BIO - TERMS - GENERAL PT 9 Flashcards
A localized accumulation of pus.
The true thermodynamic activity or potential of a substance, as distinct from its molar concentration.
adipose tissue
Connective tissue specialized for the storage of large amounts of triacylglycerols. See also brown adipose tissue; white adipose tissue.
affective neuroscience
The study of the neural basis of mood and emotion.
alga (plural: algae)
A photosynthetic eukaryote; may be unicellular, filamentous, or multicellular but lack the tissues found in plants.
Allopatric speciation
Speciation occurring at least in part because of geographic isolation.
A severe loss of memory or the ability to learn. See also anterograde amnesia, retrograde amnesia.
(an′ū-rizm) Ballooning of an artery due to a weakened vessel wall; it is susceptible to rupture, leading to severe bleeding.
(an-te-brā′kē-ŭm) Forearm.
A substance that kills parasites.
An apolipoprotein that activates lipoprotein lipase.
arachnoid mater
(ă-rak′noyd mah′ter) Spider weblike meningeal layer; located between the dura mater and the pia mater.
An asexual fungal spore formed by fragmentation of a septate hypha.
A chain-growth polymer in which the stereochemistry of the substituents is oriented randomly along the backbone.
The sense of hearing.
axon collateral
A branch of an axon.
Basal mutation rate
Mutation rate in the absence of mutagens.
The position next to an aromatic ring.
Binomial coefficient
The term that gives the number of ways of obtaining the two possible outcomes in an experiment in which only two outcomes are possible.
biological transmission
The transmission of a pathogen from one host to another when the pathogen reproduces in the vector.
Block copolymers
Polymers in which different blocks of identical monomer units alternate with one another.
bottom-up attention
Attention reflexively directed to a salient external stimulus; also called exogenous attention.
bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)
Organized lymphoid tissue found in the bronchi in some animals. Adult humans do not normally have such organized lymphoid tissue in the respiratory tract, but it may be present in some infants and children.
Heating an ore in order to decompose it and drive off a volatile product.
cardiac cycle
Events taking place in the heart during one heart beat.
cation-exchange resin
An insoluble polymer with fixed negative charges, used in the chromatographic separation of cationic substances.
(se-fal′ik) Relating to the head area.
A hard sore, the center of which ulcerates.
chemical property
A property that a substance displays only by changing its composition via a chemical change.
Inflammation of the gallbladder.
cis face
Face on the same or near side.
Boranes that have the formula B₁₂H₁₂²⁻ and form the full icosohedral shape.
Cold chain
A supply chain in which the low temperatures required to preserve vaccines (and other biological agents) are maintained continuously. (Chapter 8)
Common Mycorrhizal Network (CMN)
Physical connection of a range of plants by fungal hyphae.
concentrated solution
A solution that contains a large amount of solute relative to the amount of solvent.
conjugated sequence
A method of sequencing training to take advantage of training residuals developed with periods of concentrated loading; also called the coupled successive system.
Cope rearrangement
The sigmatropic rearrangement of a 1,5-hexadiene.
A second stain applied to a smear, provides contrast to the primary stain.
The phase of a fever characterized by vasodilation and sweating.
A carotenoid found in saffron. It may reduce physical fatigue and improve sleep quality. It is better known for its potential to combat cancer.
The inorganic form of copper with a +2 charge.
A particle accelerator in which a charged particle is accelerated in an evacuated ring-shaped tube by an alternating voltage applied to each semicircular half of the ring.
de novo
Arising anew, afresh, once more.
The removal of microorganisms in an area; also called degermation.
density of training
The frequency at which an athlete performs a series of repetitions of work per unit of time.
A covalent cross-link in elastin.
Muscle that separates the thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity; aids in breathing.
A potent androgen formed from testosterone by 5α-reductase in androgen target tissues.
direct contact transmission
A method of spreading infection from one host to another through some kind of close association between the hosts.
A condition where diverticula, or outpocketings, of the colon become inflamed and infected.
The amount of energy absorbed by bodily tissues as a result of exposure to radiation.
E2 reaction
A bimolecular elimination reaction in which C-H and C-X bond cleavages are simultaneous.
Symbiosis between autotrophic plant roots and saprotrophic fungi.
Embden–Meyerhof pathway
An alternative name for glycolysis.
Infection of the lining of the heart (endocardium).
English system
The system of units used in the United States and various other countries in which the inch is the unit of length, the pound is the unit of force, and the ounce is the unit of mass.
(ep-i-kar′dē-ŭm) The visceral (outermost) layer of the heart; also called the serous pericardium.
Equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation
A procedure used to separate macromolecules based on their density (mass per unit volume).
Skin rash. See also enanthem.
(eks-pi-rā′shŭn) To breathe out; exhalation.
(fas′et, fă-set′) Small, flat, shallow articulating surface; smooth area on a bone.
(faw′sēz) Opening between the oral cavity and the oropharynx.
Fingerprint region
The complex region of the infrared spectrum from 1500–400 cm⁻¹.
fluid-phase C3 convertase
Short-lived alternative pathway C3 convertase, C3(H20)Bb, that is continually produced at a low level in the plasma that can initiate activation of the alternative pathway of complement.
fourth ventricle
The CSF-filled space within the hindbrain.
frontal lobe
The region of the cerebrum lying anterior to the central sulcus under the frontal bone.
Denatured collagen.
global warming
Retention of solar heat by gases in the atmosphere.
Grignard reagent (RMgX)
An organomagne sium halide.
heat (or enthalpy) of sublimation (ΔHsub)
The amount of heat required to sublime 1 mol of a solid to a gas.
An iron overload syndrome.
(he-pat′ik) Relating to the liver.