ch 10 - lecture review Flashcards
layer of collagen fibers that surrounds entire muscle and separates it from surrounding to tissues
surrounds fascicles
surrounds individual muscle cells
what is the organization of a muscle tissue
Muscle fiber
Muscle tissue
bundles of contractile protein filaments
collections of myofilaments that are responsible for muscle contraction
muscle fiber
muscle cell
bundle of muscle fiber
muscle tissue
2 types of myofilament
actin (thin) and myosin (thick)
plasma membrane of a muscle fiber
cytoplasm of a muscle fiber
transverse tubules (t-tubules)
narrow tubes continuous with the sarcolemma, which extend from the surface of the muscle fiber deep into the sarcoplasm
repeating structural and functional units of a myofibril
sarcoplasmic reticulum
tubular network similar to smooth ER that surrounds each myofibril and forms terminal cisternae
terminal cisternae
store calcium and attach to T tubules
2 cisternae plus a T tubule
A bands
dark bands, which run the length of the thick filaments
subdivisions of A band
M line
H band
zone of overlap
M line
vertical line in center of A band; contains proteins that stabilize the position of the thick filaments
H band
made only of thick filaments and extends on either side of the M line
I band
light bands that contain only thin filaments
which segments in a sarcomere, shorten during contraction?
H and I bands
the 4 different types of protein that make up a myofibril.
Which protein does the myosin head bind to during contraction?
which ion helps in contraction process
sliding filament theory
during a contraction, thin filaments slide toward the center of the sarcomere (M line) alongside the thick filaments
Excitation- Contraction coupling?
the link between the generation of an action potential in the sarcolemma and the start of muscle contraction
neuromuscular junction
the synapse between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber
parts of nmj
axon terminal: expanded end of the axons of the motor neuron
motor end plate: folded membrane of the skeletal muscle fiber at the NMJ
synaptic cleft: space between the axon terminal and motor end plate
motor unit
a motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it controls
thin filament contain
- filamentous actin (f-actin)
- nebulin
- tropomyosin
- troponin
filamentous actin (f-actin)
twisted strand composed of 2 rows of G-actin molecules
active sites on G-actin bind to
holds the F actin strands together
covers the active sites on G-actin and prevents actin-myosin interaction
globular protein that holds tropomyosin in place and binds to calcium ions
contraction steps (6)
- brain stimulates muscle contraction + releases action potential
- terminal cisternae releases Ca to bind to troponin
- troponin becomes flat when Ca binds
- tropomyosin slips off which exposes active sites on G-actin
- myosin heads binds to exposed active sites
- power stroke/musclencontracts
Bone to muscle
blending of epi, peri, and endomysium that forms a broad sheet at the end of a muscle
thin filament consists of
pair of F actin molecules twisted together