BIO - TERMS - GENERAL PT 2 Flashcards
absolute volume
The total volume or duration of the work that the individual performs in a session, including rest intervals.
acute disease
A disease in which symptoms develop rapidly but last for only a short time.
Adrenogenital syndrome
Inherited defects of corticosteroid synthesis that lead to overproduction of adrenal androgens.
Ability to rapidly change direction and accelerate or decelerate in response to an external cue.
A nonaromatic hydrocarbon such as a simple alkane, alkene, or alkyne.
The position next to a double bond. For example, H2C=CHCH2Br is an allylic bromide.
An environment in which building of tissue can occur.
ankylosing spondylitis
Inflammatory disease of the spine leading to vertebral fusion strongly associated with HLA-B27.
anterograde transport
Axoplasmic transport from a neuron’s soma to the axon terminal.
A partial or complete loss of language abilities following brain damage. See also Broca’s aphasia, conduction aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia.
(ap′ō-nū-rō′sis; pl., aponeuroses, -sēz) Flattened, sheetlike tendon.
area 17
Primary visual cortex.
aseptic surgery
Techniques used in surgery to prevent microbial contamination of the patient.
(at′las) The first cervical vertebra.
Equipment for sterilization by steam under pressure, usually operated at 15 psi and 121°C.
axoplasmic transport
The process of transporting materials down an axon.
basic emotions
A small set of emotions thought to be unique indivisible experiences that are innate and universal across cultures.
bi-cycle plan
An annual training plan with two major peaks.
The amount of a substance which is not yet directly bioavailable but may become bioavailable in the future, and is considered to be bioaccessible.
Biosafety Level (BSL)
Safety guidelines for working with live microorganisms in a laboratory, four levels called BSL-1 through BSL-4.
boiling point
The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the external pressure.
(brad-ē-kar′dē-ă) A resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute.
An enlarged lymph node caused by inflammation.
(kan-ă-lik′ū-lŭs; pl., canaliculi, -lı̄) Small canal or channel.
Cardiotonic steroids
A class of drugs that inhibits the sodium-potassium ATPase.
Activating subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C).
cerebellar cortex
A sheet of gray matter lying just under the pial surface of the cerebellum.
A fuel similar to coal that is made by heating wood in the absence of air.
chemoaffinity hypothesis
The hypothesis that chemical markers on growing axons are matched with complementary chemical markers on their targets.
(krŏn′ik) Takes place over a long period of time. Compare to acute.
Cis–trans isomers
Stereoisomers that differ in their stereochemistry about a ring or double bond.
A number expressing the amount of some change or effect under certain conditions (for example, the coefficient of inbreeding).
colloidal dispersion (colloid)
A mixture in which a dispersed substance is finely dived but not truly dissolved in a dispersing medium.
competitive exclusion
Growth of some microbes prevents the growth of other microbes.
A lens system located below the microscope stage that directs light rays through the specimen.
Relationship due to descent from a common ancestor.
corpus callosum
The great cerebral commissure, consisting of axons connecting the cortex of the two cerebral hemispheres.
Coarse particulate organic matter.
critical period
A limited period of time when a particular aspect of brain development is sensitive to a change in the external environment.
Transverse section. cubital (kū′bi-tal) Relating to the elbow.
(kū-tā′nē-ŭs) Relating to the skin.
cytoarchitectural map
A map, usually of the cerebral cortex, based on cytoarchitectural differences.
(dē-sid′ū-ŭs) Not permanent; e.g., deciduous teeth.
The loss of HX from an alkyl halide. Alkyl halides undergo dehydrohalogenation to yield alkenes on treatment with strong base.
The phase transition from gas to solid.
A characteristic of the classical laws of motion, which imply that present circumstances determine future events.
(dı̄-as′tō-lē) The relaxation phase of a heart chamber.
dimensional theories of emotion
Explanations of emotions in which each emotion is built from emotional components such as level of arousal and emotional strength.
Any treatment used on inanimate objects to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms; a chemical used is called a disinfectant.
Dizygotic (DZ) twins
Two-egg or fraternal twins.
An anticancer drug that inhibits human topoisomerases.
early-onset sarcoidosis
Disease associated with activating NOD2 mutations characterized by inflammation in tissues such as liver.
El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Noncyclic change of circulation in the oceanographic-meteorological system of the equatorial pacific.
emerging infectious disease (EID)
A new or changing disease that is increasing or has the potential to increase in incidence in the near future.
(en′dō-derm) Innermost of the three primary germ layers of the embryo.
enrichment culture
A culture medium used for preliminary isolation that favors the growth of a particular microorganism.
(ep-i-mis′ē-ŭm) A layer of dense, irregular connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle.
Error threshold
A mathematical parameter that measures the complexity of the information that must be maintained to ensure survival of a population. (Chapter 10)
exchange reaction
A chemical reaction that has both synthesis and decomposition components.
extensively drug-resistant (XDR)
M. tuberculosis strains resistant to isoniazid, rifampin, fluoroquinolones, and at least one more drug.
(fal′si-fōrm) Having a crescent or sickle shape; e.g., falciform ligament.
The inorganic form of iron with a +3 charge.
The process of sterilizing an inoculating loop by holding it in an open flame.
A base analog used in cancer chemotherapy.
Frasch process
An industrial process for the recovery of sulfur that uses superheated water to liquefy sulfur deposits in Earth’s crust and bring the molten sulfur to the surface.
Gametophytic incompatibility
A botanical phenomenon controlled by the complex S locus in which a pollen grain cannot fertilize an ovule produced by a plant that carries the same S allele as the pollen grain. For example, S1 pollen cannot fertilize an ovule made by an S1/S2 plant.
Germ line
The tissue that ultimately produces the gametes.
The synthesis in adipocytes of glycerol 3-phosphate from pyruvate for use in triacylglycerol synthesis.
H5N1 avian flu
A highly pathogenic influenza subtype responsible for ‘bird flu’.
heat capacity (C)
The quantity of heat required to change a system’s temperature by 1 °C.
Hemoglobin Bart
A γ4 tetramer, in patients with α-thalassemia.
Animal that feeds on plants.