax and pharynx + blood work (IgG) and an arterial blood gas analysis
at what percentage you should not repair the cleft palate?
if >20% missing DO NOT REPAIR
what are the symptoms of cleft palate? dx?
milk from nostrils coughing aspiration pneumonia
oral exam and palpation along with endoscopic exam
What are the surgical approaches to cleft palate?
1) transoral approach
2) laryngotomy
3) pharyngotomy
4) mandibular symhysiotomy
5) pharyngotomy with splitting of the basihyoid bone (reair of caudal third of soft palate)
Should you wait before going to surgery for cleft palate?
YEs, check Ig and give AB and plasma and check for pneumonia to treat first
what is the prefered surgical approach to celft palate?
mandibular symhysiotomy
what happens to prognosis if hard palate is involved?
- If hard palate is involved prognosis drops significantly
what is the prognosis if midline with minimal tissue missing?
- Cleft palate = midline with minimal tissue missing = 50% prognosis
If it is a small defect (1/3 plate) and tracheal aspiration is minimal what is the approach?
- 1/3 soft palate and tracheal aspiration is minimal delay surgery (monitoring for aspiration pneumonia)
- Weaning early decreases tracheal aspiration
- Advantage of delaying = larger oropharynx facilitates Sx
In case of large defaut or significant aspiration pneumonia what should you do?
- LARGE or aspiration is significant
- Sx or euthanasia (poor quality of life and morbidity from chronic aspiration pneumonia)
- Sx = salvage procedure, and it is fraught with complications
- Sutured palatoplasty usually some failure (with complete or partial dehiscence)
- Reoperation is frequently needed
- Pneumonia = serious, life-ending, complication
describe the surgical approach of mandibular symphysiotomy
- GA dorsal recumbency- tracheotomy
- Incise from hyoid lower lip
- Skin and gingiva over mandibular symphysis completely incised
- Before splitting the symphysis, a hole is prepared to facilitate realignment of the bones during closure.
- Mandibular symphysis severed using a scalpel blade (neonate), or osteotome/oscillating bone saw
- Avoid incising the lip to minimize postoperative dehiscence and discomfort
- Transverse incision at the base of the lip and lip moved caudad access to symphysis
- After splitting symphysis, lip is moved orally
- Surgical dissection along the right ramus of the mandible, and the attachments of the mylohyoid, geniohyoid, and genioglossus muscles are transected, exposing the buccal mucosa.
- Buccal mucosa is sharply incised
- Rami of the mandibles retracted
- Malleable retractor may be inserted through the laryngotomy over the base of the tongue to push the tongue out of the surgical field
- Moist towels should be used to retract the mandibles
- Cleft repaired
- Mandibles are apposed and stabilized with a Steinmann pin & hemicerclage wire + central incisors are wired together
- Buccal mucosa - closed, and geniohyoid and mylohyoid muscle layers - apposed
- lip is replaced
- Laryngotomy is left open
- Skin closed w interrupted sutures (2 cm gaps up to laryngotomy) drainage
describe soft palate repair in soft palate
- Sx light directed into incision
- Pharyngotomy approach- videoendoscope placed orally
- Mandibular symphysiotomy approach- endoscope placed through laryngotomy
- Stay sutures are passed through SP at the caudal extent of the cleft, and are secured at the laryngotomy site
- Thin strip of mucosa is excised from each edge of the cleft, and a narrow incision is extended into the palate using a No. 12 hooked blade
- Nasal mucosa is closed first, beginning at the caudal free margin of SP (picture shows opposite direction), using 2-0 absorbable suture in a simple-continuous pattern * Oral mucosa and muscular layers are closed together using absorbable sutures in a horizontal mattress pattern (see Figure 45-31, H)
- Silk has excellent handling characteristics and good knot security
- Oral mucosa is closed with absorbable material in a simple-continuous pattern
- Tension dehiscence
- Tension-relieving incisions are made parallel to the closure plane in the lateral mucosa axial to the molar teeth
- OR - interrupted vertical mattress sutures placed in palate to relieve the tension
- Tensor veli palatini muscle can be transected bilaterally or osteotomy of the hamulus of the pterygoid can be performed to decrease tension
- (may PI)
- Difficult to repair the caudal end of SP
- Combined transoral and laryngotomy can be an alternative to mandible symphisiotomy
- To gain better access to the caudal aspect of SP, the thyroid cartilage may be split sagittal
- Sutured with three single interrupted sutures of No. 2 monofilament nylon
- The incision of cricothyroid membrane is closed in a simple-continuous pattern with 2-0 polyglactin 910
- SQ and skin are left to heal by second intention
describe hard palate repair in cleft palate
- Performed mucoperiosteal flaps
- Mucoperiosteal incision is made parallel to the maxilla from the junction of the HP and SP
- Mucoperiosteum is elevated to the edge of the defect using a periosteal elevator
- Care = palatine artery = emerges from palatine foramina at the caudolateral aspect of the hard palate at the level of the 2nd molar tooth
- Flap is elevated and moved axially
- Sutured together with horizontal mattress sutures
- The defects along the lateral aspect of each mucoperiosteal flap heal by second intention
what is the posoperative care of the foal following cleft palate repair?
- If only SP repaired – foal can nurse
- If SP defect was extensive or hard palate was repaired, nasogastric feeding tube or parenteral feeding for 7 to 10 days
- AB min 5 days
- Oral exam (by looking in the mouth, not by digital palpation), but NOT endoscopic examination during the early postop period
What are the common complications of soft palate?
- Dehiscence = most likely and severe complication
- Apparent within 7-14d
- Nasal reflux and coughing
- Other complications include pneumonia, osteomyelitis of the mandible, salivary fistulas, and incisional infections