Anatomy_Key Terms_Ch3 Flashcards
prenatal period
”"”before birth”” is the time between conception (the union of a egg and a sperm cell) and birth”
embryonic period
first 8 weeks of the prenatal period
fetal period
remaining 30 weeks of the prenatal period
technically, the stage in prenatal development between the third or fourth and eighth weeks inclusive. However, informally can encompass all stages (the early form of the body)
”"”the young in the womb”””
immature egg
“fertilized oocyte (““a union””)”
early division of cells, in which they multiply but grow smaller and smaller due to lack of time for cell growth
”"”mulberry””, 12-16 cells generated by cleavage by about 72 hours after fertilization”
”"”bud or sprout; bag””, during day 4 the late morula (now ~60 cells) enters the uterus, takes up fluid which gathers into a central cavity–the new fluid-filled struture is called”
inner cell mass
cluster of cells on one side of the blastocyst cavity
(tropho=nourishment), the layer of cells surrounding the cavity
blastocyst starts to burrow into the wall of the uterus (day 6 for about a week)
bilaminar embryonic disc
made up of the epiblast and the hypoblast, 2 sheets of cells whose extensions form two fluid-filled sacs (about 9 days after fertilization)
outer membrane of the amniotic sac (formed by an extension of the eiblast)
amniotic sac cavity
“filled with amniotic fluid, buffers the developing embryo and fetus from physical shock until the time of birth (the water in ““water broke””)”
yolk sac
formed by an extension of the hypoblast, holds insignificant amount of yolk but the digestive tube forms from part of it; tissue around the ylok sac gives rise to the earliest blood cells and blood vessels
embryo grows from a two-layered disk to a three-layered disc during week 3; forms the three primary germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm), the layers from which all body tissues develop
primitive streak
raised groove appears on the dorsal surface of the eiblast days 14-15; epiblast cells migrate inward at this streak
the first cells that migrate through the primative streak displace the cells of the underlying hypoblast to become the endoderm (day 14-15)
(starting on day 16) the ingressing (through primitive streak) epiblast cells form a new layer between epiblast and endoderm, the mesoderm
“the epiblast cells that remain on the embryo’s dorsal surface make up the ectoderm”
epithelial tissues
or epithelia, sheets of tightly joined cells
mescenchyme tissue
”"”middle fluid””, any embryonic tissue with star-shaped cells that do not attach to one another”
primitive node
at one end of the primitive streak; cells go to form the notochord
defines the body axis and is the site of the future vertebral column (appears on day 16, and by day 18 it reaches the future head region)
the forming of the spinal cord and brain
the ability of one group of cells to influence the developmental direction of other cells
primitive gut
develops into the digestive tube and respiratory structures
limb buds
the first rudiments of the limbs appear around day 28
premature births
one that occurs before 38 weeks after conception
”"”before birth”” is the time between conception (the union of a egg and a sperm cell) and birth”
prenatal period
first 8 weeks of the prenatal period
embryonic period
remaining 30 weeks of the prenatal period
fetal period
technically, the stage in prenatal development between the third or fourth and eighth weeks inclusive. However, informally can encompass all stages (the early form of the body)
”"”the young in the womb”””
immature egg
“fertilized oocyte (““a union””)”
early division of cells, in which they multiply but grow smaller and smaller due to lack of time for cell growth
”"”mulberry””, 12-16 cells generated by cleavage by about 72 hours after fertilization”
”"”bud or sprout; bag””, during day 4 the late morula (now ~60 cells) enters the uterus, takes up fluid which gathers into a central cavity–the new fluid-filled struture is called”
cluster of cells on one side of the blastocyst cavity
inner cell mass
(tropho=nourishment), the layer of cells surrounding the cavity
blastocyst starts to burrow into the wall of the uterus (day 6 for about a week)
made up of the epiblast and the hypoblast, 2 sheets of cells whose extensions form two fluid-filled sacs (about 9 days after fertilization)
bilaminar embryonic disc
outer membrane of the amniotic sac (formed by an extension of the eiblast)
“filled with amniotic fluid, buffers the developing embryo and fetus from physical shock until the time of birth (the water in ““water broke””)”
amniotic sac cavity
formed by an extension of the hypoblast, holds insignificant amount of yolk but the digestive tube forms from part of it; tissue around the ylok sac gives rise to the earliest blood cells and blood vessels
yolk sac
embryo grows from a two-layered disk to a three-layered disc during week 3; forms the three primary germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm), the layers from which all body tissues develop
raised groove appears on the dorsal surface of the eiblast days 14-15; epiblast cells migrate inward at this streak
primitive streak
the first cells that migrate through the primative streak displace the cells of the underlying hypoblast to become the endoderm (day 14-15)
(starting on day 16) the ingressing (through primitive streak) epiblast cells form a new layer between epiblast and endoderm, the mesoderm
“the epiblast cells that remain on the embryo’s dorsal surface make up the ectoderm”
or epithelia, sheets of tightly joined cells
epithelial tissues
”"”middle fluid””, any embryonic tissue with star-shaped cells that do not attach to one another”
mescenchyme tissue
at one end of the primitive streak; cells go to form the notochord
primitive node
defines the body axis and is the site of the future vertebral column (appears on day 16, and by day 18 it reaches the future head region)
the forming of the spinal cord and brain
the ability of one group of cells to influence the developmental direction of other cells
develops into the digestive tube and respiratory structures
primitive gut
the first rudiments of the limbs appear around day 28
limb buds
one that occurs before 38 weeks after conception
premature births