ch 8 - appendicular skeleton Flashcards
bones of the appendicular skeleton
- pectoral girdle (clavicle and scapula)
- humerus
- ulna
- radius
-carpal bones - metacarpal bones
- phalanges
- pelvic girdle
- femur
fibula - tarsal bones
- metatarsal bones
- phalanges
pectoral girdle
includes the clavicle and scapula
s-shaped, groove is always facing down
medial end of clavicle
the sternal end (flat end)
lateral end of clavicle
acromial end
shoulder blade
spine (scapula)
posterior of the scapula; runs horizantally
the flattened lateral portion of the spine; articulates with lateral end of clavicle
bones of the upper limb (6)
- humerus
-carpal bones - metacarpal bones
- phalanges
pelvic girdle bones
- coxal bones (2)
bones of the lower limb
- femur
- patella
- tibia
- fibula
- tarsal
- metatarsal
- phalanges
scapula (x2) angles and borders
- superior
- lateral
- inferior
- medial
- lateral
- superior
scapula processes (3)
- spine of scapula
- acromion process
- coracoid process
scapula fossas (4)
- subscapular
- glenoid
parts of the humerus
head of the humerus (medial)
anatomical neck
surgical neck
greater and lesser tubercle
intertubercular groove
deltoid tuberosity
conydle - capitulum (LAT) + trochlea (MED)
radial fossa (above capitulum)
coronoid fossa (above trochlea)
medial epicondycle
lateral epicondycle
olecranon fossa
parts of the ulna (proximal to distal) (7)
olecranon process
coronoid process
trochlear notch
radial notch
head of ulna (distal)
styloid process of ulna
parts of the radius (prox to distal) (5)
radial head
radial tuberosity
shaft of radius
styloid process of radius
carpal bones, proximal row
carpal bones, distal row
metacarpal bones, 1-5
polex is no. 1
pinky is no. 5
phalanges (14)
pollex: proximal and distal
other fingers have proximal, intermediate, distal
On which bones do you find the Greater tubercle, and Bicipital groove?
which bone do you find trochanters
the two bones that make the forearm
ulna (medial)
radius (head)
the 3 bones that make up the pelvic girdle
Ilium: superior
Ischium: posterior and inferior
Pubis: anterior and inferior
Which part of ischium do you sit on?
Ischial tuberosity
differences between male and female pelvis
which tarsal bone articulates with the tibia at the ankle joint
parts of the ilium (9)
- iliac crest
- illiac fossa
-anterior superior iliac spine - anterior inferior iliac spine
- posterior superior iliac spine
- posterior inferior iliac spine
-arcuate line - greater sciatic notch (posterior)
- acetabalum
parts of the ischium (4)
- ischial spine
- lesser sciatic notch
- ischial tuberosity
- obturator foramen
parts of the pubis (1)
pubis tubercle
parts of the femur (proximal to distal) (14)
- head of the femur
- fovea capitis
- neck of femur
- greater trochanter
- lesser trochanter
- intertrochantic crest
- gluteal tuberosity
- shaft of the femur
- linea aspera
- medial condyle
- lateral condyle
- intercondylar fossa
- medial epicondyle
lateral epicondyle
2 bones of the lower leg
tibia (medial) and fibula (lateral)
parts of the tibia (medial) proximal to distal (7)
medial condyle of tibia
lateral condyle of tibia
intercondylar eminence
tibial tuberosity (anterior)
shaft of the tibia
anterior margin
medial malleolus
parts of the fibula (lateral) (3
proximal head
distal end: lateral malleolus
parts of the tarsal bones (7)
calcaneus (heel)
medial cuneiform
intermediate cuneiform
lateral cuneiform
numbering of metatarsal bones
pollex is 1
pinky is 5
In a female, the angle at the pubic symphysis is greater than
90 degrees
The bone of the ankle that is just posterior to the medial cuneiform is called the
navicular bone
The malleolus of the fibula is always on the __________ aspect of the leg.
The large medial bone of the lower leg is the
The largest carpal bone in the hand is the __________.
Weight transfer occurs along the __________ of the foot.
longitudinal arch
At its proximal end, the round head of the humerus articulates with the
The trochlea of the humerus articulates with what bone?
The fovea capitis is a depression in
the femoral head